Budget: $1K
Purpose: Build as cheap as possible with most parts intended for longevity
Games: This year's wish list is just RE7, Prey, and Vanquish - ironically nothing demanding. But it ought to drive open-world games at least on high settings at 50 minimum FPS.
PC history: Current - Radeon 280X, i5 2500, 8 DDR3 1600 (was great until the PS4 Pro launched - have felt the CPU bottleneck in Unity games)
Previous - Radeon 6850, i3 2100, 4 DDR3 1333 (was fantastic last-gen)
- Recycling PSU and SSD with Windows
- Monitor has everything I want - my current setup is a Frankenstein with a no-name TN on the right and a refurbished HannsG VA on the left, both 21.5 inches
- I know GAF is anti-4GB video cards but prices look high right now for 1060/480/580's - how bad could it be if I have Freesync? I think I have high immunity to stutter, I've never noticed millisecond instances. Damn Vega release!
- Can I overclock that RAM to a Ryzen-friendly speed? How necessary is 3200 MHz?
- Motherboard has good drivers/reliability?