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IGN: Halo 2 - A Second Look



Chris Roper
Editor, IGN Gear

The first Halo was a great game overall, but its single-player experience left a lot to be desired in my humble opinion. I had the same problem many other gamers did with the repetitive level layout, especially towards the end of the game. Parts of it just felt uninspired, and while it was still a solid shooter, it was far from perfect.

Brennan Ieyoub
Video Editor, IGN Insider

Halo2 is a freakin' masterpiece, and anybody that tells you differently has bad taste, it's just that plain and simple. If you play this game and find yourself disappointed I can't understand what you might have been expecting in the first place. Maybe you wanted the sky to open up and saturate you with angelic light while fireworks shot out of your Xbox, or maybe you wanted Jesus to sit down next to you for a quick game of co-op; either way, you're freaking nuts if you don't like this game.

Mark Ryan Sallee
Editor, IGN Guides/Halo 2 Sniper Extraordinaire

Don't get me wrong -- I still love Halo 2. In fact, all of the issues brought up above would never have been conceived if I didn't absolutely love the controls, the level design, and multiplayer options. The game is sure to devour hours of my life and keep me awake way too late months in the future. But will it outlive the original Halo? Only time -- a hundred more hours of playing -- will tell.

Ivan Sulic
Editor/Crabby SOB, IGN PS2

Halo 2 is a generally fantastic game with one obvious fault. Fortunately for Microsoft and Bungie, this rather serious problem lies within the story, which many gamers are quick to forget in print since it'd be a horrible sin to "spoil" the goods by criticizing such cherished secrets. Too frickin' bad the story sucks. I mean it actually, honestly, wholeheartedly sucks. Halo pulls a twist that's more gameplay-centric than it is plot-based and then manages to culminate with no less than six cliffhangers that won't be revealed for at least one year (more likely three).

Fellows, when you leave six major plot points raveled, you don't have a cliffhanger, you have a damned screw up. If you'd like a real world analogy, Halo 2's ending is like getting half way through your favorite TV show when a loved one suddenly crashes through the window, kicks the television on its side, punches you in the face, and gives you the finger because you're, "Such an effing idiot for wasting your time, idiot." It's actually insulting. And you know what else... You're on Earth for exactly one mission. How do you like them false advertising apples?

And that's it. Aside from that, the game is pretty much great, albeit straightforward. Those accustomed to riding giant elevators and shooting enemies and/or riding giant gondolas and shooting enemies will love Halo 2. The pacing is reminiscent of the first title, as is the art style, sound, and level design. Of course, Halo 2 features the prerequisite technical advancements (including excessive use of normal mapping), but since the story is so terribly unfulfilling, you'll want to stick to multiplayer.

When taken as a multiplayer game with a single-player add-on, it's a phenomenal Xbox experience. I say Xbox because anyone with a PC and a copy of UT 2004 or Battlefield really won't care. If you fall into the caring category, buy Halo 2 and workout that Xbox Live, else you will be disappointed by the unsatisfying single-player experience that happens to resemble Halo the first, only slightly less cool and a whole lot less climatic.

Peer Schneider
IGN Network Director

My kids don't know pity, so whether I go to bed at a decent hour or play till the morning hours, their vicious internal clocks will kick me out of bed at 7:30 am. Thanks to Halo 2, that means I get about three hours of sleep every night now. Damn you, Bungie! Halo 2 is like a universal religion -- a game that brings together editors from IGN, GameSpy, EGM, TXB, and other publications for friendly, mixed-team fragging.

There are so many defining moments of glory (and shame) in Halo 2 multiplayer that it's really difficult to sit out a party. Add to that the promise of downloadable content in the near future and I can't think of another game this holiday season that offers more play value for the buck. A good game for solo players, but the game to get for anyone who loves multiplayer (split-screen, LAN, or online).

