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"I Need a New PC!" 2016 Plus Ultra! HBM2, VR, 144Hz, and 4K for all!

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Thanks for the answer. Should I purchase a new cpu cooler too?

It's not necessary. It is an H board so you can't overclock it. Well, technically, some H boards were made possible to overclock, not sure if yours was but it's not recommended anyway. I suggested the 4790k because it runs at 4Ghz at stock, with boost to 4.4 so it's the best upgrade you can do without changing everything else.

Basically, if the current stock CPU cooler is ok for you, noise and temp wise, there is no need to purchase new one.


Really excited for Zen reviews early next year. If the 4-core version performs similarly to an i7-4790 and sells for around $250 or less it'll be great.
If you're going to quote tests, pick one that's either more comprehensive in its selection or published in the last couple of years. Notice that there are zero Cryorig coolers in that Anandtech comparison. And only one Bequiet cooler--that's four years old. Both companies make models better than the 212 in every category for $10-$20 more, which again, is less than the premium on some of the other parts in the original poster's build.

That cooler sucks. There are better things that deserve a defense force.

The volume of a decibel didn't change in the last few years. The point of showing that was specifically related to your claim that the 212 wasn't quiet.

BTW, I'm still waiting for you to provide anything that isn't just your opinion... Please show your proof that the 212 isn't a good, quiet cooler for stock CPUs please.

You keep missing the point. No one has ever claimed that there aren't better coolers than the 212, just that it's a great choice for that person's specific use case.

So what if there are better coolers for 10 or 20 dollars more when the 212 is going to silently cool his stock cpu anyway? That's still $10 or $20 wasted.

And please stop with the defense force bullshit... I'm not defending the 212, I'm calling out your claim that the poster should blow money on a more expensive part that he has no use for. Your only reasoning for him getting it is because it exists, not that it'll provide any noticeable improvement for him. That's horrible advice.

I'll always defend a person's interests when someone else is trying to sell them on bullshit.

...your reasoning doesn't make any logical sense from the consumer's standpoint.

How do you justify telling someone that a perfectly good well priced cooler that will silently cool their stock CPU is shitty and that they need to buy a more expensive cooler? You realize that high end coolers are enthusiast parts meant to be used for overclocking, right?


144Hz is a multiple of 24, so it's actually perfect for movie playback. :)

And I don't think you can set the refresh rate to 24 on these monitors.

Cool, that's basically my setup!

You can actually. Well, it changes it to 23 automatically for some reason, but close enough I guess.

Acer XB270HU, as mentioned before.
Oh, alright!

I was under the impression it wasn't possible on this monitor. I guess it doesn't matter anyway, as it's not really beneficial when you already can output 144Hz, or 120.

But I'll make sure to try that when my unit arrives. I'm curious if ReClock is 100% useless in that case and if picture quality is the same.


but the praise for G-Sync has been insane. "The ultimate gaming upgrade" has been mentioned a hundred times in here, at least.

Thats mostly because people come from 60hz screens and what they are WOWing is 60->144hz not gsync.
Sure gsync can be good if your fps is not stable I guess but I would not myself pay that much extra for gsync.
I usually try to set my games to have high and stable fps so meh.
Sure some games I might want to play on very good settings so my fps can be 60-80(witcher3) so then it could be useful but for 200€ extra...


My 390 is showing it's age slowly, especially at 1440p,l which is my native res.
Sadly there is no substitute from AMD and the 1070 prices are a bit too much for me atm. :-(

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Cooler talk got pretty heated! I've decided to go K series for my CPU and allow for some oc if I want so the pricier cooler won't be a waste - thanks again for all your help!

Now to wait til Black Friday to see if I can get anything on sale...

