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If Doom3 is the real deal will you upgrade your gfx card?

nope. i have a 9800 pro and ill be waiting quite a while before i upgrade my video card.

upgrading to an athlon 64-bit processor is another story, however.
I won't be either. My Radeon 9800 is pretty well matched with my processor. Upgrading pieces at this point isn't a lot of bang for the buck. For those who still haven't upgraded to 1G of RAM, I'm sure this'll be another game that begs for it though.


It will live up to the hype. This is pc gaming. This is an ID Software game. This is Doom. This isnt some overhyped gaming-age console flavor of the week ;)


already have a 9800pro and a 3000+ amd64. no thx... but i'm probally going to upgrade to a gig of ram before doom3 comes out.


And even i am moderately surprised
GeForce 6800 Ultra, A64 3400+, 1 gig of ram - hopefully should run like butter.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Im pretty sure that a PC that can handle Far Cry with good speeds will tackle Doom3 without an hitch. Its carmack we're talking about here, the king of optimization, the alpha already ran quite smoothly on a 9500 and athlon 2.5.


DCharlie you found an Ultra for $400? That is a hell of a deal. They are hard enough to find at $500 (Which is retail price) and most plauce gouge for more ($600+). It isn't a plain 6800 or 6800GT??

Anyway, I just bought a 9800Pro a couple months ago and I am sticking with it. It runs Farcry like butta at 1024 X 768, which is all I need. So I figure it'll handle Doom 3 as well.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
My p4 2.66 9800 pro 1 gig of ram better run this game at 60 fps or something is really wrong with the PC game industry...shit!


I brought my 256MB 9800 XT for the purpose of Doom 3/HL2/S.T.A.L.K.E.R/etc. and even though I do feel somewhat outdated now that the X800 has come, I don't think my system is a slouch as its got some nice stuff in it (3GHz P4 and 1GB RAM).
Ya know, people started upgrading for Doom 3 and Half Life 2 when they were slated for release last year. lol

I myself have already gotten a new computer -- but I couldn't afford a good graphics card at the time. So, I will be having some difficulty running this game.


not an idiot
shuri said:
It will live up to the hype. This is pc gaming. This is an ID Software game. This is Doom. This isnt some overhyped gaming-age console flavor of the week ;)



"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Nope. I'm running with a 9800 Pro with 1 GB of OCZ PC4000 RAM with a P4 3.0 C @ 3.5 GHz.

I ran the beta on a worse machine and it ran silky smooth. And the finished product is supposed to be 3 times more tight in efficiency.


teh_pwn said:
Nope. I'm running with a 9800 Pro with 1 GB of OCZ PC4000 RAM with a P4 3.0 C @ 3.5 GHz.

I ran the beta on a worse machine and it ran silky smooth. And the finished product is supposed to be 3 times more tight in efficiency.

Good to hear!
I'm buying a new pc for Doom and other games like it...I'll post the specs later for anyone that cares. Still trying to figure out what to buy, hard building your first 1. Hope its worth it.
I've been debating on picking up an Xbox over the past year, but I think I've decided I'm going to be one-console this gen and work on tweaking up the PC.
So even though PC games ship in standard size boxes, this is gonna ship in a DVD jewel case and have enough room to fit 6 cds. I'm sold.


I'm going to, but not just for Doom 3. I'm using a geforce 4 ti4200 right now, so you know I'm outdated.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Ugh, when will they put PC games on DVDs.

DVD drives cost $20-30, and have been coming out on new PCs for years. If someone's got a rig good enough for Doom III, they probably have a DVD-ROM and if not would probably buy one.

Things would install faster, and all audio could be streamed instead of cramming it in crappy 128 k mp3s.
No one should upgrade for one game, but the FPS-nirvana of 2004 is unmissable.

UT2K4, BFV, Far Cry, Half-Life 2, Stalker, Doom 3 and counting.
The guy that posted that image is an asshat. "Oh, I made this faked mock-up of the Doom 3 packaging and discs, and now people are mad because they think I'm trying to pass it off as a hoax." WTF. YOU JACKASS YOU MADE THIS SHIT TO LOOK REAL SO IT WOULD FOOL PEOPLE. "Stupid people who actually believed it! I can't believe someone would take a picture of the day so seriously!" The guy is a freakin butt bag.


Mrbob said:
DCharlie you found an Ultra for $400? That is a hell of a deal. They are hard enough to find at $500 (Which is retail price) and most plauce gouge for more ($600+). It isn't a plain 6800 or 6800GT??

Anyway, I just bought a 9800Pro a couple months ago and I am sticking with it. It runs Farcry like butta at 1024 X 768, which is all I need. So I figure it'll handle Doom 3 as well.

It's a Sparkle plain 6800.

It was either that or the 256MB 9800Pro.


Doom 3 caps at 60fps, right?

And I'll be getting a new graphics card... A completely new PC, actually. Heh. I haven't made my decision regarding the 6800 and X800 quite yet, but I'm leaning towards Nvidia's card. Right now, the only thing the X800 seems to really be good for is UT2k4, and I don't play that one all that much. If I'm wrong on that point, please don't hesitate to correct me. :p

Also, there are superior variants of these cards coming out later on this year right? I know there was supposed to be a 6800 with 512MB of RAM.

But yeah, it'd be nice to have Doom 3 runnin' at a consistant 60fps at 1600x1200 resolution.


I know that there is supposed to be a speed boosted version of the x800 series out in the fall, but I'm not sure what Nvidia has planned (probably a speed boost also, though).


Bregor said:
IMO, the 9800 Pro is by far the best value in video cards for the last two years.

so damn right

actually the 9700 pro was also a pretty good choice

it's 6 months or so older and it's still capable to run 99% of today's game very nicely


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It may not be the tops anymore, but I'm sticking with my 9700 Pro. I don't think it will have any problems with Doom 3...

If anything, I believe Far Cry is a more demanding game than Doom 3 or HL2 (especially) will be...

suck it down PC gamers! co-op online play!


"um ok fmt but but you know on pc you know you can use a mouse AND you get better graphics AND a mod will come out for co op online pc!"
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