David Adams
IGN News Editor/Sex Kitten

We can jump up and down about pretty graphics, get spastic about normal mapping and dynamic physics, and whoop crazily about net code and dual wielding. In the end, it doesn't really matter -- none of these individually are what's electrifying your spine as you blast your way through Halo 2. The magic of the first game was never about any single accomplishment; it was the grace with which Bungie sewed it all together -- AI, level design, art, story, controls, sound. The same goes for Halo 2, only more so. What was nagging in the first game is excised for the second. What we couldn't have dreamed of seeing then is the reality of Halo 2 now.

To be honest, at no point does Halo 2 transcend its predecessor. Nor does it really have to. Instead, using the Halo backbone of uncanny AI, perfect controls, a believable sci-fi setting, and open-ended combat, Bungie simply gives us more -- only a little bit louder, a little bit bigger, and, in several of the game's set-pieces, just down-right awe-inspiring. Sure, you've played the mechanics of this firefight or that flight-race before, but Bungie puts it all in thrilling new contexts. If you've mastered your grammar, you don't have to learn a new language to tell another great story.

Tal Blevins
IGN Editorial Manager/Napkin Dancer

However, like I said before, I will say that I liked the single-player experience of the original Halo slightly better (but just slightly... mostly because I had never experienced a console first-person shooter that I liked as much as PC FPSs), but I can say that Halo 2 is my second favorite single-player console FPS experience, and I'm glad Bungie didn't stray too far from the formula and change what didn't need changing.

There is one thing that bugs me about the multiplayer side, though: I wish the matching service was a little more friendly. Playing with people on my friends list and with others in the IGN clan is great, but I don't like having the game find servers for me if I'm not playing a party game. Take a hint from PC games and let me search for servers on my own that I want to join. That way if I enjoy the folks that I'm currently playing with, I don't have to get jack-booted every time and have the matching service find a new game for me.

Jeremy Dunham
Editor-In-Chief, IGN PS2

The single-player bits I obviously shouldn't comment on yet, so I won't.

David Clayman
IGN Codes Freak

Halo 2 has been one of my most anticipated games of all time. After spending the past week in Master Chief's shoes I definitely have not been disappointed.

I suppose the larger issue is that there should be more options for team size in ranked matches. That way people like me, who only have one friend, wouldn't have to complain about random teammates. Also, with smaller teams it would be nice to see the inclusion of battles between more than two factions. Scenarios like 2v2v2v2 or 4v4v4 would be a welcome addition to ranked game settings. As a side note to the ranking, I hope that people realize that when they drop a game they are only guaranteeing a loss. Ranking whores are not able to cut out of a match before it ends to boost their score. This is just one facet of the excellent ranking system that keeps games more balanced, and more fun than any other Live experience.

Fran Mirabella III
Editor-in-Chief IGN Insider

Ahh, the much-anticipated Halo 2. It definitely surprised me in a number of ways. It's not quite as perfected as I thought it might be (I didn't expect the visual pop-in and some of the larger worlds can leave you wondering which way to head), but it's also really polished in a lot ways I hadn't expected. So, overall, I'd say it has met my expectations and exceeded them in some ways. The multiplayer, for starters, is extremely stable for supporting so many players online. I've had nothing but good times with it so far. And, more than just being stable, it's entertaining and has depth. Getting the right combination of weapons for dual-wielding can make all the difference, and levels are designed to let you strategize in a lot of different ways.


why do they need a second look? The %(#%$# thing just came out!

Second looks are for a few months down the line


Tenguman said:
why do they need a second look? The %(#%$# thing just came out!

Second looks are for a few months down the line
MS money-hype-hats of course :p
This is an awesome point however:

Dave Adams said:
If you've mastered your grammar, you don't have to learn a new language to tell another great story.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Tenguman said:
why do they need a second look? The %(#%$# thing just came out!
The review is the opinion of one man (or in the exceptional case of Halo 2, two dudes). This article lets you know how a bunch of people at IGN feel about the game. Would you feel better if it was titled "Halo 2: A second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth. . .look"?


MarkRyan said:
The review is the opinion of one man (or in the exceptional case of Halo 2, two dudes). This article lets you know how a bunch of people at IGN feel about the game. Would you feel better if it was titled "Halo 2: A second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth. . .look"?
you're talking about second "opinion"

a second "look" implies they are looking at Halo 2 again, from the initial "look".

