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If you were filthy rich, which games would you save?

Alex, yeah, but I think even Shenmue Online and Xenosaga 2 are a little too poetic for those shitball series, as far as tragic endings go.

Seriously, I can't imagine a fitting end for the Shenmue series that doesn't involve defecation, fire, and the shrill lamentations of Sega fanboys.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Games I'd get out:

System Shock 3, everything that Doom 3 *isn't* but tried to be.

Privateer 3, sans the first sequel's freaky FMV, using a next-gen Freespace 2 engine.

Kohan II-2, aka "Sorry, guys, KoW was just a bad joke." In 2d, of course, with all the good gameplay elements of KAG intact + everything refined and balanced + 2 new factions.


Unconfirmed Member
Jet Set Radio
Valkyrie Profile
Power Stone
Skies of Arcadia
Bushido Blade
Xenogears (none of this "-saga" crap)


I'd save the Fallout series, System Shock, and pretty much any Japanese developer that's made a good shooter in the past few years.

Oh yeah, I'd save Deus Ex, too, as it seems to be obviously going down the road to ruin.


I'd make a Batman game based on that old Warren Ellis gag about Batman ripping the Joker's nipples off. It would be called "Choke On My Fuck, Commissioner Gordon."



panzer dragoon series - just buy up team andromeda, let them make the games of their dreams.
abuse - insanely good 2d action side scroller for the pc w/ an ingenious mouse targetting system that was way ahead of its time. the developer went backrupt sure enough, because they didnt make yet another generic RTS or fps game.
sonic - i think ill design the new sonics myself.
"look here naka, this is what i want...and this is what i dont want! right. now go make this! ill just keep the keys to your ferrari until the game is done the way i like. mmmkaay?"
parsec47/rrootage/noiz/warning forever - alright these guys are hardcore, i'd buy them up and let them make their first full scale abstract shooter. heh, their free games are loads better than rez.
out of this world - re-assemble the whole team, get them to make other 2d sidescrollers or if they wish, they could make 3d games, but i'd hire other people to actually make the game engine so that its playable.


bjork said:

I have it on my DreamCast. Its a true Arcad bloodfest !

EDIT : Sorry for not reading the thread.... DOH.

I would save :

Act Raiser
Dragon Force
Lunar series


Drinky Crow said:
Seriously, I can't imagine a fitting end for the Shenmue series that doesn't involve defecation, fire, and the shrill lamentations of Sega fanboys.

It would be a wasted effort in any event. A certain portion of the audience would find a way to like any Shenmue game, no matter how bad.

Or any Xeno game, for that matter. The reaction to Episode II next year is gonna be a hoot.



They even took Xenocard out, right? What the hell were they thinking? Xenocard ruled, rip it off, jazz up the features and release it as a stand alone game, and I would've been all over that.


Alex said:
They even took Xenocard out, right? What the hell were they thinking? Xenocard ruled, rip it off, jazz up the features and release it as a stand alone game, and I would've been all over that.

I believe the card game is dead, yeah. A good rule of thumb with Episode II seems to be that if it was a feature of the first game, it's not there anymore.

Note I didn't say a good feature of the first game, I said a feature. Nobody's got any fingers anymore, either.



Xenocard WAS the only good feature, so that goes without saying. I'm still surprised that from
developers of such haphazard messes, came a competent, and *gasp* fun card title.

Of course, continuing to play Xenocard meant continuing to play Xenosaga, which was a requirement I could not meet, although I was only playing the game to mock it to begin with. So there's probably a solid chance something in there is busted as hell.


Alex said:
Xenocard WAS the only good feature, so that goes without saying. I'm still surprised that from developers of such haphazard messes, came a competent, and *gasp* fun card title.

The Xeno guys can make good stuff, they just can't do it reliably or often. Sort of like how the opening movie in Xenogears hits this massive peak of coolness, and then the next 60 hours are just a continuous downhill slide.



Gas Guzzler
Drinky Crow said:
Street Fighter 4 with:

A) No wacky Darkstalkers characters (Oro, Necro, Twelve, Gill)
B) High-resolution graphics and sprites
C) SF3 parry system
D) A decent non-vocal soundtrack with some classic SF2 stage tune remixes
E) An almost completely new cast, with the few returning characters completely redrawn and retooled
G) Sony PS3 and arcade only releases
H) Home version REQUIRES an arcade stick to play; pad weenies not allowed
I) "Leguna Mode" where the CPU brags incessantly about its mad skills, summarily loses to you, and then randomly generates an excuse



Beyond Good & Evil of course, top choice.

