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IGN Reviews Jak 3



If you like games, you'll buy this immediately or we'll come to your house and beat you to death.

Presentation 9.5
No loading is the coolest gaming feature ever devised and the secrets are definitely worth unlocking. Jak 3 also has the sweetest sewer level videogaming has ever seen.
Graphics 10
As good as it gets. Most other games utterly suck in comparison even if they happen to look "good."

Sound 8.5
Perfectly appropriate voices, as was expected, but the music sometimes wavers. Generally outstanding, nonetheless.

Gameplay 9.5
Challenging but not frustrating, Jak 3 is a brilliant action / platformer with a huge variety of play types.

Lasting Appeal* 7.5
You'll definitely beat the game twice, but the secrets aren't enough to keep the PS2 working for more than a week or two.

(out of 10 / not an average)


I'm intentionally not buying it just so they can come to my house and I can fuck them up for the good of the industry.

Closing Comments
I thought about writing more. I thought about detailing all the different gameplay modes and enemies and bosses and weapons. I thought about trying to convince you of how good and ultimately satisfying the story is. I thought about belittling the last Jak a bit to drive home my insistence that this one is infinitely superior. I thought about a lot of things, but mainly I'm thinking about Jak 3.

Don't be mad about the lack of pages and geeky information in this review. I'm doing you a favor. If I detailed all that I had wanted to, I'd be giving away too much. The surprise that comes from being hit by the different gameplay types and storyline twists should not be spoiled for anyone.

If you need more reassurance, just think about this: I get paid to review games for a living and I have access to just about every game out there. And now, after I've beaten Jak 3, all I can think about is going home and beating Jak 3.


I'm sure in a few years we're going to look back at this "NINES ALL ROUND REVIEW SCORE FIRE SALE" and wonder what the fuck people were on. Jak II's 9.5 is a great example.
Miburou said:
Jak II got a 9.5 from IGN.

I swear, it's so fucking clear that some of you just like to hate on a decent score. Read the damn review.

Before I explain how and why this is good, I feel compelled to clear the air a bit. On IGN, Jak 2 was grossly overrated. I'm sorry, but the tedium of hover driving just wasn't any good. In fact, Jak was probably regarded a touch too highly, also. All that is now spilt milk. Don't dwell on it, for whether you compare Jak 3 to its predecessors or take it as a standalone title, you're in for a phenomenal experience that must not be missed (less you welcome death at our hands).

To understand this, let's first look at why the third is better than the second. Jak 2 had a real problem with pacing. Not only was it a tedious game that featured excessive use of hovercraft in Haven City, the missions weren't successively disparate enough, which made playing through a bulk of the title redundant and almost trivial. Jak 3 remedies this entirely. The first half of the game actually features little to no prerequisite world navigation. Missions come back-to-back and take moments to reach. When it is required to move to a distant point, the game will actually tack on extra missions between points A and B so that there is always something exciting to do.


So IGN gives it 9.5 last year, and twelve months later says "whoops sorry we over-rated it, Jak 3 is really worth 9.6" and we're expected to just take it as gospel? Forgive me for being slightly skeptical.
pilonv1 said:
So IGN gives it 9.5 last year, and twelve months later says "whoops sorry we over-rated it, Jak 3 is really worth 9.6" and we're expected to just take it as gospel? Forgive me for being slightly skeptical.

Well, I'm expecting quite a few Metal Gear Solid 3 reviews to read that way. :)


Jak 4 review:

"Let's be honest, Jak III was grossly overrated on IGN, blah, blah, blah".

Like Bush says: Fool me once, shame, shame on ... you. Fool me twice............ can't fool me again.
Jak II is a 7.8 game at best. Screen tearing.. running around that horrible city. OTT mature Jak (yawn). Cheese. And.. not really super fun.

I'm not hating the score but fuck this shit. THe franchise MUST die
TheGreenGiant said:
Jak II is a 7.8 game at best. Screen tearing.. running around that horrible city. OTT mature Jak (yawn). Cheese. And.. not really super fun.

I'm not hating the score but fuck this shit. THe franchise MUST die

But, you're not hating the score. Check.

Damn, there are some pretty upset folks here for just one persons opinion.
sonycowboy said:
But, you're not hating the score. Check.

Damn, there are some pretty upset folks here for just one persons opinion.

I just hate the franchise with a vengeance. Hey.. do this.. do that. Do this. Eurgh. We need you to do this for us. Jak II had very bad GTAIII ripoff elements - there is nothing real/interactive about that city and it stretched playtime.

I will say this. Crash Bandicoot has more personality than the entire Jak cast.


You're the only one getting his panties in a twist over other people's opinion.

And for the record, I'll rent Jak 3.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sony platforms are the least responsible for games with virtually no loading.

No, sorry...

Jak 1 was released before the Gamecube was available and featured less loading than any of Nintendo's platformers this gen. So, they already beat Nintendo to the punch when it came to producing a platformer with no loading for an optical disc based system.