IE, when time has passed and they can judge it past all the hype and stuff

You know, how like Eternal Darkness was awesome for a week and then now it's a POS


Is it just me or does it seem odd that the only one who makes complaints is the PS2 editor ? Just saying is all. Not that his complaint is entirely unwarrented but still...
Pachinko said:
Is it just me or does it seem odd that the only one who makes complaints is the PS2 editor ? Just saying is all. Not that his complaint is entirely unwarrented but still...

Ivan Sulic has a PC gaming background (he was originally part of IGNPC). His expectations for a FPS are obviously higher. He doesn't really fit in the PS2 channel, IMO.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Tenguman said:
you're talking about second "opinion"
No reason in arguing semantics. Quit whining.
Pachinko said:
Is it just me or does it seem odd that the only one who makes complaints is the PS2 editor ?
Sure, I guess if you didn't read anyone else's opinions you might guess that Sulic was the only one with complaints. But he wasn't.
Halo2 is a freakin' masterpiece, and anybody that tells you differently has bad taste, it's just that plain and simple. If you play this game and find yourself disappointed I can't understand what you might have been expecting in the first place. Maybe you wanted the sky to open up and saturate you with angelic light while fireworks shot out of your Xbox, or maybe you wanted Jesus to sit down next to you for a quick game of co-op; either way, you're freaking nuts if you don't like this game.

:lol :lol :lol

this guy rocks


they call me "Man Gravy".
MarkRyan said:
Sure, I guess if you didn't read anyone else's opinions you might guess that Sulic was the only one with complaints. But he wasn't.

I think the point was that he was the only one who focused entirely on the negatives of the game.

Then again, coming from a PC gaming background with such FPS storytelling classics as DOOM, I'm surprised he didn't think the story was the second coming of Joyce ;)
You're on Earth for exactly one mission. How do you like them false advertising apples?


I've seen this mentioned before and I'm baffled by it. Didn't Bungie say from the very beginning that Halo 2 would start on earth but move on to a second Halo? Isn't that exactly how the game plays out? I don't see any false advertising there. I don't remember Bungie promising earth missions the entire game, or even most of it.

Besides, what's so fucking great about earth anyway? I think the game picked up on Halo anyway. The single earth mission was kinda lame IMO.


Who freaking gives a shit about earth? Was I the only one looking forward to this game that didn't base his excitement over the possibility of fighting on earth? This is so stupid.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
The Shadow said:
Besides, what's so fucking great about earth anyway? I think the game picked up on Halo anyway. The single earth mission was kinda lame IMO.
You don't get it. It's Earth. That's where you and I live. If Halo 2 took place on Earth, it would've been ten times the game it is now. Thanks a lot Bungie.

Honestly, I don't get it either. Though perhaps the game could've avoided the tedium of levels like
High Charity, Gravemind, Sacred Icon, and Oracle
if it was all on Earth.


not an idiot
talk about blowing shit completely out of proportion. Ivan sounds like he's single handedly trying to bring the game down to where he thingks it SHOULD be. so he obviously overstates everything on the other side in an effort to balance out all the positive praise. seen his kind before.


The Live is so awsome for Halo 2. 4 players on 1 xbox vs 4 players on another xbox over live... I didn't think it was possible.


MarkRyan said:
You don't get it. It's Earth. That's where you and I live. If Halo 2 took place on Earth, it would've been ten times the game it is now. Thanks a lot Bungie.

Honestly, I don't get it either. Though perhaps the game could've avoided the tedium of levels like
High Charity, Gravemind, Sacred Icon, and Oracle
if it was all on Earth.

Every one of those levels kicked soooooo much ass. There is something medically wrong with you.
I'm enjoying the game but avoided all associated hype like the plague. I knew little else about Halo outside of the awesom demo I witnessed firsthand @ E3. My only real disappointment so far is that I haven't played anything as "cinematic" as that demo shown. That's a hell of a lot of work to just throw away and kind of misrepresents the playing experience to me thus far (but then again, I haven't finished it so...)