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor ($324.89 @ OutletPC)
CPU Cooler: CRYORIG H7 49.0 CFM CPU Cooler ($43.53 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Asus Z170I PRO GAMING Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard ($159.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($71.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial MX300 525GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($124.85 @ B&H)
Storage: Toshiba 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($68.88 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 1070 8GB Video Card ($449.00 @ NCIX US)
Case: Fractal Design Define Nano S Mini ITX Desktop Case ($54.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: Corsair RMx 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit ($88.88 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: Noctua NF-P14s redux-1200 PWM 64.9 CFM 140mm Fan ($19.88 @ OutletPC)
Case Fan: Noctua NF-P14s redux-1200 PWM 64.9 CFM 140mm Fan ($19.88 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1506.75
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-09-16 07:11 EDT-0400



First time trying to toy around with OC'ing my CPU.

For many years I've always just used the stock Intel cooler and kept everything at the normal baseline, but since I bought an i7 6700k which does not come with it's own cooler, I had to pick up an aftermarket cooler.

I grabbed a Noctua NH-S12U as per the picture I posted in my last post. I did research on what sort of fan would fit in my case in terms of measurements with the parts I have, and this specific fan was the best I could buy that would accommodate my current case.

I know some you guys recommend the D14, but according to my measurements, I'd have some clearance issues with my ram so I opted in getting the S14 instead.

I am trying to OC my 6700k to a stable 4.5Ghz without the VCore set to Auto in the BIOS. I want to know what is a appropriate setting to use since the 6700k's Turbo Clock is 4.2Ghz, so a 300Mhz bump isn't an agressive OC by any means, but I want to make sure I do this right without adding undue stress to my CPU by having the voltage set higher than it needs to be. and if I can get away with keeping my CPU at stock voltages with the modicum OC, I'm aiming for, I'd greatly appreciate any help to do this right.

First time trying to toy around with OC'ing my CPU.

For many years I've always just used the stock Intel cooler and kept everything at the normal baseline, but since I bought an i7 6700k which does not come with it's own cooler, I had to pick up an aftermarket cooler.

I grabbed a Noctua NH-S12U as per the picture I posted in my last post. I did research on what sort of fan would fit in my case in terms of measurements with the parts I have, and this specific fan was the best I could buy that would accommodate my current case.

I know some you guys recommend the D14, but according to my measurements, I'd have some clearance issues with my ram so I opted in getting the S14 instead.

I am trying to OC my 6700k to a stable 4.5Ghz without the VCore set to Auto in the BIOS. I want to know what is a appropriate setting to use since the i6700k's Turbo Clock is 4.2Ghz, so a 300Mhz bump isn't an agressive OC by any means, but I want to make sure I do this right without adding undue stress to my CPU by having the voltage set higher than it needs to be. and if I can get away with keeping my CPU at stock voltages with the modicum OC, I'm aiming for, I'd greatly appreciate any help to do this right.

It's possible for sure just depends if you have a good enough chip. Check out what your voltage is under load and then enter it in manually in bios and set the multiplier to 45 and try it out. Dont worry about the locked voltage for now you just want to see if 4.5 is possible at stock voltage. Just be prepared to spend afew hours finding the right settings then give it a good round of stress testing.


Guys i have a question: a friend bought the i7 6700K and he's cooling it with a Cryorig H5 Universal. Idle temps are in the 25-32° range, with some random peaks around 40° (not sure for how long), in game with TW3 it can go up to 66° and with benchmarks it reached 70°. Is this ok or the temps are a bit too high considering he's using the H5? We want to be sure that he applied the thermal paste correctly and that the installation of the cooler went fine. Should be noted that he set the fans in "silent mode" from the bios.
So last week my video card (an HD6850) fried thanks to a lightning strike. I'm not looking to rebuild my entire PC at the moment, just to get something inexpensive to hold me over that would have the same performance as the 6850. What are some good options? The R7 360 even seems like overkill, but I've been out of the market for so long.


All this HDR talk I'm seeing is making me regret my monitor purchase. I got the Asus ROG SWIFT 1440p 144hz and next year there will probably be a new model with HDR. :/

I wonder how much I could sell this one next year to get a new one.
I'm really annoyed. I want to get a new card to replace my 280x on an 8350. Just looking at 1080p60 as the goal and I can't decide if I wanna spend the extra and get a 480 or just stick with a 470. I mean I can get a 470 for like 179 out the door at jet.com. 480s are just still stupid overpriced.


