1. Remove exclusives from gamepass, sell them only in physical or digital format for $70
2. Advertise every single internal production according with production values, eliminate the possibility of not having a sufficient marketing threshold
3. Immediately stop publishing internal productions on Playstation, leaving only PC and Nintendo
4. Dedicated hardware team that helps third parties release games at high levels of performance and polish, in addition to support for in-house productions that showcase the capabilities of the designed hardware
5. Fight Sony for exclusive or temporal third-party content
6. Investments in studies in ASIA, Japan, Africa
7. Plan a marketing plan that sees Xbox hardware constantly displayed in the city, exhibitions, events, advertising etc, on a monthly basis in major cities, sport event, TV
8. Internal team dedicated to the production quality of their titles from a content and technical point of view. Every studio needs support, and every time
9. Engage fans more about the state of internal games through feedback
10. Abandon metrics such as engagement, community, union, if we all play we all win etc: communities have never been an evaluative measure in the videogame market, they are just smoke and mirrors. The only thing that matters is producing large and small but quality games. Microsoft has a huge responsibility in having produced this aura that the player must necessarily relate to the other. Nobody ever asked for it and the market has always functioned without this variable. This market has the duty to produce quality games, users have nothing to do with it.
11. Completely relaunch Xbox in Europe with the help of all kinds of analysts, consultants and cultural experts from European territories