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I was playing the Donkey Konga and Paper Mario 2 demo tonight...

Musashi Wins!

...and they were both godlike. Seriously, if first impressions (sorta) are anything to go by they are both going to be huge. I had played a bit of DK import and it didn't mesh with me but even with these songs I found myself incredibly addicted. The drums are going to be a big hit with everyone. The only shocker was that the Gamestop was NOT accepting pre-orders for it. The damn thing was a magnet at the kiosk. Yikes, people wanted to pre-order this game! They also told me that it was rumored to have a small first shipment. Good god, Nintendo, don't drop the ball on this.

Paper Mario seemed like everything I had hoped. Great graphics, good music and sounds, and a lot of Mario goodness and atmosphere that are notably absent in the crap basket SMS.

Head to your game store and check out this kiosk!

+2 sales.


Sucks at viral marketing
Musashi Wins! said:
...and they were both godlike. Seriously, if first impressions (sorta) are anything to go by they are both going to be huge. I had played a bit of DK import and it didn't mesh with me but even with these songs I found myself incredibly addicted. The drums are going to be a big hit with everyone. The only shocker was that the Gamestop was NOT accepting pre-orders for it. The damn thing was a magnet at the kiosk. Yikes, people wanted to pre-order this game! They also told me that it was rumored to have a small first shipment. Good god, Nintendo, don't drop the ball on this.

Paper Mario seemed like everything I had hoped. Great graphics, good music and sounds, and a lot of Mario goodness and atmosphere that are notably absent in the crap basket SMS.

Head to your game store and check out this kiosk!

+2 sales.
One of the store near me still has the Wind Waker demo in it and another, the Mario Kart/Custom Robo demo. :(


Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm on the fence about Donkey Konga, but I'll probably wind up getting it if only for the drums to play Jungle Beat later.

PM2, judging by the first one on the N64, is like instant-genius out of the box. Intelligent Systems is sorta like that, ya know. :)


JJConrad said:
One of the store near me still has the Wind Waker demo in it and another, the Mario Kart/Custom Robo demo. :(

Call Nintendo and let them know that not all gamers get to experience that godliness of Donkey Konga! :p
JJConrad said:
One of the store near me still has the Wind Waker demo in it and another, the Mario Kart/Custom Robo demo. :(

Don't worry, our reps here in Seattle sent you the latest promo package last week. Containing the demo disc and one pair of Kongas. It should arrive within the next 6-to-8 months...on your home planet Mars.

Musashi Wins!

Call Nintendo and let them know that not all gamers get to experience that godliness of Donkey Konga! :p

True. For all their idiotic business decisions their game reps are usually much better than the other big 2. Or more...committed or something, just like I'd imagine a Nintendo rep should be haha. The one at this store knows his shit and he talked a customer who had come in for a PS2 into buying a GC instead as he was setting up the new kiosk. It was impressive.

Musashi Wins!

explodet said:
Since when have game stores not taken pre-orders? That's very odd.
Is it because of the limited run?

Odd to say the least...there was real immediate interest too. I'm not sure, the shortage thing was speculation, the rep was gone and that was the manager talking.

Li Mu Bai

evilromero said:
Don't worry, our reps here in Seattle sent you the latest promo package last week. Containing the demo disc and one pair of Kongas. It should arrive within the next 6-to-8 months...on your home planet Mars.



Musashi Wins! said:
True. For all their idiotic business decisions their game reps are usually much better than the other big 2. Or more...committed or something, just like I'd imagine a Nintendo rep should be haha. The one at this store knows his shit and he talked a customer who had come in for a PS2 into buying a GC instead as he was setting up the new kiosk. It was impressive.

Heh heh, that's certainly an interesting story. :p
Yeah, I actually played Donkey Konga today too...I played the Donkey Konga theme song, and I skipped every single clap...You know how queer I felt after I went to clap, and everyone in the entire store looked at me? Anyway, I only had time to play the Konga Theme Song...And like 20 seconds of Paper Mario 2. Had to get back to get a glass eye shoved in my socket.
ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah, I actually played Donkey Konga today too...I played the Donkey Konga theme song, and I skipped every single clap...You know how queer I felt after I went to clap, and everyone in the entire store looked at me? Anyway, I only had time to play the Konga Theme Song...And like 20 seconds of Paper Mario 2. Had to get back to get a glass eye shoved in my socket.
You don't have to clap. You just tap the side of the drums. What; you're telling me you don't read up on this shit? Psshhh.


Sucks at viral marketing
evilromero said:
Don't worry, our reps here in Seattle sent you the latest promo package last week. Containing the demo disc and one pair of Kongas. It should arrive within the next 6-to-8 months...on your home planet Mars.

