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If someone wanted to jump back to final fantasy 15, what would be your advice to make fun and worth it?


I played the game but never finished. I didn't thought it was bad, it had a lot of great moments and a good sense of adventure. The open world was also great.

Problem is, you could clearly see the game was put through a chopping block, a lot of things were underexplained, many quests felt repetitive save a few exceptions, some baffling design decisions that made the game super annoying to play at times.

My honest advice is, if you really want to try again... don't feel obliged to finish it. Just play and explore the world of the game while you're enjoying it. Once you start getting bored or getting the impression you saw everything that needed to be seen, just drop it and move on.
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Don't have a PS5, and somehow ff7r didn't grasp me for too long. I even can't remember where I stopped in the game because I felt like it is more like a job than having fun.
If you didnt enjoy FF VIIR, avoid XV like the plague. The game doesnt respect your time

I've finished the game years ago, and I also have it installed on my PC just 'cause its a tour de force in terms of visuals, but I never actually play it.

The story is terrible, the storytelling is even worse, gameplay is almost automatic, setpieces are few and far between and etc.

The ending is the only good part, but to get there you'll have to go through dozens of hours of mediocrity


I actually want to do this as well. I never finished it upon release on PS4.

I actually need to know the order to consume all the peripheral material to get the full story without spoiling myself by doing them out of order.
So I found this, can anyone attest?


So I found this, can anyone attest?
Lmao so you have to play a side scrolling game, watch an anime, play the actual game for a couple hours then watch a movie?

Play the game and all the dlc in a particular order and then read a book?

There's just no way


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
you know a game is bad, when you completed it few years ago and you cant even remember most part of it.


If you didn't have fun the first time around with it then don't try to "make it fun". I think you should rather play a game that is actually fun for you.

Boss Mog

Play it on PS5 so you get a locked 60fps. Finish the main story first. Unlock the Armiger Unleashed (need to beat the game to get it) and then do all the sidequests and post-game content.
Yeah, XV kind of sucks. It's probably my least favorite Final Fantasy. It has some moments, especially toward the end when the plot seems like it actually might start moving when the game ends.

Characters kind of suck, the car kind of sucks.. I just think the game sucks. I got it at launch and quit playing a few hours through, a first for me for that series.

I did pick it up a few years later to try again and while I was able to beat it this time it didn't leave a positive impression. Play it for yourself and see how you feel, but it's definitely near the bottom of my FF tier list.
I played the game while snorting adderall and that really helped for the six days straight that I stayed up and played it. I've since gone to rehab in 2019 and have always thought with almost five years of clean time under my belt now, would I have ever played more than an hour of the sumbitch otherwise?
This may be the best post on all of neogaf


It's one of the best games in the series. I'm about halfway through FFXVI. While I'm really enjoying it, I definitely enjoyed FFXV more when that released.


I would say ditch the turn-based system of combat, leave it in the late 80s and 90s and embrace the combat like Legend of Zelda and Secret of Mana, all-real-time


My advice is don't waste your time playing it, unless you enjoy the combat. Story is nonexistent, the road trip car travel gets dull really quick.
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Dude if you want to play it just play it. Make sure to watch the Kingsglaive movie first, it gives you a lot of important info leading up to the game (plus has lots of eye candy)

It’s a flawed game but I still enjoyed my experience with it. Don’t let the haters scare you off.
Yep, I enjoyed it overall. And yeah, watching the movie and anime shorts helps a lot to flesh out the world and characters.

The game is pretty good overall, as you say it's flawed but worth playing (Royal edition).

And personally I enjoyed the hell out of FFVIIR. It's a great game if you are a fan of FFVII especially.


1. The car rides and "road trip" feel was unique at the time and leaves a strong impression on you (love it or hate it)

2. Also the side episodes (Episode Prompto, Episide Gladiolus, etc.) that focus on the supporting cast were (mostly) well done.

3. If you want a more "modern" Final Fantasy this is probably the best one you can play (next to FF7 Remake of course)
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Reseterror Resettler
So I found this, can anyone attest?

Any chronological guide for anything like this online basically boils down to how autistic you are.

For real.

Normal people aren't going to play the intro and first chapter of Leon's campaign in Resident Evil 6, then quit to the main menu and start chapter one of Chris' campaign because it starts 2 days afterward and then go back to chapter 2 of Leon. (Those chapter numbers aren't right, but please, God, don't correct me)

Even the most esoteric cryptic game devs don't expect you to do that shit, either. I've had enough positive reinforcement and problem solving exercises in my formative years to be able to understand that several things can happen in a setting without having to be dragged through the storyline like an invalid.

Is that an accurate chronology? Yeah. But just watch the movie before you play the game, unless having to connect plot points from different pieces of media is the bane of your mental functions.

