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I think I'm about done with GameRush.


I'll admit that I've had problems with GameRush before, but they've kept me on as a customer because of their great trade in deals. Now that the deals are mostly gone, however, I'm finding it rather difficult to keep putting up with this stuff. After my next two pre-orders (DOA: Ultimate and Taiko) come in, I think I'll take my business elsewhere.

I can deal with the fact that they tend to get the games two or three days later. What I can't deal with is when I go in on a Wednesday afternoon to check if my games are in yet and there's no GameRush staff around. That means I'm helped by one of the regular Blockbuster employees who, where asking if my game has come in turns into a 20 minute ordeal that almost culminated in an argument about street dates.

After fifteen minutes of putzing around the computer and calling people, the guy finally realizes that my copy of Taiko shipped, but hasn't been received yet. Now, I feel pretty bad for this guy, as he's not even GameRush staff and he really went out of his way to help me. But then, "You know, even if we had it in right now, I couldn't sell it to you. It's street dated for Friday."

And then I get a lecture about street dates, and how they can't break them even if there are other stores selling the games. I try to keep calm as other customers join in on this, educating me as to why I wouldn't be allowed to pick up my game.

"What if GameStop or Best Buy are selling it?"

"Nope. We can't sell it until street date, no exceptions."

"You see," chimes in Customer X, "if they break the street date they can be fined, or worse, that distributor will stop shipping items to them."

"But you guys sold me a game two days before your system's street date a few weeks ago."

"I'm sorry, sir, you must be mistaken," says the employee who sold me the game. "I'd lose my job if I sold a game before its street date."

I'm trying really, really hard not to yell at these guys because I know they're just doing their job. They don't know that video games don't have street dates and that the date in their system is an "expected in-store date" made up at the Home Office. I explain this, thank them for their help and go about my ways.

I know if the GameRush staff was constantly around, this wouldn't be an issue - but they're not. There's only two GameRush employees, and their hours seem to fluctuate every week. It's just not worth the hassle anymore.
i dont know if my gamerush is the exception, but they have been pretty awesome. not only have they been really good w/ customer service, in the case of GTA:SA they have had the game EARLIER than my eb has!

the staff @ my gamerush is very helpful, even the "non-gamerush" employees seem to be in the loop (had no problems picking up my copy of GTA, and it wasn't a GR employee helping me)

sucks that they are losing you as a customer, but i think they are awesome


It's upsetting, because sometimes they've got really good service at GameRush. One day I went to trade in a game and pick up another copy of Donkey Konga - I was in and out in under two minutes. On other days, that same transaction can take fifteen, twenty minutes.

The day I tried to pre-order a DS was just ridiculous, and they still can't find the listing for it in their system apart from "I know it's there somewhere."
To be honest, since finding out Calgary has a Gamerush, I have not once seen a GR employee. Hell, last time I was in I leisurely sauntered around the Gamerush side and wasn't even noticed. I have no idea what their trade in values are, or much of anything about the place other than "it's that place inside the Blockbuster".
Major releases do still have street dates that are strictly enforced, especially system launches and big EA titles. Sony threatened Media Play when my store started selling the original Playstation a week early. They don't often stop shipping product, but they can easily stop paying for POP material placed in prime locations in store such as endcaps and aisle displays, which is also detrimental.
Taiko is obviously not a major release, but that's no reason, from their point of view, to risk breaking a rule.

I would not have sold a game to you before street date at any game store where I worked without a manager's ok, but then I would not have admitted to the game being in stock yet either.
sucks. The 2 guys that work at the Gamerush i go to are pretty knowledgeable and fast. Haven't had any problems, and they got GTA:SA in yesterday so thankfully i didn't have to wait. I can see what you are talking about though. One time i went to a different Gamerush across town to pick up Chronicals of Riddick for my brother's birthday (the other gamerush had sold out) and the fucking MANAGER of the place had no idea how to search for it through the computer, no idea of any of the deals going on in the place, how to activate them, or even where the games were kept. He had to call one of the other employees that was off that day just to find it. Took me like a half-hour just to trade in a psOne game and get Riddick. They really should give ALL the employees the basic training on how to run that shit.