That's odd. I know GameStop is still taking reserves on Donkey Konga. A friend of mine just recently reserved it. I know they aren't taking reserves on the extra bongos, but the game w/bongos set is still able to be reserved. Perhaps the store you were at was confused or just didn't know what he/she was talking about?


Time ta STEP IT UP
Haha o shit you can just tap the side? GODDAMN!

I was making such an ass of myself in the store, I started shaking my ass and grooving to the music. Yah....

Good game though, I think it'll be the first Gamecube game I'll ever preorder.

Musashi Wins!

Craig Majaski said:
That's odd. I know GameStop is still taking reserves on Donkey Konga. A friend of mine just recently reserved it. I know they aren't taking reserves on the extra bongos, but the game w/bongos set is still able to be reserved. Perhaps the store you were at was confused or just didn't know what he/she was talking about?

Hmmmm...maybe. It could be a temporary issue as I wasn't interested until this second time of touching the crackpipe-like skins. I'll certainly be looking into it in the future.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
I played Konga and loved every minute of it today.


Sho Nuff

Musashi Wins! said:
True. For all their idiotic business decisions their game reps are usually much better than the other big 2. Or more...committed or something, just like I'd imagine a Nintendo rep should be haha. The one at this store knows his shit and he talked a customer who had come in for a PS2 into buying a GC instead as he was setting up the new kiosk. It was impressive.

That poor bastard


The rep came in today and installed it in my TRU. I took every opportunity I had to demo it to customer ^_^
I didn't get any presells today, but hey, I guess I just have to keep on playing it for the customer's sake.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Lol. I checked out the bongos in the kiosk in a store here last week in NY. But I haven't tried playing either DK or PM2 yet. :/


Seriously, if first impressions (sorta) are anything to go by they are both going to be huge. I had played a bit of DK import and it didn't mesh with me but even with these songs I found myself incredibly addicted.

Did you play "Rock this Town?"


Musashi Wins! said:
...and they were both godlike. Seriously, if first impressions (sorta) are anything to go by they are both going to be huge. I had played a bit of DK import and it didn't mesh with me but even with these songs I found myself incredibly addicted. The drums are going to be a big hit with everyone. The only shocker was that the Gamestop was NOT accepting pre-orders for it. The damn thing was a magnet at the kiosk. Yikes, people wanted to pre-order this game! They also told me that it was rumored to have a small first shipment. Good god, Nintendo, don't drop the ball on this.

LOL, never in my lifetime would I have expected to see gamestop actually not accept a pre-order for game the way they always pimp them. Some bizarre force of nature must be at work.

(btw, there isn't even a Gamecube Kiosk at my gamestop, it sucks, I want to play these games).


Unconfirmed Member
We are accepting pre-orders for it. The store you were at was either retarded, or they were told to stop taking pre-orders for it because they would not be able to meet demand on the first shipment (the latter being more likely since, as already mentioned gamestop loves to pimp some pre-orders).

Most Gamestops are getting 2 units per store. thats right, two. We had already racked up five pre-orders, one of which was mine :(, and I have noidea how we are going to meet demand, though a lot of people don't pick up pre-orders in the first week.

EDIT: so far the most amusing thing I have witnessed at our kiosk was a group of five black kids, in do-rags, braids and south-pole clothes approach the demo. Not only did they figure that shit out in an instant (actually reading the instructions, and finding the start button which is mostly elusive to people) but the youngest kid 11-14 was realy good, and his crew (another teen or two and two 17ish) were all grooving and hitting the claps when they dropped. They were the best congo-ers we have had so far.

And thank jesus they didn't choose "Wild thing" I am so fucking sick of that song.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Mejilan said:
I'm on the fence about Donkey Konga, but I'll probably wind up getting it if only for the drums to play Jungle Beat later.
That's how I'm feeling. Jungle Beat is definitely something I want to try, so I figure I might as well get Donkey Konga too.


Back in October or so last year when this was first announced, didn't everyone pretty much bad mouth it??

Now look at it.... praise on top of praise. :)


MetatronM said:
I have yet to try Donkey Konga (I've got no rhythm), but Jungle Beat iwas totally awesome.

I don't have any rhythm either, but it was damn fun. You eventually ease into it.

That said, if you had to choose, Taiko: Drum Master is the better game. Donkey Konga is better for beginners though, and will most likely sell much better.


While I know that the small first shipment is likely true...it IS late September when it releases. While early adopters might snatch up what few copies are left come next month, I have a sinking suspicion that Nintendo might wisen up an prepare a lot more copies to ship in October/November.