Junior Member
I see some talk that the 6600k can get near 6700k in performance when both are overclocked. Does anyone have any experience or this? Is the hyperthreading a point in making the CPU one buys now more future proof?
I see some talk that the 6600k can get near 6700k in performance when both are overclocked. Does anyone have any experience or this? Is the hyperthreading a point in making the CPU one buys now more future proof?

In most games there will be little to no difference between an overclocked 6600k and 6700k. But in overall performance, no the 6600k can not match the 6700k. You could say HT helps to future proof though as application or games that take advantage of the extra "cores" will just run better on the 6700 its just that most people don't use those programs. If you don't use programs that take advantage of said advantage, you would be better off getting the 6600 and use the saving to get a better gpu or bigger ssd.


I'm really annoyed. I want to get a new card to replace my 280x on an 8350. Just looking at 1080p60 as the goal and I can't decide if I wanna spend the extra and get a 480 or just stick with a 470. I mean I can get a 470 for like 179 out the door at jet.com. 480s are just still stupid overpriced.

A 470 won't be able to do 1080p60 for much longer, at least not at high graphical settings, because 4gb of vram is going to be very limiting come next year. I'd just pony up for the 480 8g now.
I'm really annoyed. I want to get a new card to replace my 280x on an 8350. Just looking at 1080p60 as the goal and I can't decide if I wanna spend the extra and get a 480 or just stick with a 470. I mean I can get a 470 for like 179 out the door at jet.com. 480s are just still stupid overpriced.

If value is of any concern, definitely go for the 470 over the 480.
A 470 won't be able to do 1080p60 for much longer, at least not at high graphical settings, because 4gb of vram is going to be very limiting come next year. I'd just pony up for the 480 8g now.

The 470 is not that much slower than a 480, and there are 8gb models. Besides, I have yet to see a game that can't run 1080p/60fps due to 4gb of vram, you'll have to show me a test from a game that isn't an unoptimized mess that proves that. If you are talking 1440p and above, then I can agree with you.


The 470 is not that much slower than a 480, and there are 8gb models. Besides, I have yet to see a game that can't run 1080p/60fps due to 4gb of vram, you'll have to show me a test from a game that isn't an unoptimized mess that proves that. If you are talking 1440p and above, then I can agree with you.

That's why I mentioned next year, this year and probably well into next year you'll be fine on 4g, but I'm betting all the major titles next year around this time will require <4g for high texture settings. We already see that with games today.

If you're okay with lower graphical settings than the 470 will be fine for a few years, or get the 8g version... but at that point you're pretty much in the same budget as a 480.
My 970 has been crashing out of games and freezing my computer. Not sure why, there isn't any overclock applied to it. Have the most recent drivers. What's the best way to go about troubleshooting issues?
That's why I mentioned next year, this year and probably well into next year you'll be fine on 4g, but I'm betting all the major titles next year around this time will require <4g for high texture settings. We already see that with games today.

If you're okay with lower graphical settings than the 470 will be fine for a few years, or get the 8g version... but at that point you're pretty much in the same budget as a 480.

At ultra settings with a lot of AA I can see that, but at just high settings in most games isn't a problem. The difference between a sapphire nitro 480 8g and 470 8g is about 40 dollars. Close, but not exactly same budget.


All this HDR talk I'm seeing is making me regret my monitor purchase. I got the Asus ROG SWIFT 1440p 144hz and next year there will probably be a new model with HDR. :/

I wonder how much I could sell this one next year to get a new one.

I dont think HDR will be a thing for pc monitors for long time if ever.
The volume of a decibel didn't change in the last few years. The point of showing that was specifically related to your claim that the 212 wasn't quiet.

BTW, I'm still waiting for you to provide anything that isn't just your opinion... Please show your proof that the 212 isn't a good, quiet cooler for stock CPUs please.

You keep missing the point. No one has ever claimed that there aren't better coolers than the 212, just that it's a great choice for that person's specific use case.

