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'I really regret my vote now': The Brexit voters who wish they'd voted to remain

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This is something I've kind of felt for a while, just how apathetic people are with any voting process and how willing they are to just toss it aside.

People don't vote to make a decision. People assume the decision has already been made and vote "symbolically". They want to be able to say "I was on the right side of history" or "I fought against the system" with as little effort as possible. People like making statements rather than decisions they have to follow through with.

It's why I see my Facebook feed pop up with Jill Stein supporters now that Bernie's pretty much out, literally and mathematically throwing their vote away towards a Trump presidency. It's why these people are saying "I didn't think my vote counted". People have become so disillusioned with the democratic process, government, and the politicians that run it that we've basically internalized that our vote doesn't matter, that we don't have power.

I dunno. It's all depressing, in the end. A person is smart, people are dumb.


Whereas this is an instant 80 year regression back to the good ol' times where we were ready to war with Europe at the drop of a hat and kick all dem dirty foreigners that come ere' steeling our factory jobs.

2 things I can't understand throughout this whole thing.

1: Why do english people hate europeans so much?

2: What the fuck is so good about england that makes everyone so hard on patriotic for it?

Man I've seen the world, and pretty much all of it was better than this steaming hunk of rainy, depressing, shit country. But at least we had the option to go somewhere nicer whenever we wanted quite cheaply. Now? :(

Actually England sounds great to me, I love the rain and the ocean. Of course I live in Phoenix mind you, so I am deprived.

Not so sure I'd want to live there anymore though with the way the politics are going.


Why the fuck are these people voting if they didn't give it much thought beforehand and didn't think their vote would make a difference anyway?

I sure wouldn't waste half an hour of my life going to vote if I didn't care much about the outcome and it wasn't compulsory.


How the fuck can people think their vote "won't count" in a referendum? It's the only time in any British democratic process that used the popular vote. No FPPT, no constituencies, no tactical voting, just a pure democratic binary choice for the entire country. Ever singe vote counts as much as another.


This is something I've kind of felt for a while, just how apathetic people are with any voting process and how willing they are to just toss it aside.

People don't vote to make a decision. People assume the decision has already been made and vote "symbolically". They want to be able to say "I was on the right side of history" or "I fought against the system" with as little effort as possible. People like making statements rather than decisions they have to follow through with.

It's why I see my Facebook feed pop up with Jill Stein supporters now that Bernie's pretty much out, literally and mathematically throwing their vote away towards a Trump presidency. It's why these people are saying "I didn't think my vote counted". People have become so disillusioned with the democratic process, government, and the politicians that run it that we've basically internalized that our vote doesn't matter, that we don't have power.

I dunno. It's all depressing, in the end. A person is smart, people are dumb.

There is no fixing it either. Since populations are so large no one will really truly understand the meaning of their single vote, nor understand the issues when larger groups collectively do the same, nor understand how outcomes and the world is changed by their vote

Everyone lives in the here and now. It's like playing chess with someone only able to see one step ahead. They can't see how 6 years from now this decision made right now is gonna affect some shit. If Obama was never elected and McCain was president, would we have had the same White House support of LGBT 7 years later? If Trump is elected, how will a conservative Supreme Court change things 7 years down the road? If in midterms good turn out gave a liberal majority to congress 2 years ago, would gun control laws have passed?

Ah who cares, let's get petty about something the candidate said 20 years ago that I don't agree with. Or let's get mad because my perfect candidate isn't in the running, so I'll throw my vote away to an unelectable candidate. I can only see this one person and not what they represent or their effect on anything down the road.... I just know I don't like them so let it all burn. Or lulz my one vote don't mean shit let me vote counter to what I actually want or need because... Well lulz establishment sucks

People, plain and simple, just suck. It is why anything requiring a vote will have an ad campaign attached to it that appeals to the lowest of the low, because that's the only information they will get. And the well informed won't vote because they think too much about everything and rationalized some type of reason why they shouldn't bother out of some kind of principle


The Autumn Wind
It's the voter's responsibility to be informed and not take such things lightly when casting a vote. But, the fear-mongering tactics that played into the xenophobia, along with the lies about things like funding the NHS should really also be looked at here.
Right-wing parties have really discovered a brilliant strategy. Put policies into place that increase income inequality, blame immigrants for why people are poor, sit back and watch those very same poor people vote for you because you tell them you'll get rid of immigrants. Rinse. Repeat.


That Churchill quote is fake and misattributed to him. It originates from the early early 90s internet, which is why you see so many publications quote it to true (because even reporters google everything).

Of course that just makes the saying even better because people will repeat it to mock uninformed voters, only to out themselves as being uninformed too!

That quote was in Call of Duty 2 when you died so I thought it was legit.


