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IGN: A Prominent Accessibility Advocate Worked With Studios and Inspired Change. But She Never Actually Existed.


Gold Member
the part where a Spiderman 2 designer had “literal tears” because one of Craven’s fake people praised a part of the game says so much about the state of vidya today.

I’m not against accessibility and all that but if there was some notable audience that needed this stuff, then one would not have to be invented.
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PC Gamer is getting reamed in the comments hard.
Oh, every time I stumble upon a post of theirs on X, I reply with 'Shut the fuck up'.
This is what you get when you put "Deaf, queer, disabled/handicapped, nerdy gamer, Muslim female" in an AI generation:



the part where a Spiderman 2 designer had “literal tears” because one of Craven’s fake people praised a part of the game says so much about the state of vidya today.
Remember that scene in Robocop 2 where a board was saying that Robocop should be more environmentally friendly and similar other bullshit? A scene where you are supposed to roll your eyes? It has become reality. It's what happens when irrelevant people are in charge of relevant matters.

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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Here's an example of serial deceiver Courtney Craven complaining to Ubisoft about ableist language and successfully making a software company grovel before her. But instead of making the world a better place what Ubisoft was really doing was giving a quick endorphin high that encourages these people to complain more and more - because it's an enormous ego boost to make these big companies change their products because of your petty, fake demands.


"Courtney Craven, the founder of gaming accessibility site Can I Play That?, found one troubling issue with the game, however: a description of a character who was badly burned as a child, and now lives in fear of people seeing her "disfigured face."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla

"I didn't include this in my Assassin's Creed Valhalla impressions piece but it's equally important to address. This is a character description in the game," they wrote. "It's absolutely unacceptable to talk about facial differences this way. Writers for games and otherwise need to do better."

Unfortunately, although not unexpectedly, the reaction to Craven's tweet was largely negative, leading them to protect their tweets. Ubisoft took a more understanding approach, however."

In other words, regular Twitter users saw the absurdity of the whole thing and mocked her, but the asswipes at Ubisoft immediately caved in to the demands of a crazy person.

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Jinzo Prime

Here's an example of serial deceiver Courtney Craven complaining to Ubisoft about ableist language and successfully making a software company grovel before her. But instead of making the world a better place what Ubisoft was really doing was giving a quick endorphin high that encourages these people to complain more and more - because it's an enormous ego boost to make these big companies change their products because of your petty, fake demands.


"Courtney Craven, the founder of gaming accessibility site Can I Play That?, found one troubling issue with the game, however: a description of a character who was badly burned as a child, and now lives in fear of people seeing her "disfigured face."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla's Creed Valhalla

"I didn't include this in my Assassin's Creed Valhalla impressions piece but it's equally important to address. This is a character description in the game," they wrote. "It's absolutely unacceptable to talk about facial differences this way. Writers for games and otherwise need to do better."

Unfortunately, although not unexpectedly, the reaction to Craven's tweet was largely negative, leading them to protect their tweets. Ubisoft took a more understanding approach, however."

In other words, regular Twitter users saw the absurdity of the whole thing and mocked her, but the asswipes at Ubisoft immediately caved in to the demands of a crazy person.

Evil bitch.


This is why you never bend the knee to those insidious, hypocritical pussies. They don't have trauma, they're not suffering by what they experience in the game, they don't have an issue with it at ALL.

They just want the power to guilt and shame people into bending the knee. Because they discovered that in the age of social media, victimhood is a very powerful currency.

And they want to be rich.


This shows how stupid everyone is just for some virtue signal and pandering points. Everyone here could do the same, steal a name from Days of our Lives, fabricate some crazy ass sob story, underline your disabilities. No one fact checks. Get in touch with developers and even give them direct input based on your lies.

This is so obviously fabricated. One is gone, and another with the most outrageous backstory and disabilities get into contact with this freak. And there is a third.

Craven’s alleged third partner was introduced to the public in 2023, once again on social media platforms like X/Twitter. Unlike Banks and Hamid, Deborah (Deb) Vaughan has no Twitter account of her own, instead updating people through self-published stories on Medium, as well as anecdotes given by Craven. According to private conversations between myself and Craven, Vaughan was allegedly a close family friend of Banks, and the two reconnected after Banks’ death in 2019 before entering a romantic relationship in 2023.

Similar to Banks and Hamid, there are no pictures of Craven and Vaughan together. Instead, Craven posted on X/Twitter screenshots of alleged text conversations between the two. Each post provides a glimpse into their alleged relationship, but without showcasing any physical interactions. The profile picture of Vaughan within these screenshots appears to be a photoshopped stock image from 2015.

No photos of your 'partner', a photoshop and most of all just text. Oh, and Vaughan's mother was 96, played Zelda and died peacefully.

This one is golden:

Within months of Craven’s introduction of Banks, Craven claimed Banks had been hospitalized after dropping a KitchenAid mixer on her foot, according to both an anonymous former business associate of Craven's I spoke to, and my own past conversations with Craven. Several hours later, her leg was allegedly amputated, and nearly 48 hours after the first operation, her other leg was amputated as well."
Yeah. And according to the hospital such patient did not exist.

IGN reached out to Craven ahead of publication via email. He responded, requesting that we not publish the piece but forcefully declining to comment further. Shortly after that, he began deleting his presence on social media. Currently, his X/Twitter, LinkedIn, the Game Content Triggers Database, the Database’s associated Discord server, and Vaughan's Medium page have been removed.

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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
BTW Here's a Youtube presentation by Courtney Craven. I'm surprised she didn't close her Youtube channel since she's closed down everything else.