So what if there are better coolers for 10 or 20 dollars more when the 212 is going to silently cool his stock cpu anyway? That's still $10 or $20 wasted.

And please stop with the defense force bullshit... I'm not defending the 212, I'm calling out your claim that the poster should blow money on a more expensive part that he has no use for. Your only reasoning for him getting it is because it exists, not that it'll provide any noticeable improvement for him. That's horrible advice.

I'll always defend a person's interests when someone else is trying to sell them on bullshit.

...your reasoning doesn't make any logical sense from the consumer's standpoint.

How do you justify telling someone that a perfectly good well priced cooler that will silently cool their stock CPU is shitty and that they need to buy a more expensive cooler? You realize that high end coolers are enthusiast parts meant to be used for overclocking, right?

The value of the decibel hasn't changed, but the number of options producing fewer of them has increased. Here's a review of the Cryorig H7.


It's cooler, quieter, easier to install and offers better performance per dollar than the 212, which it was tested against. It even looks better.

Like I've been saying, the 212 is a bad choice unless price is your only criterion. Unless someone is pinching every penny, it's worth the $5 premium to get the better product.
Hey guys I'm building my first PC tomorrow ( I'll have pics) and I wanted to know what game do you guys think I should play first right now I'm thinking about either WOW or skyrim, I've never played either so I wanted to hop in on those. Any other recommendations I play pretty much all genres and I haven't played and games released this year.


is the Intel extreme tuning utility okay for measuring cpu temps? I've been told software like cpu z can have additional unwanted software.

I don't plan on overclocking, I just want to make sure I set the cooler properly, and all.


Hey guys I'm building my first PC tomorrow ( I'll have pics) and I wanted to know what game do you guys think I should play first right now I'm thinking about either WOW or skyrim, I've never played either so I wanted to hop in on those. Any other recommendations I play pretty much all genres and I haven't played and games released this year.
Have you played the fallout games? Those are pretty good. Also, Mad Max is on sale, $10.
Thats mostly because people come from 60hz screens and what they are WOWing is 60->144hz not gsync.
Sure gsync can be good if your fps is not stable I guess but I would not myself pay that much extra for gsync.
I usually try to set my games to have high and stable fps so meh.
Sure some games I might want to play on very good settings so my fps can be 60-80(witcher3) so then it could be useful but for 200&#8364; extra...

Yep, I definitely see where you're coming from. The tough question is how often I'll be under ~120, even if it's just temporary.

The upgrade from 1080p to 1440p makes G-Sync a pretty nice addition though, and since games are getting more demanding as my GPU grows old, it means lower framerates and possibly more stuttering.

Not an easy decision!

Hey guys I'm building my first PC tomorrow ( I'll have pics) and I wanted to know what game do you guys think I should play first right now I'm thinking about either WOW or skyrim, I've never played either so I wanted to hop in on those. Any other recommendations I play pretty much all genres and I haven't played and games released this year.

What kind of rig is it?

GTA V is a great game in many aspects, including showcasing a new PC.

You could also try Obduction, Elite Dangerous, The Witcher 3, The Witness or Dark Souls 3. Great games with great visuals from a variety of genres.

I wouldn't personally go with WoW and Skyrim, but if you're into those you can totally start with them. I mean, it's all about having fun in the end so chose a game you simply want to play.

If you only want to showcase what your PC is capable of, you should probably give Unigine Valley a go.


I played like 2 min of Fallout 3 on a shitty laptop, I was actually contemplating getting fallout 4 too, but I wasnt sure if it's worth it.
You should give them a go. Personally I've only played the last three games, and I had a blast. 4 gets some flak by the more hardcore fallout fans, but it's still a great game. Actually played it on ps4, and I'm considering getting it for PC later on.
Or just force them to be silent all the time. Much cheaper. The fan game is expensive and disappointing.