Most of their other platformers are devoid of loading as well...

No loading on a cart is EXPECTED and is NOT impressive. When dealing with an optical format, however, it becomes considerably more so and Nintendo didn't do it first.

The "least" responsible? What kind of bullshit is that?


dark10x said:
No, sorry...

Jak 1 was released before the Gamecube was available and featured less loading than any of Nintendo's platformers this gen. So, they already beat Nintendo to the punch when it came to producing a platformer with no loading for an optical disc based system.

Most of their other platformers are devoid of loading as well...

The "least" responsible? What kind of bullshit is that?

What the heck does platforming have to do with anything? Nintendo has released ONE platformer this generation.

The simple fact is that this has ALWAYS been the way Nintendo has operated. Nintendo doesn't believe in the "load screen" obviously. On the other hand, Playstation 2 game tend to have the largest load times.

You seem to be missing the point. I'm not taking a shot at Jak 2, just the reviewer's idea that no loading is some sort of revolutionary idea. No dark10x, Sony has released 2 platforms that spare the player not one overly long load screen. Remember that joke video about RE4 on the PS2? That wasn't an exaggeration.

The fact is that you can create the illusion of no loading, or actually no loading, in any genre. And Sony didn't think of that. I was merely offering a response to the reviewer in the form of one such example.


dark10x said:
No loading on a cart is EXPECTED and is NOT impressive. When dealing with an optical format, however, it becomes considerably more so and Nintendo didn't do it first.

And Sony publishes dozens of different games, most of which do not operate on this principle.

What does the Nintendo 64 have to do with this?

Agent X

sonycowboy said:


My, these sure are good times we're livin' in!


TheGreenGiant said:
Jak II is a 7.8 game at best.
TheGreenGiant said:
I'm not hating the score but fuck this shit. THe franchise MUST die
TheGreenGiant said:
I just hate the franchise with a vengeance.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but isn't a game deserving of a 7.8 a good game? You're pretty much praising the series by saying it's deserving of that score, yet you then turn around and treat it like the worst thing ever... What gives? Are you trying to be a walking contradiction?

And since when do franchises like this, whose games are deserving of good scores like that, deserve to die? Did logic just take a walk off the map here?

So confused...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher

You obviously haven't played many PlayStation 2 games...as many of the best titles have VERY limited loading (if any at all). You're absolutely WRONG if you believe otherwise and it simply demonstrates your ignorance.

The fact is that you can create the illusion of no loading, or actually no loading, in any genre. And Sony didn't think of that.

That is just utter crap. Where the hell did you get that idea? Seriously. Do you truly believe that developers didn't even think to try and reduce loading until Nintendo came in and did it? You're just as bad as the people who claim that Nintendo invented cel-shading...

Nintendo HAS done the best job in regards to avoiding loading issues when using an optical disc based format, but that doesn't mean the idea is something they introduced. You can find games like this on PlayStation and Saturn that manage this as well...

Go back and play something like Soul Reaver on PSX. Considering the limited hardware, it is impressive that there is just ONE load screen that will pop-up upon starting the game...but after that point, the entire world is constant and features NO load screens.

It should also be noted that a lot of Sony first party titles are devoid of obvious load times (and often feature none at all, it seems).


Ante Up
Miburou said:
Jak 4 review:

"Let's be honest, Jak III was grossly overrated on IGN, blah, blah, blah".

Like Bush says: Fool me once, shame, shame on ... you. Fool me twice............ can't fool me again.

It's not like he made that statement and left it at that -- he reinforced his opinion with actual facts.

Plus, it's hard to overrate when you've got games like GTA:SA and Halo 2 to play. "Ordinary" games tend to be looked at much more objectively during times like this.
9.6? Sheez, IGN gives 9's like candy. I'll still give the game a try, but if it turns out to be another overrated turd ala FFX-2 or Lament of Innocence then their credibility (or what's left of it) will be non-existent.


dark10x said:

You obviously haven't played many PlayStation 2 games...as many of the best titles have VERY limited loading (if any at all). You're absolutely WRONG if you believe otherwise and it simply demonstrates your ignorance.

That is just utter crap. Where the hell did you get that idea? Seriously. Do you truly believe that developers didn't even think to try and reduce loading until Nintendo came in and did it? You're just as bad as the people who claim that Nintendo invented cel-shading...

Maybe you're used to it, since you obviously own a PS2. Compared with Super Mario Sunshine, Metroid Prime, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Smash, Pikmin, PIkmin 2, Paper Mario 2, etc. the PS2's biggest games (particularly RPG's like Final Fantasy X, Arc the Lad, or racing games, heck most multiplatform games have HORRIBLE load times compared with the other two consoles)


I said it's Nintendo's "thing". I can point you to dozens of reviews for Gamecube games that mention this very fact. For example, if I were to say "huge, open-ended action/adventure game" most people would probably say "Aah, Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto."