If only they put that much thought into it beforehand.

"Didn't think my vote would count."

What a weird way to view it.

Welcome to the era of dumb people, and we will see the same here in the netherlands and america in the coming months.

These bloody idiots vote because of anger or protest and not being informed or being pushed by family or even media pumping fear in them.

When you do vote please inform yourself because yes your vote will count this isn't a game.

At least in Civilization 5 you can go back to the last save but here when it is done, it's done.

I see this every where when people don't think for them self and vote because those people said it from that party, like herds of sheep they follow and that is the dumb side.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
My thoughts on the whole issue.



I suspect this thread may last a number of years when people realise how big a fuck up their decision has caused. Especially those who relied on EU money the most (ahem. WALES).
Actually England sounds great to me, I love the rain and the ocean. Of course I live in Phoenix mind you, so I am deprived.

Not so sure I'd want to live there anymore though with the way the politics are going.

I've lived here most of my life. Here's what we have;

A good relationship with the US.
A legacy of an empire that spanned the world (built on the genocide of many people but some patriots forget that part so I have to include it.)
Heinz Baked Beans.
Mini cars. (the brand, not little clown cars)
A few dozen sights to see (all convieniently located in our capital so you don't have to travel far.)
Monty Python
Spitting Image
Balls of Steel
Fish and Chips
Creative Assembly
Multiple Phone companies (Like a lot, keeps prices of mobile contracts down)
Apparently the best Devil May Cry game.
Maldon sea salt.
White cliffs of dover.

I'll update it as I can think of more. But none of those bar stonehenge is worth getting all patriotic about.


Sorry for those of you who wanted to remain. These comments of regrets are hilarious though.

Now, Scotland, do the right thing!
I've lived here most of my life. Here's what we have;

A good relationship with the US.
A legacy of an empire that spanned the world (built on the genocide of many people but some patriots forget that part so I have to include it.)
Heinz Baked Beans.
Mini cars. (the brand, not little clown cars)
A few dozen sights to see (all convieniently located in our capital so you don't have to travel far.)
Monty Python
Spitting Image
Balls of Steel
Fish and Chips
Creative Assembly
Multiple Phone companies (Like a lot, keeps prices of mobile contracts down)

I'll update it as I can think of more. But none of those bar stonehenge is worth getting all patriotic about.
You guys made the best Devil May Cry game. That is worth getting a litle patriotic for.


This is something I've kind of felt for a while, just how apathetic people are with any voting process and how willing they are to just toss it aside.

People don't vote to make a decision. People assume the decision has already been made and vote "symbolically". They want to be able to say "I was on the right side of history" or "I fought against the system" with as little effort as possible. People like making statements rather than decisions they have to follow through with.

It's why I see my Facebook feed pop up with Jill Stein supporters now that Bernie's pretty much out, literally and mathematically throwing their vote away towards a Trump presidency. It's why these people are saying "I didn't think my vote counted". People have become so disillusioned with the democratic process, government, and the politicians that run it that we've basically internalized that our vote doesn't matter, that we don't have power.

I dunno. It's all depressing, in the end. A person is smart, people are dumb.
This is the "were all ants" issue, things are now unfathomably bigger than ourselves for people


The whole thing has been ridiculous, I'm ashamed of us in Wales, I hope people are looking at how Scotland overwhelmingly wanted to stay and realise the mess this is causing because of their stupidity.

My favourite part has to be the poorer places around the UK notably like Cornwall (and the poorer areas of Wales) that have suddenly caught on that the funding they were getting from the EU isn't going to magically reappear out of thin air from the government. Or when Firage was all yea we were spreading bullshit and we won't be doing much with immigration.


I've lived here most of my life. Here's what we have;

A good relationship with the US.
A legacy of an empire that spanned the world (built on the genocide of many people but some patriots forget that part so I have to include it.)
Heinz Baked Beans.
Mini cars. (the brand, not little clown cars)
A few dozen sights to see (all convieniently located in our capital so you don't have to travel far.)
Monty Python
Spitting Image
Balls of Steel
Fish and Chips
Creative Assembly
Multiple Phone companies (Like a lot, keeps prices of mobile contracts down)

I'll update it as I can think of more. But none of those bar stonehenge is worth getting all patriotic about.

You guys knew the Amiga was where it was at, too.
This is what happens when you vote with passions and no reasons. I get it, some people voted leave to express a disagreement. But this isnt a game. Now you deal with the consequences. Populism won well done people.


As much as I would like to believe it, the landslide vote to leave was not the result of innocent misunderstanding.
Whereas this is an instant 80 year regression back to the good ol' times where we were ready to war with Europe at the drop of a hat and kick all dem dirty foreigners that come ere' steeling our factory jobs.