That's what I've ended up doing for now. I have them fixed at their lowest setting and my cooling is great. Those new maglev fans from Corsair are really tempting me, though... anyone have experience with them?
If you're going to quote tests, pick one that's either more comprehensive in its selection or published in the last couple of years. Notice that there are zero Cryorig coolers in that Anandtech comparison. And only one Bequiet cooler--that's four years old. Both companies make models better than the 212 in every category for $10-$20 more, which again, is less than the premium on some of the other parts in the original poster's build.

That cooler sucks. There are better things that deserve a defense force.

The volume of a decibel didn't change in the last few years. The point of showing that was specifically related to your claim that the 212 wasn't quiet.

BTW, I'm still waiting for you to provide anything that isn't just your opinion... Please show your proof that the 212 isn't a good, quiet cooler for stock CPUs please.

You keep missing the point. No one has ever claimed that there aren't better coolers than the 212, just that it's a great choice for that person's specific use case.

So what if there are better coolers for 10 or 20 dollars more when the 212 is going to silently cool his stock cpu anyway? That's still $10 or $20 wasted.

And please stop with the defense force bullshit... I'm not defending the 212, I'm calling out your claim that the poster should blow money on a more expensive part that he has no use for. Your only reasoning for him getting it is because it exists, not that it'll provide any noticeable improvement for him. That's horrible advice.

I'll always defend a person's interests when someone else is trying to sell them on bullshit.

...your reasoning doesn't make any logical sense from the consumer's standpoint.

How do you justify telling someone that a perfectly good well priced cooler that will silently cool their stock CPU is shitty and that they need to buy a more expensive cooler? You realize that high end coolers are enthusiast parts meant to be used for overclocking, right?

The 212 is a fine cooler. As it turns out, the most important part of the noise of the cooler is the fans, not the tower itself. Obviously, a good tower is going to dissipate more heat. The 212 has a good tower. If you threw some Noctua fans on there, you'd be set. But at that point, adding 2 Noctua fans brings the cost up to a D14/15 price so you might as well jump to a higher price and get the better tower.

Guys i have a question: a friend bought the i7 6700K and he's cooling it with a Cryorig H5 Universal. Idle temps are in the 25-32° range, with some random peaks around 40° (not sure for how long), in game with TW3 it can go up to 66° and with benchmarks it reached 70°. Is this ok or the temps are a bit too high considering he's using the H5? We want to be sure that he applied the thermal paste correctly and that the installation of the cooler went fine. Should be noted that he set the fans in "silent mode" from the bios.

Those temps are fine. Ambient temperature plays a huge part in how well your rig cools, and that rig isn't raising any flags at those temps


is the Intel extreme tuning utility okay for measuring cpu temps? I've been told software like cpu z can have additional unwanted software.

I don't plan on overclocking, I just want to make sure I set the cooler properly, and all.
Seeing as people are discussing temps. I'm going to quote my post. I'd appreciate any help. :)
Hey guys I'm building my first PC tomorrow ( I'll have pics) and I wanted to know what game do you guys think I should play first right now I'm thinking about either WOW or skyrim, I've never played either so I wanted to hop in on those. Any other recommendations I play pretty much all genres and I haven't played and games released this year.

just play what you want. if you are looking for something to impress you then really those 2 games aren't gonna do much. maybe skyrim if you mod it. or if you just want a recommendation for what to play i'd go with skyrim.

games to show off the true power of a pc would be the witcher 3, GTA V, or doom. i'd rank them gta v > doom > the witcher 3 in terms of visuals. gameplay then it'd be the witcher 3 > gta v > doom.
Seeing as people are discussing temps. I'm going to quote my post. I'd appreciate any help. :)

It's fine.

In terms of accurate temperature measurements, there's no software capable of 100% accurate measurements. Don't worry too much about it.

Upgraded from a 1080p to a 1440p 144hz Gsync. It's an Asus but I forgot the model number off hand. I'm running it with a 1070.

Nice. 1080p 60Hz I presume?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Upgraded from a 1080p to a 1440p 144hz Gsync. It's an Asus but I forgot the model number off hand. I'm running it with a 1070.

how big? how are you liking it? i'm aiming for similar goals with my build (1070 powering games to a 1440p 144hz monitor)
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