WTF? :(


You're on Earth for exactly one mission. How do you like them false advertising apples?

You're on Earth for two missions. How do you like them ignorant hater apples?


The Shadow said:

I've seen this mentioned before and I'm baffled by it. Didn't Bungie say from the very beginning that Halo 2 would start on earth but move on to a second Halo? Isn't that exactly how the game plays out? I don't see any false advertising there. I don't remember Bungie promising earth missions the entire game, or even most of it.

Besides, what's so fucking great about earth anyway? I think the game picked up on Halo anyway. The single earth mission was kinda lame IMO.

Some snippets from the November EGM Halo 2 was announced in:

"There's going to be lots of cool places to go that aren't Earth." - Jason Jones

So far, we've seen an orbiting space outpost; and on a mining station floating in the upper whisps of a gas giant...

"We're definately going to take the war to the Covenant this time"

This stuff was out there two years ago - and people are surprised not much of it takes place on Earth?


That stuff was out there two years ago.


and on a mining station floating in the upper whisps of a gas giant...
Which mission was this? As for the Earth-based missions, I don't know how they were broken up, but I only remember it as one single mission. I think it's split up in terms of the levels on the level select screen, but basically the mission is singular - stop the scarab from progressing.


Jonnyram said:
Which mission was this? As for the Earth-based missions, I don't know how they were broken up, but I only remember it as one single mission. I think it's split up in terms of the levels on the level select screen, but basically the mission is singular - stop the scarab from progressing.

The heretic ones are the mining station. The mission on earth isn't to stop the scarab, it's to find regret. Stopping the scarab is the second mission.


pj325is said:
The heretic ones are the mining station. The mission on earth isn't to stop the scarab, it's to find regret. Stopping the scarab is the second mission.
OK, I was mistaken. Thanks for the explanation :) I might have to play this more than once just to make the story sink in properly. Somehow, Halo 1's story was easier to remember (comprehend?)


Unconfirmed Member
Brennan Ieyoub said:
Halo2 is a freakin' masterpiece, and anybody that tells you differently has bad taste, it's just that plain and simple. If you play this game and find yourself disappointed I can't understand what you might have been expecting in the first place. Maybe you wanted the sky to open up and saturate you with angelic light while fireworks shot out of your Xbox, or maybe you wanted Jesus to sit down next to you for a quick game of co-op; either way, you're freaking nuts if you don't like this game.

MetatronM said:
I still want to know what everyone was expecting from Halo 2. Were they expecting Jesus to appear on screen and open the Gates of Heaven before them?

I mean, WTF? It's just Halo 1 with a bunch of improvements and a crappy ending. Aside from a better ending, what the hell else could people POSSIBLY expected from this?

Brennan Ieyoub, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!
Jonnyram said:
OK, I was mistaken. Thanks for the explanation :) I might have to play this more than once just to make the story sink in properly. Somehow, Halo 1's story was easier to remember (comprehend?)

One of my complaints is that they went "MGS" on the cutscenes. They're easily twice as long if not more than the original game. The cutscenes in the original were to the point and didn't last all that long, save for the one where they introduce the Flood (to great effect IMHO).

Way too much theatrics in the sequel. This bullshit about Earth is stupid though.


Unconfirmed Member
The Shadow said:
One of my complaints is that they went "MGS" on the cutscenes. They're easily twice as long if not more than the original game. The cutscenes in the original were to the point and didn't last all that long, save for the one where they introduce the Flood (to great effect IMHO).

Way too much theatrics in the sequel. This bullshit about Earth is stupid though.
Eh? Some of those levels could take an hour or more (depending on the difficulty level) between cutscenes. How is that MGS style?


MetatronM said:
How is that MGS style?
Gravemind struck me as a WTF of MGS proportions. There was no hint that something so crazy would happen, and when it did, it was so out there that it made me think of MGS straight away.
The Shadow said:
Simple, they emphasized the cutscenes, theatrics, and the story more than the original did.