Diomedeskun said:
Major releases do still have street dates that are strictly enforced, especially system launches and big EA titles. Sony threatened Media Play when my store started selling the original Playstation a week early. They don't often stop shipping product, but they can easily stop paying for POP material placed in prime locations in store such as endcaps and aisle displays, which is also detrimental.
Taiko is obviously not a major release, but that's no reason, from their point of view, to risk breaking a rule.

I would not have sold a game to you before street date at any game store where I worked without a manager's ok, but then I would not have admitted to the game being in stock yet either.
Yea, systems, major releases (Halo 2) and for some odd reason Outrun 2 still have street dates. But most games don't. And like I said above, I can't fault the Blockbuster employees for not being knowledgable about GameRush's policies. I just don't get GameRush. They've got the right forumla down, but quality really really varies from store to store. My theory is that BB and GR use the same comptuer system, and as a result, GameRush is limited by the Blockbuster system. In other words, I'm pretty sure the "street date" is actually just "in store by" but they can't label it as such because they use the same system for DVDs, which do have street dates.

I wish I could talk to someone "in the know" and figure out exactly how the GameRush computer system is set up, that way I could just walk the employees through it. Alas.
I don't think we have GameRush around my area. Can someone please explain the premise of the store? Is it just a normal game store that happens to be inside Blockbuster, or is there something else?


Whine bitch moan, at least you got those ridiculous trade-ins while the getting was good.
Stupid Rochester..


Blockbuster and all its corporate entities suck.

Do not shop there. Do not rent there. Use Netflix or a local video joint.

To Hell with them.

Musashi Wins!

I'm torn, sorta. I got some great deals when they started up...and they still offer the most trade credit out there. But unfortunately, the staff at my local store is incompetent. It's not just that they don't know, they don't care besides. I don't need bottom level retail people to be experts, simply polite with a willingness to get the answer to very simple questions or requests. GR seems incapable in my local area of doing that.


Gamerush made my fall and christmas game purchases relatively painless, infact I got every game i wanted, all the big ones including KD, SMT, and a few others i didn't think i'd be alble to afford. but the service does suck sometimes, depends on who's there, there's this really cool guy named Rick at one of mine, he's really up to date on games, though he just got into gaming (just bought a gamecube), but he's nice and really patient, even did the combo combine deals. but again its blockbuster, so the suckage has to run some of the time.


The day I tried to pre-order a DS was just ridiculous, and they still can't find the listing for it in their system apart from "I know it's there somewhere."

Have them type in Nintendo DS directly. They can also do Nin DS and accept a trade one and give $130 credit. Both are in the system.

Find Nintendo DS thats exactly that what will bring it up.

Yes GameRush is severely limited by Blockbusters computers. Street dates in the system are for regular stores and as such are 2-3 days later than the real release date.

I just went to a training class for all our Game Managers and Game advisors and they are really laying down the law with customer service and being out there for people.

I won't lie it is hit and miss. I can think of 3 managers in my district in okc that we need to get rid of (one person missed half the questions on our game quiz and doesn't know a thing about games).


I've had nothing but problems dealing with GameRush regarding prebooks, enough so to make me not deal with the company anymore after all my prebooks are fufilled. My first problem came to a head when I had to leave town on a business trip and was unable to pick up Gradius V or Monster Hunter.

I never got a call from GR about either game. Needless to say, when I got back, I found out that they recieved both games but did not set my games aside for pickup. I loved the fact that the one store that I had Monster Hunter prebooked at straight lied to me and told me that they did not recieve the game. A friend of mine picked his copy up at the store and confirmed that they had multiple copies in stock a couple of weeks back (He had his own horror story: he went to pick up the game and they had the game in (3 days late) but it wasn't checked in and the employee on duty 'didn't do that'; they told him they would call him when he could pick up the game, he never got a call and wound up picking it up 3 days after that!!!) I wound up confronting the 'acting manager' and then he retorted that they only got one copy in, which was another lie.

Of course, my prebook for Shin Megami Tensai never came in a few weeks later (gee what a surprise!). I transferred my Monster Hunter prebook to an Outrun 2 prebook. Yesterday, I called to see if they had the game in stock and was told no. I then proceeded to drive down there and ask in person if they had the game in stock and was again told no. I then proceeded to walk to the new release shelf and see two copies of Outrun 2 in the new game case hidden (and obviously, they did not set aside the game for my prebook either)

Gamerush is busted for prebooks...stay far far away IMHO
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