Followed by Freedom Fighters.

Perhaps a new Star Tropics?


Hates quality gaming
Actually I'd just revive Tecnosoft in its entirety.
I'll kill for Thunder Force 6, but as stated earlier another Herzog Zwei could come in just dandy.
Drinky Crow said:
Street Fighter 4 with:

A) No wacky Darkstalkers characters (Oro, Necro, Twelve, Gill)
Oh, so it should have more realistic characters like Blanka and Dhalsim then? I get it.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Always has been and always will be:



I'd save True Fantasy Live Online.


Having your most anticipated game get killed months before completion hurts. Bad.

Samurai Shodown in such hi-res the eyeball suffers papercuts

Samba De Amigo wireless maracas and BAH lots more stuff

Warning Forever so many cool ideas with this i cry thinking
Spike said:
You're all going to hell for not mentioning:

Metal Arms!!!

whilst in Hell I'll sooooo be enjoying my endless boss fight with the ever-changing randomized forms of the Dark Master gripping my trusty maracas in 2-D soooo AGONIZINGLY sharp that it must be torture. and Ricky Martin will be there in his magic flamming underwear.
Earthbound (sequel; port the damn already-translated games to GBA)
Final Fantasy VI GBA port (how hard can it be?)
Spellfire (online)
Vegas Stakes


I would like to ask, just out of curiousity, anyone with knowledge of videogame industry the following question. How much do you think it would cost to buy, or develop a game for the following franchises....

1)Ridge Racer?
2)Daytona USA?
3)Super GT?
I'd buy:

System Shock franchise - EA is just going to sit on it like a bunch of other properties they've bought and destroyed.

Fallout 3 - It needs to be made.

Burnout - I highly suspect that Burnout 3 will be the last one. EA already has an arcade racing franchise. If it bombs, they'll kill it off. If it's successful, they'll probably "hybridize" it with the Need for Speed series and call it something else.

Freespace - With the money I'd inherit. I'd destroy the worthless Red Faction franchise and have Volition start work on Freespace 3 immediately. Summoner? Red Faction? Dumb twats. Do what you do best.

Crusader - Actually, I'd probably just resurrect Origin completely, not just for Crusader but for Ultima as well. System Shock back in the rightful owners at last...

Demolition Derby - No more shit Driver games. Get back to making the fun stuff Reflections.

Command & Conquer - I still like the series, even if it did get a little stale. I think a revamp with a slower strategy/RPG element would have done wonders.

I could go on and on...


Hmmm...What properties would i buy and fund?

- Shenmue- Have it remade from the ground up and completed then have itreleased as a box set.

- Mutant League- Have VC do it for Baseball, Football, Basketball and Hockey, online play, and tons of features and gameplay elements

- Killer Instinct- Have the team behind Tao Feng do it, with the same graphics engine and classic KI gameplay and characters.

- Power Stone- Two modes of play, 1-classic Power Stone 1 gameplay one on one on huge muti-tier levels, 2nd mode of play muti-player style like Power Stone 2. Retain the weapon building aspect for use in both modes and as an added bonus....*drum roll* classic hidden Capcom characters like Ken, Ryu, Megaman, Dante etc...and last but not least, ONLINE play in both modes with the ability to setup tournaments, co-op team play, free for all...winers of Capcom sponsored tourneys earn exclusive characters and items that will remain specific to the winner.



Punch-Out!! definitely, how they've gone this long without one is baffling. Hopefully revolution has some kind of motion sensing that will spark their creative juices towards making a new Punch-Out!! Or maybe a Punch-Out!! for DS, where you literally have to hit the guy, heh.

Kid Icarus too, especially after those bastards teased us in SSBM.
Bionic Commando

Goddamnit I want a Bionic commando sequel.

Prince of Persia

Why? Cause I can't stand the art director. He's really good... but why turn the Prince into an ultimate bad-ass who's got nothin to loose. That's not what POP should be.

If I was filthy rich, I'd fund my own game:


I'm doing the art stuff right now: The good side's hero(costume) been nailed down.
It's gonna be real deep. I swear this game's gonna get made, one day.
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