Here's an example of serial deceiver Courtney Craven complaining to Ubisoft about ableist language and successfully making a software company grovel before her. But instead of making the world a better place what Ubisoft was really doing was giving a quick endorphin high that encourages these people to complain more and more - because it's an enormous ego boost to make these big companies change their products because of your petty, fake demands.


"Courtney Craven, the founder of gaming accessibility site Can I Play That?, found one troubling issue with the game, however: a description of a character who was badly burned as a child, and now lives in fear of people seeing her "disfigured face."

Assassin's Creed Valhalla's Creed Valhalla

"I didn't include this in my Assassin's Creed Valhalla impressions piece but it's equally important to address. This is a character description in the game," they wrote. "It's absolutely unacceptable to talk about facial differences this way. Writers for games and otherwise need to do better."

Unfortunately, although not unexpectedly, the reaction to Craven's tweet was largely negative, leading them to protect their tweets. Ubisoft took a more understanding approach, however."

In other words, regular Twitter users saw the absurdity of the whole thing and mocked her, but the asswipes at Ubisoft immediately caved in to the demands of a crazy person.

I remember when this happened. I didn't realize it was the same person.

Nice when sacks of shit like this finally get what they deserve.


What did that motherfucking, shit eating, piss drinking, pussy barfing cunt tried to pull with Demon's Souls, one of my top three favorite games of all time?


God, I remember that story of Craven complaining on behalf of his friend about the burned face description on AC, and Ubisoft caving in.

I remember it as the point I lost interest on the title, and it has since weighed negatively on anything they put out.

So nice job Ubisoft, losing face while trying to get virtue points with a crowd that literally did not exist when some rando whined on twitter on behalf of someone else (who did not actually have any input for *some reason* -- I wonder why that was lol).
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I'm still reading through the piece, but I do not joke when I say it's incredibly confusing to try and parse what's going on when every single pronoun used is "they" "their".

It's such a wild story because donations were extracted from people under the pretense of continuing the work of a "deceased" someone who never existed.

There are other hilarious details that scream "made-up" to me, the idea that this person died of a stroke while reviewing a game's accessibility is pure fantasy lol.

When one believes that every person is a special unique snowflake, then this doesn't become as far-fetched.

Your worldview and patience for sifting through facts dictates how you see things.

If you donated money to someone who doesn't actually exist, isn't that actually fraud? It's like the people who create gofundme's for fake cancer diagnoses.


I understand the person is fake but I want to know why there is always a GO FUND ME page when someone dies in the US? are people so cash-strapped that they don't take care of their family member's funeral? am I missing something here?


I understand the person is fake but I want to know why there is always a GO FUND ME page when someone dies in the US? are people so cash-strapped that they don't take care of their family member's funeral? am I missing something here?
Yes, they are not only low on cash. Often also in debt. Lacking a functional social security system, it is up to the community to reach out.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Yes, they are not only low on cash. Often also in debt. Lacking a functional social security system, it is up to the community to reach out.
It’s a combo of that and people just taking advantage of a situation. I knew a guy who broke his leg badly and lost his job who was popular in a hobby community who got a bunch of money fundraised for him. He had a rich mom and still had medical insurance so wasn’t in any way needing any support. Dudes wife got her tits done and he went on a vacation or 3.

Fucker broke his leg goofing off too lol

I could never do it, I’d 100% turn down any random charity like that.
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the part where a Spiderman 2 designer had “literal tears” because one of Craven’s fake people praised a part of the game says so much about the state of vidya today.

I’m not against accessibility and all that but if there was some notable audience that needed this stuff, then one would not have to be invented.
From my understanding it cropped up after Uncharted 2 when some gamers wrote to naughty dog about how the qtes got to be too much and they couldn't finish the game. it's where the "hold" QTES came from.

I think the absolute worse of all this is that they could've accomplished all of this without that nonsense. Reminds me of Alicia Head, made a lot of headway for surviving families of 9/11 to get support and resources but was just a complete fraud!



Gold Member
I understand the person is fake but I want to know why there is always a GO FUND ME page when someone dies in the US? are people so cash-strapped that they don't take care of their family member's funeral? am I missing something here?
People will do anything for a buck. Someone with good medical and home/life insurance will have it all covered anyway. But people will always claim they are broke, insurance wont cover it, or they didnt buy insurance so if everyone can help bail them out as a lesson learned. And oddly enough even asking random people in the world for money to cover funerals. Pay for your own coffin and cemetery fee for whomever died.
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I don't visit "that other purple place", but has there been any threads on this there? I'm not against accessibility options in games, in fact, if there's an accessibility menu in games nowadays I go through it, because there may be some options I may enjoy. Either for better gameplay (according to my own preferences), or just for shits-n-giggles. Options rule. We should never dismiss a game for having options IMHO.

But this is 100% unadulterated bullshit. Holy fuck.


I don't visit "that other purple place", but has there been any threads on this there?
They're already banning people there, it never fails. Also, there's an IGN reporter on the thread, looks like one of the websites created on the scheme is now hosting gambling games, the reporter was giving a take about that.
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They're already banning people there, it never fails. Also, there's an IGN reporter on the thread, looks like one of the websites created on the scheme is now hosting gambling games, the reporter was giving a take about that.
This is like #Kony2012 all over again. Sometimes the ends justify the means. But at other times, the means really dilute your argument. And just to be clear, accessibility options in games, if the developer chooses to implement them, are a Good Thing™ IMHO.


They're already banning people there, it never fails. Also, there's an IGN reporter on the thread, looks like one of the websites created on the scheme is now hosting gambling games, the reporter was giving a take about that.
Eh, in this case the ban seems correct if too severe. And I'd say out of character for that place. They suspend the person who didn't read the article but assumed an "ends justify the means" situation.

I would expect a "Permaban for dismissing ableism concerns" in most of the rest of the comments.
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