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Iceland Volcano Pt.2?

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Will an Eruption Start Today?
The flood in Gígja is steadily increasing. The level of the water was 3.8 meters Tuesday morning, but it was 1.8 meters around midday Monday according to mbl.is.

The bridge over Gígja is around 340 meters wide, but the river is now about 200 meters wide at the bridge. The water is flowing at about 630 cubic meters per second compared to 130 cubic meters per second on Sunday. This indicates that the river is rising faster than in the last big flood in 2004. Other rivers are not showing signs of flooding.

At Grímsvötn, the very active volcano that last erupted after the flood in 2004, earthquake activity is being closely monitored. An earthquake of 2.4 on the Richter scale was measured at 5 pm on Monday, but there has been no activity since.

According to mbl.is scientists say that an eruption could well start after the flood. If the potential eruption is similar to the one in 2004, it might begin today, i.e. Tuesday afternoon.

http://hraun.vedur.is/ja/oroi/grf.gif <-- tremor chart

Apparently there is already an 8km high cloud of steam above it. Lets hope this one is just a subglacial eruption.


That was a hell of a disruption last time. We had repair parts held up for as much as 2 months because there just wasn't enough capacity.


Gold Member
Lucky I came back to UK yesterday. Fucker better erupt before next Tuesday when I'm due to Finland, since I'll be damned if I have to take bus from Helsinki to London again.


btkadams said:
close by? didn't the one that happened before fuck up all flights to and from europe for a couple months?
Couple weeks, you mean. If I'm not wrong, it was just a couple days, then some calm and then it happened again and lasted longer.
btkadams said:
close by? didn't the one that happened before fuck up all flights to and from europe for a couple months?

Yes. I was supposed to be on the last plane before the ash cloud, on my way to a study trip to New York, was going to be my first time in America. But the airport closed 15 minutes early, so we had to leave the plane. Got my suitcases 3 weeks later.

Fuck vulcanos :mad:


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
Chittagong said:
Lucky I came back to UK yesterday. Fucker better erupt before next Tuesday when I'm due to Finland, since I'll be damned if I have to take bus from Helsinki to London again.

Damn, now THAT's an epic bus journey. How many miles did you log?


Wtf is going on in the world anyway?


I don't like this quote one bit.
Indonesia volcano shoots new blast; 21 more rumble
"If it's true that there are over 20 volcanos demonstrating increased levels of seismic activity, then that is something we should pay attention to," said McInnes, a professor at Australia's Curtin University who has done extensive volcanic research in Indonesia.
He said such an increase could indicate "a major plate restructuring" — a major shift in the plates' position, rather than simply the usual jostling. "That would be significant."


Mik2121 said:
Couple weeks, you mean. If I'm not wrong, it was just a couple days, then some calm and then it happened again and lasted longer.
yeah it definitely wasn't a couple months haha, forgive my hyperbole.


Wow, the last month or so has played out very similar to the way the movie 2012 started...

Cracks in the earth forming in strange areas, sinkholes, now volcanic activity.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I was expecting this months ago, historically when the one volcano erupts, the other one does too right?


Suikoguy said:
I was expecting this months ago, historically when the one volcano erupts, the other one does too.
Grimsvotn isn't the 'other' one though. That's Katla... guess that will be part 3 next year. :S


Suikoguy said:
I was expecting this months ago, historically when the one volcano erupts, the other one does too.
Different volcano.

This is all just part of our master plan.


Is this volcano the same type of volcano that caused all those problems early in the year.

I hope not as I have a flight booked on the 19th to meet up with family in India!!!!


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Oh right, Katla...
i'm surprised that one has not erupted yet.


Damn.. Grimsvotn has a VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) rating of 6 in a full scale eruption. I didn't realize it could be that bad. Ejyafjallajokul was 4, Mt. St. Helens was a 5, Krakatoa in 1883 was 6.


It seems we have a lot to learn when it comes to volcanoes. A lot of evidence lately suggests that these volcanic hot spots and chains may have linked magma chambers. Imagine how fucked we'd be if like 10 or 20 major volcanoes erupted at once.


Has problems recognising girls
pestul said:
Damn.. Grimsvotn has a VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index) rating of 6 in a full scale eruption. I didn't realize it could be that bad. Ejyafjallajokul was 4, Mt. St. Helens was a 5, Krakatoa in 1883 was 6.
I know it might be a bit alarmist and such, but holy shit.


OOOOOOLd, known about this for 3 days
Also a BIG russian volcano blew its top a few days ago
And now 21 volcanoes in Indonesia are showing signs of imminent eruption

Wii said:
OOOOOOLd, known about this for 3 days
Also a BIG russian volcano blew its top a few days ago
And now 21 volcanoes in Indonesia are showing signs of imminent eruption


That's what the quote above was talking about how he said there must be a pretty big plate movement going on to cause such activity.


Wii said:
OOOOOOLd, known about this for 3 days
Also a BIG russian volcano blew its top a few days ago
And now 21 volcanoes in Indonesia are showing signs of imminent eruption




Everything is normal.

Things have always been this way.

Nothing ever changes.

Insert Cicero Quote Here.

Wii said:
The peak is bulging slightly and cracking
Give it time

That's what she said.


mre said:
Yes, Rapture Ready is a great source of humor for the patient.

Rapture Ready said:
Sad part is that if you tell people about the rapture and how what is going on now has been predicted by the Lord, most people think you are crazy or a fool.

And there we go :lol

Really hope this thing doesn't erupt again. I'm still fascinated by volcanos though. I really should read up on them, as I remember little from school. It's amazing how much area a single eruption can affect.


Shanadeus said:
Oh god no, I have a very important flight coming up.

Same fucking here.

But this one isn't supposed to be able to fuck nearly as much with air traffic. Different kind of ash particles, that won't travel as high or long as those last year. Also, the jet stream is 500 km. south of Iceland, so that fucker won't drag ash all over the continent. I hope.


UFRA said:
Wow, the last month or so has played out very similar to the way the movie 2012 started...

Cracks in the earth forming in strange areas, sinkholes, now volcanic activity.

A button fell off my coat last night.

It's coming.
This thread title reminds me that I still haven't been refund for my canceled flight in late april.

Time to make rage a bit to get my money back


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yes. I was supposed to be on the last plane before the ash cloud, on my way to a study trip to New York, was going to be my first time in America. But the airport closed 15 minutes early, so we had to leave the plane. Got my suitcases 3 weeks later.

Fuck vulcanos :mad:
(Yesterday, 05:25 PM)
Reply | Quote


Wii said:
Those that think this is normal activity

Plates subduct. All over the fucking planet. Heat generated by water compression causes the molten rock to rise, creates volcanoes, etc. etc.

You've got nine plates and plenty of smaller ones, they all converge/diverge on/from each other. THAT'S HOW THE EARTH WORKED THEN, THAT'S HOW IT WORKS NOW, AND IT'S WORKED PRETTY WELL SO FAR.

Volcanic arcs were formed from plates moving, Hawaii formed this way.

Shit happens.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Wii said:
Those that think this is normal activity

It is normal, because it happens. Its part of the natural geological functions of the Earth.

Abnormal would be teutonic plate movement caused by cloaked satellites operated by Reptilian shape-shifters.
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