It's not a well told story. I think the lore is fucking fascinating, and I like certain locales, characters, and pieces of world building, but realistically every part of the game that isn't IN the game (i.e. DLC, movies, novels, side games, anime) really should have been incorporated into the title itself.

With that said, the people acting like it's hard to follow or nonsensical because they can't be asked to follow the pieces Strike me as those self owning types who preach from the mountains about convoluted and confusing they find a game about a key sword and Donald Duck.

Is it exceptional story telling? Not really.

Is it indecipherable? I really hope not, for humanity's sake.

Power Pro

I recently replayed all of Final Fantasy 15 myself. The difference is when I first played it, it was brand new with no patches, or DLC, and I thought the idea of having to watch external content was stupid. I still think it's stupid I had to watch a movie, or anime to get the full story, but to give the game a real chance this time, I decided to play the game while watching the movie, the anime, play the DLC when they take place in the story. Whatever I had to do to get the full story.

I will say this, the core game itself....still sucks. They really fucked up rushing this game, and it's clear. The best stuff in it is stuff that was added post release. The DLC is the best content in the game, with Episode Ardyn being pretty awesome. The quest that was a tie in with Final Fantasy 14 was also pretty fun and just a joy to play through. I even found myself enjoying the movie Kingsglaive a lot more than I thought I would. It was pretty well made, and with the exception of some uncanny face movement, the animation was excellent.

All said and done, I found by experiencing the game this way, I at least appreciated the story more, but I didn't like it more. I liked certain characters more, and I understood it all more getting the extra context that the original game was missing, but I still found I hated the whole "this is your fate" storyline, and after hearing about the canceled DLC which might have fixed some of this, the game is an eternal unfinished bummer.


Gold Member
I honestly treat it as a relaxing game. Sometimes I don’t even fast travel. Just listen to the music while the boys are riding down the road appreciating the sights.

Don’t do all the hunts at the same time. Pace yourself.
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Don’t read the opinions on the internet as they will make you believe its the lowest level of shit called a “game”.

Reality is that’s it’s an above average game with great and not so great moments. Open mind, sit back, enjoy.
Great advice.

There are so many games that aren't anywhere near as bad as people make them out to be. Some of my favorite games are considered "worst ever..."


I had a lot of fun with it back in the day. I'm planning to replay it after finishing FFXVI. The game have flaws, but the feel of a big journey it's really well made.
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I played it a while ago and enjoyed it.

1. Stick to only “Hunts” for side quests. Anything outside of hunts is really undercooked and will lead to burnout.

2. Focus initial upgrades in skill tree to mobility and link options. Air step and combo stuff, it makes the combat feel more fluid and should have been available from the off.

3. Magic is tied to a cumbersome craft system will limited use, time wasting mineral collection, and is friendly fire. I avoided completely.

4. Love the chocobos.

5. Stick to the main story if you are feeling the burnout. It’s half assed and awkward at parts, but I think it ends strong.


I thought the biggest problem was the battle system was so basic. Very limited moveset and everything felt automatic.

The whole weapon system sounds awesome except every weapon feels the same.

The story is bad for most of the game. By the time it gets good, it's basically over. The final act was great.

Overall better than 13.
I say just skip it and play 16 instead
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One of the green rats
Get the demo and spend alot of time running around and fighting. If that’s fun to you then get it.




I am not sure why 15 is so loathed... the game is decent enough, it's just the story that's a huge mess. But the act of running and stabbing its pretty fun. I remember the pro hack was changing the combat to type b or that sort of situation.

If you want a reason then you need to upgrade your car to fly to get the best dungeon in the game.
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If you want to play it play it, don't listen to others, and form your own opinion of the game. I played and completed a King's Tale which I really liked and FFXV royal edition on PC. rofif rofif is correct, several years later some of the Nvidia stuff still doesn't work properly but at least the DLSS works.
With the HD texture pack, the game still holds up very well.

I have beaten every mainline FF game and XV is unfortunately one of my least favorite. There is never any fear of death, literally never. I don't think I died one time in my entire playthrough and the only time I got close is when I ran into
when I was very low level. Anyone that played the game knows exactly what I'm talking about.

The music is easily the best part of the game. The party you either love or hate, and controlling them was a tacked-on afterthought. The combat is not as bad as people say. You can hold one button for constant attacks or input directions with the button to execute different moves. Once you get Armiger Unleashed you can do some pretty badass shit. The magic system is confusing at first and ridiculously op once you figure it out. FFXV has one of the coolest items in the history of FF though.
The ring of the Lucii
Noctis's story is pretty bad and I only connected with him near the very end of the game. His group is fleshed out more in the DLC than they are in the game. despite all of that complaining I would still give the royal edition of the game a 7.7 and say that if you are going to play it do so on PC.
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