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'I really regret my vote now': The Brexit voters who wish they'd voted to remain

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God help the US come this November.


Apparently not enough people in the United Kingdom have watched The Producers.

"Where did we go right?"


Lol democracy. Its the best thing we got but you simply cannot let the people decide this shit. Too many people just dont care/know enough to decide on a vote of this magnitude. What a joke its going to hurt the UK alot more than it will hurt us. And frankly i dont even care anymore i feel sorry for the people that voted remain but for the rest of you..good luck.
And don't forget (posted in the leave thread):

Like I said in another thread, when young people don't vote, they are asking others who are on their way out to decide the rest of their lives for them. This tweet needs to be plastered on every bus in the UK, US, and and every other Engish speaking country.


Derp. Nice going.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter. "

- Winston Churchill

That Churchill quote is fake and misattributed to him. It originates from the early early 90s internet, which is why you see so many publications quote it to true (because even reporters google everything).

Of course that just makes the saying even better because people will repeat it to mock uninformed voters, only to out themselves as being uninformed too!
It's more the sentiment than the source that counts, IMO.

Lol democracy. Its the best thing we got but you simply cannot let the people decide this shit. Too many people just dont care/know enough to decide on a vote of this magnitude. What a joke its going to hurt the UK alot more than it will hurt us. And frankly i dont even care anymore i feel sorry for the people that voted remain but for the rest of you..good luck.
Pretty much.

And don't forget (posted in the leave thread):
Old people were a mistake. Unbelievable.


Same people who voted for Arnie Schwarzenegger in CA, because "lol wouldn't it be funny, not like it's gonna happen anyway lol".

I sometimes forget just how fucking idiotic people actually are, then shit like this happens and I'm reminded
That's not why Arnold won. Grey Davis did a horrible job with the Electricity crisis that Enron fucked California with. Davis signed a horrible deal with inflated rates to get a stable supply because Enron was fucking with the grid so much that it was causing blackouts.

Grey Davis won relection because the Republicans refused to nominate a centrist despite great discontent with Davis. Then the recall happened and they was Arnold best chance to run and win since he didn't have to do a primary. So he won. Arnold government was pretty bipartisan drawing in Republican and Democratics to his cabinet. The main reason his years were fucked because California required a super majority to pass a budget and the Republican side wouldn't budge on shit until the after the budget was due which forced California to borrow millions of dollars each year just to cover the budget. That also fucked with California credit rating to the point it was in the toilet. And the Republican side of the legislature still didn't care.

Anyway. Arnold actually had a pretty good relationship with the Democrats in the CA legislature as well.

A vote for Arnold wasn't a "lol vote". Despite the revisionist history going on here


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Come on man. No one is even coming close to implying any of that. But if you look at the type of people congratulating the UK for making the decision it just made, the campaign Leave lead up to the voting, and the post-voting results of various studies done on the voter base of each respective side, and still think there isn't some amount of truth to the notion that voting for "leave" was entirely the wrong decision to make (or at the very least, a decision made for the wrong reasons), then I really don't know what to tell you.
considering i just saw in succession a thumbs up with the British flag pasted over it that says with text:

"its amazing what happens when the working class stands up to the establishment elites."
from Breitbart
"#Brexit 2016: UK Votes for Independence and National Sovereignty... Good Call" with the good call text posted over a picture of George Washington et al presumably signing the Declaration of Independence posted by Steven Crowder

tells me all i need to know about the vote and its results.

Rebel Leader

What the hell is that guy even saying

all i can hear is

I got my country back I'm not going ____ ____ humiliating

"I've got my country back, I'm not going to be here longer, I'm nearly 80...so I don't really care about the younger generations future they can deal with the fallout on their own."

I may have added my own interpretation at the end, but that is what it sounded like.

That has to be it


What the hell is that guy even saying

"I've got my country back, I'm not going to be here longer, I'm nearly 80...so I don't really care about the younger generations future they can deal with the fallout on their own."

I may have added my own interpretation at the end, but that is what it sounded like.


Are there any rules for a revote? Or will that effectively come when Cameron resigns and there are electIons?


A lot of people that do this trolling shit are really stupid. Have a legitimate reason for voting instead of some nonsense


Starting to remind me of Albert Brooks' book 2030 (and many others I'm sure). Medical advances greatly extend the life of the elderly and they become such a powerful voting block they completely fuck over the rest of the country.
"I've got my country back, I'm not going to be here longer, I'm nearly 80...so I don't really care about the younger generations future they can deal with the fallout on their own."

I may have added my own interpretation at the end, but that is what it sounded like.

Nope, that sounds about right, he helped fuck up his country's future so he could spend 5 minutes living in the delusion of Britain being an immigrant-free paradise.


Are people surprised that these kind of people exist? Look at what the masses in England are enamoured with these days - brain dead TV programmes and social media. We live in culture where people are "famous" for watching TV (goggle box).It's all about being famous and not very bright. I feel like the level of intelligence in England has really dropped off in the last decade.

Everyone seems to be morbidly obsessed with dumb celebrities, selfies and getting noticed online. So people not giving a shit about their vote and telling everyone else about it doesn't surprise me. It's all part of being an attention seeker - they get their 2 minutes on national news which they will then share across social media.


British Lose Right to Claim That Americans Are Dumber

LONDON (The Borowitz Report)—Across the United Kingdom on Friday, Britons mourned their long-cherished right to claim that Americans were significantly dumber than they are.

Luxuriating in the superiority of their intellect over Americans’ has long been a favorite pastime in Britain, surpassing in popularity such games as cricket, darts, and snooker.

But, according to Alistair Dorrinson, a pub owner in North London, British voters have done irreparable damage to the “most enjoyable sport this nation has ever known: namely, treating Americans like idiots.”

“When our countrymen cast their votes yesterday, they didn’t realize they were destroying the most precious leisure activity this nation has ever known,” he said. “Wankers.”

In the face of this startling display of national idiocy, Dorrinson still mustered some of the resilience for which the British people are known. “This is a dark day,” he said. “But I hold out hope that, come November, Americans could become dumber than us once more.”
Starting to remind me of Albert Brooks' book 2030 (and many others I'm sure). Medical advances greatly extend the life of the elderly and they become such a powerful voting block they completely fuck over the rest of the country.

Old people weren't the ones trolling.



I worked as a student poll clerk for the AV referendum in 2011 and most voters were clueless from the conversations I had. Marking ballots on a whim.

However, the age statistics in Brexit votes (the older the more leave votes) suggests xenophobia is more responsible than ignorance.


Nope, that sounds about right, he helped fuck up his country's future so he could spend 5 minutes living in the delusion of Britain being an immigrant-free paradise.

Yeap, and the best part. (Tidbits from the leave thread, but worth it for those how haven't seen it yet)

From earlier on the Big Decision, Conservative MEP and Leave campaigner Dan Hannan said there was no promise to reduce immigration by leaving the European Union.

He told the programme that Vote Leave had "never said there is going to be some radical decline, that we're going to shut the door."

Not sure if posted here already, but uptick in google searches of "What is the EU" post brexit vote in the UK...among other things.
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