That's a good thing, Halo1's cutscenes were so breif that I didn't even bother following the story after the first few levels. Halo 2's OTH are longer (but not too long, and come after quite a bit of gameplay), are directed a million times better, and are beautifully intertwined between Master Cheif and the Arbiter (ie. You do something as MC, and the Arbiter comments on those actions later on during a cutscene, so cool, it gives your actions real weight). I'm REALLY enjoying the storyline, which is suprising since I was expecting nothing from it going off of Halo1.
The worst part of Halo for me was the repetitive level design. What does Bungie do again in the sequel? The same crap. I'm surprised more people don't complain about it.
Marty Chinn said:
The worst part of Halo for me was the repetitive level design. What does Bungie do again in the sequel? The same crap. I'm surprised more people don't complain about it.

It's not AS bad as the first game, but yea, its still there unfortunately :(


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I'm still pretty early into the game, but it's fairly obvious what to expect at this point. I totally appreciate it for what it is, just as I did with the original Halo, but so far I've been very disappointed at how much it feels gameplay-wise like an extension of Halo instead of a vast improvement. I don't want to call it another Fable, but there sure are a ton of gameplay features and ideas that obviously didn't make it into the game. It basically feels like a more polished Halo, and for me, that's not nearly enough to be considered one of the greatest FPSs of all time. I certainly hope it gets more interesting.


not an idiot
The fact that all people can come up with to hate on Halo 2 is that it's not enough on Earth (side note: :lol ) and that they don't like the ending speaks volumes to the games greatness. I mean to hear some of these people, like Ivan, try to overemphasize the significance of those two things is almost comical.

I mean, lets think of what else goes into making a great game (and IMO, being on Earth and having a great ending do not even fall on my top 100 list) that isn't listed in the haters lists of why to hate Halo 2...

Fun - (oh gee... I love how all these haters just conveniently go right over fun like it was some small detail that wasn't a big deal. "Sure it was fun, but I just couldn't get over the fucking ENDING! OMG I will kill all zee babies for making me endure the WORZT ending I have EVAH S33n!!!!! OMG the lamurZ! Good gosh, it astonishes, this logic.)

Gameplay - (oh wow, forget this one, fuck gameplay, and bring me Earth levels! the fact that the gameplay is incredible means nothing if I can't play it at home!)

Control - (no doubts here, Halo 2's control is sublime. I haven't ever even heard one single person, ever, suggest otherwise. Which is all I need to say. I find control to be a terribly underrated aspect in gaming today and IMO is easily THE most underrated aspect IN gaming period. far to many times I see games forgiven for poor control (I see you Riddick) just because of good graphics or having a ton of features stuffed in. control goes a great deal hand in hand with gameplay and can single handedly make or break a game. It is THAT important.

Sound - (another underrated aspect in gaming. and Halo 2 delivers in ways no game has ever delivered before, with a brilliant soundtrack, incredible sound effects that will drop your jaw if you have a good 5.1 surround sound system, and probably still will even if you don't. this game is going to walk away with a lot of Game of the year awards in the sound categories. there is a reason they are selling this soundtrack again, and many of us are readily waiting to buy it up)

Depth - (Halo 2's multiplayer is going to give for years and years, just like the first game did, in fact it will no doubt give much more due to having more modes, more maps, more everything. include to that downloadable content and a great single player mode that everyone is going to go through a couple times on their own. that's not even mentioning the co-op. hell, that another good 3 times through the game right there... and getting through on legendary will provide even more depth, as it's no easy task lol)

Balance - (it will take awhile to be sure of it's balance but so far so good. and other than the overpowered pistol in halo 1, Bungie showed they have a knack for balancing their games [something I knew all about personally when playing their game Myth], and anything that may pop up unbalanced can certainly be fixed with a DC download)

A.I. - (simply put this is where most games fall flat on their asses. if a single player game has shit A.I. [I see you Killzone] it can definitely take a great deal away from a game. Killzone is a great example of an otherwise really good game that suffers from horrible A.I. - the end result is that many gamers do not think of Killzone being a great game because of this. A.I. can be that important. Alternatively, great A.I. can propel a mediocre game into greatness; a great example is how Half-Life separated itself from every other game in its genre at its time by having vastly superior A.I. than its competition. But hey, Halo 2's astonishing A.I. is nothing when compared to not having Earth levels... right Ivan?)