2 things I can't understand throughout this whole thing.

1: Why do english people hate europeans so much?

2: What the fuck is so good about england that makes everyone so hard on patriotic for it?

Man I've seen the world, and pretty much all of it was better than this steaming hunk of rainy, depressing, shit country. But at least we had the option to go somewhere nicer whenever we wanted quite cheaply. Now? :(

Great Britain voted, not just England.
Serious question: can the UK ever re-enter the EU at some point down the road?
They can, far down the road though.

But their extremely good deal, the rebates and extra shit they got over the rest of us, is gone with the wind.

They'll have to be full on Schengen+€ committed.

Fuck those ignorant assholes. "Getting caught up in propaganda" my ass. That's where your own critical thinking sets in and you actually spend 30 Minutes on the internet to inform yourselves.
Sorry I have no sympathy. Hou made your decision you must live with it. Applies to any election.
They can, far down the road though.

But their extremely good deal, the rebates and extra shit they got over the rest of us, is gone with the wind.

They'll have to be full on Schengen+€ committed.

Fuck those ignorant assholes. "Getting caught up in propaganda" my ass. That's where your own critical thinking sets in and you actually spend 30 Minutes on the internet to inform yourselves.

No the UK comming back was ruled out. I guess not in this generation



So, basically most young people voted to stay, and most old people voted to leave. Pretty sad how the old took the opportunity to fuck up the long term future for the young, a future they probably won't even experience or face the real consequences of. They got theirs, so fuck the rest.


This is too one sided. The young generation failed to make a point to the old generation and expmain to them that they had to face the consequences longer than the older generation does. they cant roll in now and complain when they failed to convince the old generation when they had the chance


The Autumn Wind
I know I'm enjoying the Tories and especially UKIP being caught with their pants down and having to admit they basically lied about everything they were telling people. They used the Leave vote to fearmonger and get support, never thinking it would actually pass. And now here we are. They literally have no plan going forward.

So many parallels to the Republicans over here. I'm morbidly looking forward to how this plays out.


It sickens me that there are some who voted the opposite because they didn't think it would make a difference. If your vote isn't made with your own knowledge belief and will, do NOT vote!

We still don't fluoridate our water here in Portland. By popular vote.



40 percent of teens have damned dental fluorosis and fluoridated water isn't helping. That and who pretty much says it doesn't make a difference in terms of preventing decay.


For years now, numbers for decay have gone down, even when water isn't fluoridated.

Actually the most accurate use for this word based on its etymology and literal original meaning. The only way it would be more appropriately used is if those people stayed home and didn't vote at all.

After all, the word was actually coined to describe the selfish ignorance of a citizen who did not partake in direct democracy in ancient Greece (i.e., squandered their vote).
The trains into London were absolutely packed yesterday...and almost on cue a couple of people looked around worryingly at the crowd of people herding in like cattle before the woman said "i thought the imigrants would be gone now".

This country.

Deomcracy is a great idea but yet again The Simpsons got it right. People don't vote with their head or hearts and the people who vote for a man who romantically longs for the Empire back are the sort of populace who would have made the Empire impossible

I hate that some migrants feel unwelcome now, feels like a tragedy.


It sickens me that there are some who voted the opposite because they didn't think it would make a difference. If your vote isn't made with your own knowledge belief and will, do NOT vote!



40 percent of teens have damned dental fluorosis and fluoridated water isn't helping. That and who pretty much says it doesn't make a difference in terms of preventing decay.


For years now, numbers for decay have gone down, even when water isn't fluoridated.

This stuff is the dental equivalent to climate change denial.

Lego Boss

Actually the most accurate use for this word based on its etymology and literal original meaning. The only way it would be more appropriately used is if those people stayed home and didn't vote at all.

After all, the word was actually coined to describe the selfish ignorance of a citizen who did not partake in direct democracy in ancient Greece (i.e., squandered their vote).

Tough shit, you made your choice based on fear of foreign folk, you deserve the fallout coming and the sad thing is they know it's coming. Thanks for putting us at the back of the queue, fucking braindead zombies. When you lose your job, go look in the mirror, no one else to blame apart from you and your fellow sheep.


40 percent of teens have damned dental fluorosis and fluoridated water isn't helping. That and who pretty much says it doesn't make a difference in terms of preventing decay.


For years now, numbers for decay have gone down, even when water isn't fluoridated.

A short list of things causing less surprise than the fact you're against fluoridation:

a) A nap
b) The laws of gravity
c) A bag of cottonballs
Nice summary.

I love my parents, but man, they are of the worst generation of all time.

I'm so proud of my parents, for years they were Euro Sceptic and scared of immigrants, but they voted to remain, in the end after careful consideration of the facts. Well done Mum and Dad.
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