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'I really regret my vote now': The Brexit voters who wish they'd voted to remain

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make Britain part of the Eurozone when they come back.

traveling will be much easier for me then. (I really want to find that one Irish pub again lol)


Now I understand the "English Way". Can say they are that so clever as a Nation after this. It is sad how Democracy works these days. People think its a joke to vote. That one do not count and when you start to sum the those votes that "I didn't think I made a difference" writes the history of a Nation.

I only hope my country (Colombia) make things good the the peace treat.


Feels like they voted to leave so that the next day when they learn the UK stays in the EU they can complain how this referendum was rigged from the start...

It's not.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag



So, basically most young people voted to stay, and most old people voted to leave. Pretty sad how the old took the opportunity to fuck up the long term future for the young, a future they probably won't even experience or face the real consequences of. They got theirs, so fuck the rest.



Don't blame the old people. Blame the young people for not voting. Old people knew what they wanted to voted for it. Young people decided to stay in bed and not vote.
Stupid cunts. Stupid, stupid, stupid fucking cunts. Even those who don't regret it... Yet. Especially here in Liverpool. Sat in a takeaway place yesterday listening to a group of old fellas uttering vague self praise like: 'da fukkhin immigrints an' da' and 'getting ridda Cameron'... All of them old enough to remember just how bad a fucking shithole this city was before the EU pumped hundred of millions into it, but also too fucking ignorant to even be aware of that ever happening. And Boris Johnson is going to be great for Liverpool isn't he? You fucking turds.
Although I voted Remain, it's pretty disappointing to see the sensationalist echo-chamber here. Over 17m voted to leave - are we going to categorise them as a collection of xenophobes, racists, bigots, greedy baby-boomers and apathetic voters who now regret their decision? Or are we going to acknowledge that there is likely a high proportion of people in the country who had a good reason -- or more pointedly, have been negatively impacted and are no longer convinced of an upturn in their lives in the EU?
Yeah, but england and wales are the reason why the measure passed.[/QUOTE]

So why isn't Wales being mentioned as much as England?
Anyway, there were 4 nations voting, plus places like Gibraltar. I don't see it as regional, I see it as GB.

Not that I'm trying to defend England, or rather the uneducated idiots that voted without thinking about the consequences, I'm just seeing the English getting all the blame for this. And there are a great many of us that wanted to remain in, and want to be open to the rest of Europe, and the rest of the world.


So why isn't Wales being mentioned as much as England?
Anyway, there were 4 nations voting, plus places like Gibraltar. I don't see it as regional, I see it as GB.

Not that I'm trying to defend England, or rather the uneducated idiots that voted without thinking about the consequences, I'm just seeing the English getting all the blame for this. And there are a great many of us that wanted to remain in, and want to be open to the rest of Europe, and the rest of the world.

Population of England = 53m

Population of Wales = 3m

That's why England's getting the blame.


People are angry they were uneducated and voted based on pure ignorance. People are regretful of said ignorant vote?

Color me surprised. Read up people. Democracy fails when the people behind it aren't aware.
I really hope your avatar is sarcasm
or else, this post

because these do not compute


Although I voted Remain, it's pretty disappointing to see the sensationalist echo-chamber here. Over 17m voted to leave - are we going to categorise them as a collection of xenophobes, racists, bigots, greedy baby-boomers and apathetic voters who now regret their decision? Or are we going to acknowledge that there is likely a high proportion of people in the country who had a good reason -- or more pointedly, have been negatively impacted and are no longer convinced of an upturn in their lives in the EU?

Have you seen the average Leave voter? Most of them seem to have escaped from the holding pens for Jeremy Kyle.

Seriously though, I am not going to acknowledge that a high proportion had a good reason, based on the arguments set forth by the Leave campaign. A campaign which derided the use of facts saying; "the British public are sick of facts" to which many of their voters cheered.
Mouth breathing imbeciles have ruined us.

The old and bitter have fucked us over.

We're a country of dullards and half-wits.

I'm proud of Londoners and the Scots though.

Now I'm starting to think of emigrating.



I wonder if there are any gaf members who did this.

If there are, probably too ashamed to admit it
Or they are the ones going all in now saying how this is a good thing. These we hear about put away their proud to admit they are wrong.
I wonder how many see how leave won who didn't vote would actually make the effort to vote now and cancel out the those who voted leave who weren't genuine but didn't expect to win. I reckon there's just as many who thought no way leave has a chance and didn't bother but would vote leave now we know it close.