I really want a chance to try the game...I'm in the same "Want Jungle Beat" boat, and am considering it. I likely won't have the money, but you never know. If I get addicted, money and I can part ways fairly easily.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
scola said:
EDIT: so far the most amusing thing I have witnessed at our kiosk was a group of five black kids, in do-rags, braids and south-pole clothes approach the demo. Not only did they figure that shit out in an instant (actually reading the instructions, and finding the start button which is mostly elusive to people) but the youngest kid 11-14 was realy good, and his crew (another teen or two and two 17ish) were all grooving and hitting the claps when they dropped. They were the best congo-ers we have had so far.

That's hilarious.


I didn't get a chance to play Donkey Konga at all at E3 and basically forgot about it so after reading this thread yesterday, I made my way to my local Gamestop today and tried it out. Needless to say, it was a blast (and had that Samba De Amigo vibe) and I put in my pre-order.

Thanks to whoever said you you can "clap" by hitting the side of the drum. Fun experience. Can't wait to get the game. $50 for the game and bongo controller is a steal.


I checked the song list, I'm glad to see there isn't any (at least visible) J-Pop songs on the list, which is great. I hate going to the arcade and playing DDR and not knowing what song to play, but I can't just hit random because it'll play some boring song, so i gotta stick to the same 5-7 songs.
Donkey Konga was always one of those could-be-big-if-marketed-right games. My love of music games makes me happy that Nintendo seems to be ready to hit a home run here.
scola said:
EDIT: so far the most amusing thing I have witnessed at our kiosk was a group of five black kids, in do-rags, braids and south-pole clothes approach the demo. Not only did they figure that shit out in an instant (actually reading the instructions, and finding the start button which is mostly elusive to people) but the youngest kid 11-14 was realy good, and his crew (another teen or two and two 17ish) were all grooving and hitting the claps when they dropped. They were the best congo-ers we have had so far.

Holy Crap. The exact same thing happened at my store today. Except it was only three kids. Plus, one of the kids actually said, "Aww, you can't do the DK Rap? That shit's hot."

This is probably the best demo Nintendo ever put out. I was a little disappointed with Super Mario Ball, though. Hope it plays better on the GBA.
Quick question on Donky Konga. Do you think my 4 year old niece would get much enjoyment out of it. She likes music. Just curious. I don't want to get it for her at Christmas if it would be too hard for her. She'll be 4 1/2 years old at Christmas. Thanks for any help.


EDIT: so far the most amusing thing I have witnessed at our kiosk was a group of five black kids, in do-rags, braids and south-pole clothes approach the demo. Not only did they figure that shit out in an instant (actually reading the instructions, and finding the start button which is mostly elusive to people) but the youngest kid 11-14 was realy good, and his crew (another teen or two and two 17ish) were all grooving and hitting the claps when they dropped. They were the best congo-ers we have had so far.




CrimsonSkies said:
Quick question on Donky Konga. Do you think my 4 year old niece would get much enjoyment out of it. She likes music. Just curious. I don't want to get it for her at Christmas if it would be too hard for her. She'll be 4 1/2 years old at Christmas. Thanks for any help.

There are different levels of songs. The children songs like BINGO are obviously gonna be easier. It also depends if she's good at video games, Nick.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
How is it compared to Samba de Amigo? I'm not sure I could play a music game if it's not getting on for that level, I'd just want to fire Samba up all the time.

With the exception of dance games. I love that shit.


CrimsonSkies said:
Quick question on Donky Konga. Do you think my 4 year old niece would get much enjoyment out of it. She likes music. Just curious. I don't want to get it for her at Christmas if it would be too hard for her. She'll be 4 1/2 years old at Christmas. Thanks for any help.

For sure. There's like 3 difficulty levels. It's classic Nintendo "easy enough to learn, hard to master" that anyone can get into.

How much is this gonna be with the drums, $99? I suprisingly suddenly got interested in this game today and I'm probably gonna get it.


LakeEarth said:
For sure. There's like 3 difficulty levels. It's classic Nintendo "easy enough to learn, hard to master" that anyone can get into.

How much is this gonna be with the drums, $99? I suprisingly suddenly got interested in this game today and I'm probably gonna get it.

Except it's not classic Nintendo... it's Namco.

$49.99. It's the only way it comes. $29.99 for extra drums.


Tag of Excellence
Hah I was rocking out with three old cuban men at a Toys R Us today. Seems like their family went on some huge trip to Toys R Us and they were stuck taking the kids around the toy store. I went with my dad to show him the game since he played the congos when he was younger. They came over while I was playing the Bongo Drums and started singing with 'Oye Come Va' and clapping along with me. Since they were so interested I showed them how to play and we had a great time. I'm telling you old hispanic men fucking own this game.


Sucks at viral marketing
I think some people are expecting the game to cost more because of the bongos, and don't know any better.
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