Physics - (the physics in this game are very impressive. as if everyone here hasn't seen the Halo physics experiment video that showed them off, and that was from part 1 no less. Physics can add a lot of immersion and take part in the gameplay to some extent as well. )

Graphics - (hey I admit there is definitely a chink in Halo 2's armor here, with the popping in texture thing, I don't like it anymore than anyone else, but graphics are down here at the bottom for a reason. and aside from that flaw, the graphics are really damn good in Halo 2. certainly good in comparison to any other console game, and if you consider the scope and scale of everything in Halo 2 you realize just how impressive they really are. this isn't a tight corridor shooter only having to render it's immediate surroundings (Doom III), Halo 2 is rendering a mass amount of shit and manages to still impress)

I don't know why I even typed all this shit, it's just I can't believe what I am seeing lately regarding Halo 2; people are completely over-blowing the importance of a game's ending and now this earth bullshit argument. I will never "get it" and I will never believe that this is a legitimate argument that someone has. I refuse to believe that it is possible someone would value an ending of a game over Fun, Gameplay, Control, Sound, Depth, Balance, A.I., Physics, and Graphics. I simply refuse to believe it. When a game can do all of those categories so well, and Ivan can say "ya ya ok, that is all good, but Halo 2 sucks because of the ending, and oh yeah, because it's not on Earth enough" I just want to turn them off.

EDIT: I see now some people are starting to come up with more/different complaints, some of which are at least tolerable to listen to. I don't mind hearing a complaint about a game, but at least make it better than "the ending" and "need more earth levels" and I'll take it serious. I'm not putting down anyone's legitimate beef with the game. This rant mostly came from Ivan and the other people around that I've seen that have staged "Halo 2 is not very good" arguments based off of "the ending" and other such similar rediculous bullshit arguments. I mean to listen to Ivan go off the deep end, almost to an absurdity, about why Halo 2 wasn't any good based on him not liking the ending (indeed, him blowing up about the ending really) was just fucking complete tripe. It is completely obvious he had an axe to grind. And I just hate dishonest people that have a voice. Gets to me more than it should. :/

Carry on.


I don't know why I even typed all this shit, it's just I can't believe what I am seeing lately regarding Halo 2; people are completely over-blowing the importance of a game's ending and now this earth bullshit argument.

Really, don't worry about it. This type of backlash is a sign of a game's success. There are bound to be haters for all types of games. People hated OoT when it came out, but it never got to me because I enjoyed the hell out of it, and that was all I needed. My advice is to not give people something they can use against you. When you feel so passionately about something, it can often lead to someone trolling against you and your opinion, knowing what type of reaction it will elicit.


shpankey said:
I see now some people are starting to come up with more/different complaints, some of which are at least tolerable to listen to. I don't mind hearing a complaint about a game, but at least make it better than "the ending" and "need more earth levels" and I'll take it serious.
From my point of view, immediately after finishing it, I felt disappointed for some reason, but I couldn't put my finger on that reason. Perhaps other people are the same, so we see posts about the missing Earth missions, and we agree, unknowingly. It was strange that Earth didn't play a big part considering the old movies and the advertising campaign, but yeah, that's not the main source of disappointment. I'm still struggling to put a finger on the exact source of disappointment - it might be a combination of a number of small things. Basically, I thought the game improved the faults that the first Halo had - the level design was still repetitive in places, but nowhere near as bad as the first game. Perhaps I am disappointed because so many questions remain unanswered, once again, where I was hoping for answers. Gravemind... Cortana... it just isn't showing an obvious direction.


You're on Earth for exactly one mission.

Ok, I've got Halo 2 right beside me now but I can't play it yet. Got to wait till next week when my exams blow over. But WTF???!!!!

I was seriously looking forward to missions based on Earth.........
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