The media and the polls may have contributed to these non genuine votes. It was suppose to be a clear victory for remain the whole way.

Still, I somehow would love a re-vote after some sort of cooling off period. I also thought there should've been a 55-60% majority and anything under is undecided so we would remain for the time being and have another vote in a few years. A referendum vote like this sparks a new interest in politics and awakens people who don't think it matters after decades votes not really effecting anything. I could see after a spilt vote that later on a better opinion can be formed.

For me parts of the UK are spilt pretty much 50-50.
Stupid cunts. Stupid, stupid, stupid fucking cunts. Even those who don't regret it... Yet. Especially here in Liverpool. Sat in a takeaway place yesterday listening to a group of old fellas uttering vague self praise like: 'da fukkhin immigrints an' da' and 'getting ridda Cameron'... All of them old enough to remember just how bad a fucking shithole this city was before the EU pumped hundred of millions into it, but also too fucking ignorant to even be aware of that ever happening. And Boris Johnson is going to be great for Liverpool isn't he? You fucking turds.

People vote for what they feel is important, the stupid "cunt" is the person who doesn't or allows others to use small minded insult to sway them.

Might want to lose the rhetoric a touch it's people talking like you are that galvanised the leave vote because bitter arrogance is exactly the thing they were voting against when leaving the EU.

Chill, more people disagree with you than agree with you on the EU debate, such is life people need to wind down and start to play the hand that's been dealt.

I think we'll be ok, possibly great. Not tomorrow, but soon enough. We're a nation of salespeople, we will sell, maybe better now we aren't being told what we can sell, who to, for how much, and when.
I can't believe how fucking stupid people are, makes me so angry. They should have their right to vote removed for being too stupid to understand what they are doing and the consequences. Fucking idiots. I'm so angry and disappointed.


David Cameron and the Tories have ruined this country just so he can get majority. He then jumped ship when the result came in. They are to blame for this mess.

We have no real leadership and our EU membership is up in the air. Scotland and Irealnd are wanting to tear apart the union. These past 24hrs have been devasting to the UK.

I hope a new ref is called in a couple of months and it's a strong remain vote this time. We may need to do a bit of grovelling give up a veto here and there but I'm sure the EU will accept us back.

The petition for a 2nd ref is really gaining traction 800000+ last time I looked.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't believe there's actually a considerable amount of people who did what this thread is suggesting. I can't. The majority of people can't be that stupid. Maybe a handful. Not enough to swing the vote.

I voted remain. I believe a lot of people voted leave for the wrong reasons or through outright ignorance, but I can't accept that many people voted leave for no real reason only to immediately regret it after the results came in.


The fact the rights of 17 million voters (which in terms of eligible voters is about 35%) is going to be allow to decide the lives of millions of people.

The 16 million of us that voted to stay are going to have our lives upturned by a (in all honesty) non majority opinion poll.

I have nothing to live for here anymore, but I can't afford to leave. I can't vote in a government I want. I have a job but will never be able to afford a house and I can't even vote to stay under the protection of Europe. I am a 25 year old man in England and my life is completely fucked. It's never going to get better.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
while it's sort of fun to see reactions like these, the vote to leave did win by a good million votes. is there any evidence that the number of people regretting their vote is even close to that? i think i've seen the same dude quoted in multiple articles.


while it's sort of fun to see reactions like these, the vote to leave did win by a good million votes. is there any evidence that the number of people regretting their vote is even close to that?

It would only take a couple % of people to change their minds.
while it's sort of fun to see reactions like these, the vote to leave did win by a good million votes. is there any evidence that the number of people regretting their vote is even close to that?

My direct and extended family, and their friends who I've spoken to, have all expressed this sentiment. I wouldn't doubt there's actually a good number of people feeling this way.

Some of my extended family apologised to me when we discussed it. It was very painful to hear.


I really do think there has to be super majority clauses for referendums. I think thats the only way to say okay almost everyone wants this than just a popular vote alone. A near 50 50 split shouldn't be the way things go when it comes to mass votes.
I voted to remain but it hasn't gone that way, however we really need to stop all this bickering and blaming as its not going to help. The country is obviously divided and if this is going to work we need unification more than ever right now.

Things are obviously bad right now as knee jerk reactions are still going off but we have two years until we actually have to leave the EU, let's use that time to get a plan into place and get a better picture of what we are dealing with. If after that time it is clear that leaving the EU is a huge mistake then hopefully we can get another vote and this time hopefully the leave voters will have a better picture of what a leave vote actually means for the future.
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