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Guys I have a problem
. I got a new motherboard and it won't work with 2 sticks of ram. Both the ram sticks work because I've tried them one at a time...Anyone know a possible fix?
Guys I have a problem. I got a new motherboard and it won't work with 2 sticks of ram. Both the ram sticks work because I've tried them one at a time...Anyone know a possible fix?
All gumstick drives throttle. Most people won't notice it though during normal use.
I was told I could connect extra fans to the psu(molex), with the downside being it would run at max speed all the time.Should I use the fan hub on my case? Or do I plug everything to the motherboard? -.-
So I just picked up a GPU a GTX 1080 founders edition? Does the "founder's edition" do anything special from the other cards?
Some motherboards are more finicky then others. Try one stick in at a time, see if the board boots with a single stick. Also try setting the voltage and speed manually instead of letting the motherboard autoset it.
Worst comes to worst, return the memory and double check the boards compatibility list.
Do you really need a water cooler if you're not overclocking?Ok so, I think I've finalized what I'm getting, any suggestions?
Gigabyte H170 motherboard
Intel i5 6500
Corsair Water Cooler
Should I go for it?
Do you really need a water cooler if you're not overclocking?
I live in SoCal, and it gets hot here most of the time
Should I forego it?
I live in SoCal, and it gets hot here most of the time
Should I forego it?
Get a Cryorig H7, a water cooler is unnecessary.I live in SoCal, and it gets hot here most of the time
Should I forego it?
All-in-one water cooler is fine, imho.
Waste of money since you can't overclock. TBH the stock cooler should be fine. If it's struggling (doubtful), put on something cheap like a 212 Evo or whatnot.
Get a Cryorig H7, a water cooler is unnecessary.
What is the best 1080 card that I can buy? I want something that is a beast out of the box but still has headroom to overclock. Is it the Asus ROG Strix OC or Gigabyte Xtreme or EVGA FTW?
30°C ambient temperature is of course a bit high and will result in higher temperatures both on your gpu and cpu. Still going over 80°C on a 1070 isn't good at all.
What kind of 1070 are you using (name)? Is your case airflow good? Are you applying some kind overclock (e.g. a lot of cables positioned randomly everywhere)? Are your GPU fans dust free?
Try setting a custom fan curve using msi afterburner. Nvidia has really conservative fan profiles from the factory that prioritize acoustics over performance.
If you are keeping the CPU temp at 80, the cores be hitting 100c.
People will always refer to core temps, never CPU temp (this sensor lives at the top centre of the die). Core temps can be 15c higher than the CPU temp and will cause throttling before the CPU temp hits the package limit, normally around 75c.
Keep the core temps below 80 on average, a few spikes here and there are nothing to worry about.
Thanks, LFB. I think I will just stick with my current OC, even though my CPU maxed out at 62C, and it appears that I have a lot of room to run. I don't feel the desire to max out my chip's capability as I don't play anything so demanding that that extra power would be a must, but this is certainly good information to keep in mind.
Arma 3 is not the most optimized game out there from what I've heard.
Debating if I should pull the trigger for i7 6700k or wait for Kaby Lake. I know the jump is only ~10%. You guys think I should wait? Is it for sure coming out in December, or is January/February possible? It's getting too hard for me to resist the upgrade itch D:
What are the specs of your current system?
I was told I could connect extra fans to the psu(molex), with the downside being it would run at max speed all the time.
Would you guys recommend that? or no?
I have a 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz, 980 TI, and 8GB of RAM. I'm finding there's moments of stuttering in Deus Ex, which I'm attributing to either having only 8GB of RAM or my oldish CPU. I game at 1440p for what it's worth. Honestly if Kaby Lake were either coming out next month or far off in the future, it'd make it easier decision. ~Four months is just that awkward time frame that makes me so indecisive.
RIP 7970. It was a gift. Launch 7970 that did 1 Ghz.
Tried everything but it just didn't boot. Running with an old 6850 I had lying around.
FPS counter went down to like 45% of what i had before. The struggle is real.
I have a 2500k @ 4.5 Ghz, 980 TI, and 8GB of RAM. I'm finding there's moments of stuttering in Deus Ex, which I'm attributing to either having only 8GB of RAM or my oldish CPU. I game at 1440p for what it's worth. Honestly if Kaby Lake were either coming out next month or far off in the future, it'd make it easier decision. ~Four months is just that awkward time frame that makes me so indecisive.
Try baking it. Seriously. You got nothing else to lose at this point anyway!
Re-reading the news articles on kaby lake it seems like the mobile chips will be out in Jan, and then maybe a month or two after the desktop parts will be released. So if you really want to build now just get a skylake. They are plenty fast.
Isn't DX's performance kind bad atm? Or have they patched it up? I mean unless you have 20 tabs open, I don't think the ram would affect it that much.
Try baking it. Seriously. You got nothing else to lose at this point anyway!
I already bought it, the founders edition. Paid $550.00 for it. So I have no choice now.Founder's Edition is Nvidia's term for their reference cards. They feature a blower style cooler and not fans like the non reference models from MSI, EVGA, and the like. Depending on your setup it might be noisy and not cool as well. Most people prefer to get the non reference models. Nvidia jacked up the proceeds for their founder's Edition, so I'd say it's not worth it if you can get an EVGA for a lower price.
Possibly dumb question: I have a really recent install of Win 10 on my SSD, do I need to do a fresh install with a new mobo/CPU?
4. Any other suggestions/improvements/removals in general?
Possibly dumb question: I have a really recent install of Win 10 on my SSD, do I need to do a fresh install with a new mobo/CPU?
No don't do that.
You have 3 fan headers if your CPU cooler has 1 fan.
Get the 3/4 pin splitters if you need more.
Okay, but could you tell me why you don't recommend it?
I'm new to this, so I'd like to learn as much as possible.![]()
Hi folks,
Hope you can assist with my build. If you could advise the best I could get for my budget that would be appreciated.
Budget: £800
Requirements: Gaming pc. At least 16 GB ram.
Note: I already have a screen / all accessories.
Hi folks,
Hope you can assist with my build. If you could advise the best I could get for my budget that would be appreciated.
Budget: £800
Requirements: Gaming pc. At least 16 GB ram.
Note: I already have a screen / all accessories.
Hi folks,
Hope you can assist with my build. If you could advise the best I could get for my budget that would be appreciated.
Budget: £800
Requirements: Gaming pc. At least 16 GB ram.
Note: I already have a screen / all accessories.
I have an i5-3570k with a mild overclock (4GHz), 8GB RAM and a RX 480, and VR has been great for me - only resource heavy stuff has had a little struggle, and that's more to do with the RX 480 being almost the bare minimum rather than the CPU.
Thanks for the responses! Saves me about $500 on parts!Your current mobo and cpu are fine for now.
Hi folks,
Hope you can assist with my build. If you could advise the best I could get for my budget that would be appreciated.
Budget: £800
Requirements: Gaming pc. At least 16 GB ram.
Note: I already have a screen / all accessories.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£213.34 @ Aria PC)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£29.99 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard: MSI Z170-A PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard (£85.99 @ CCL Computers)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory (£67.98 @ Ebuyer)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£42.99 @ Ebuyer)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1060 6GB ARMOR OC Video Card (£227.89 @ More Computers)
Case: NZXT S340 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case (£69.98 @ Novatech)
Power Supply: Corsair CX 430W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£47.59 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £785.75
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-09-13 15:08 BST+0100
doesn't include the price of windows license.
Thanks for the responses! Saves me about $500 on parts!