Put my black friday PC together yesterday on my day off. My harebrained scheme of using the old windows 7 32-bit key I've had lying around since 2010, upgrading it to 10, and then doing a clean install of 64-bit worked with some minor weirdness encountered along the way. The hiccup came after the first windows 10 upgrade, near as I can tell it really didn't like me creating a bootable USB drive to do the clean install while it was doing said upgrade. It fucked the entire OS into an unrecoverable state, and when I tried booting off the USB it said something about how the upgrade had been interrupted midway through. Yet if I tried to do a clean install off the USB it would fail with a message about drivers...turns out that was just because I had the motherboard CD in the drive. Anyways, reinstalling and doing the upgrade again didn't take long. It's more that I've done a Windows 10 upgrade/reinstall about 85 times at this point at work, so I was surprised to see a way for it to go wrong that I hadn't before.
Anyways, build went well. The Enthoo Pro fits the Corsair 115i so well that mounting it took almost no effort, and I was able to easily adjust it mid-build when I ran into some issues getting the CPU power cable in there. Hardest part of the whole thing was getting that goddamn IO shield in.
I went Asus for the motherboard this time, Maximus VIII Hero. I'd always gone for the more budget-minded motherboards in the past, hell my last Gigabyte still had the oldschool BIOS. So this thing's UEFI is something else. My roommate has the previous version of the motherboard so he thankfully was able to help me get a basic overclock up and running, but man there's just a sea of options in that thing.