When I referred to Nintendo as saying "I'm glad you like it.", I was actually joking around, since Nintendo frequently sacrifices gigantic, dynamic engines for streamlined, loadless ones. Now STOP making things up.


It's quite clear that GC games have overall far shorter loading times than PS2 (and even Xbox) games. It's also clear from Nintendo's past statements and the fact that the N64 was the only cart-based system in its generation, that Nintendo places a big value over eliminating loading times as much as possible. I don't see what's so difficult to understand here.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, Speevy, you obviously DO NOT own a PS2...

I happen to own all current consoles and have had plenty of experience with all of them. While I agree that the GC offers the fastest load times, on average, your statements suggest that it is rare to find PS2 titles with quick load times. You DO realize that you just brought up the technical mess that is Final Fantasy X, right? That's like basing the capabilities of the Dreamcast on Sonic Adventure. You want quick loading in an RPG? Go check out Star Ocean 3...which is even faster than Tales of Symphonia in that regard.

A title can be popular or "big" and still be technically deficient. GTA is one of the most appaling titles on the system (from a technical standpoint), yet people adore the series. That does NOT mean that it represents the capabilities of the PS2.

You say that the fake RE4 video isn't far from the truth? It's funny as Capcom's PS2 titles have generally loaded faster than their GC titles and have had fewer issues. REMake skips and pauses all over...but Onimusha didn't. Plus, the vast majority of Capcom PS2 titles run at a rock solid 60 fps. That just isn't the case on Gamecube. Should we go ahead and base the capabilities of the Cube on this? Of course not. Yet, if it were in the opposite direction, I'm sure you'd be happy to do so...

There are plenty of games on the system with very short load times. Most developers strive to reach this goal...

Oh well, you'll see plenty of quick load times on a Sony system next gen when Nintendo is making games for them... ;)

I don't see what's so difficult to understand here.

The point is that I know damn well that Speevy is a VERY biased Nintendo fan and likely has little experience with the platform he is bashing.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Some of you guys are utterly fucking moronic. You refer to IGN as a whole, when it's not. Is IGN one specific person? No. There are dozens of people writing for all of these little networks. And hey, guess what, the guy who wrote the Jak II review wasn't the same fucking guy who wrote the Jak III review.

In conclusion: A lot of you are logicically handicapped. Logic could shit all over you and you still wouldn't know where to find it. This kind of idiocy really drives me up the wall.


I am not bashing the PS2.

If I were to bash the PS2 about something, it would be the fact that its users tolerate jaggy, sheared, blurry versions of third party games, and yet those versions usually sell the most.

Again, I made a statement based on the reviewer's fascination with Jak 3's loading. This even raises another point. If Jak and Daxter and Jak 2 did this, why is it now still so amazing?

I really don't have much to add to this. You own a platform that often requires load times just to read certain games. But you're right, I don't own a PS2.

By the way, I'm actually very impressed that Sony has been able to use its hardware to such great success during the past two years. I actually wish Nintendo had started out with games that look as good as Pikmin 2 and built from there, but that's Nintendo for you. In any case, Naughty Dog is a great developer. Any developer that can do so much with the PS2 hardware has my respect.


Good review but ill probably wait untill it drops in price. Between R&C, Halo 2, and World of Warcraft I cant see myself needing to play through it immediatly


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Again, I made a statement based on the reviewer's fascination with Jak 3's loading. This even raises another point. If Jak and Daxter and Jak 2 did this, why is it now still so amazing?

I don't know, the guy is a moron. Jak 1 did the same thing back in 2001 (as did several other Sony first party games around that same time).

If I were to bash the PS2 about something, it would be the fact that its users tolerate jaggy, sheared, blurry versions of third party games, and yet those versions usually sell the most.

I certainly do not tolerate that (and usually buy the XBOX versions of games, as the Cube generally gets the shaft as well and ends up with other problems). However, there ARE cases where the PS2 recieves the best versions of games (or at least versions on par with others).

You own a platform that often requires load times just to read certain games.

So do you. There are plenty of Cube games that require load times to read certain games. It just so happens that Nintendo's first party titles tend to avoid this (strong development). Most Sony first party titles also tend to avoid this...


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Miburou said:
:lol :lol The irony of AlphaAss calling anyone a moron is just tooooooooo much to handle. :lol :lol

Please tell me why you think I'm a moron. I'd love to see this. Or do you just feel so damn stupid because you're one of the asshats ragging on IGN when there's no reason to?


Your first reply in this thread would be a prime example. What's with the unnecessary use of "logically handicapped", "shit", "fuck" and "fucking moronic"? Your fake tough-guy persona usually backfires. I think we all know that IGN isn't one person. And it has been already pointed out in this thread that the reviewer acknowledges that Jak II was overrated by IGN. But so what? If I can't trust them on Jak 2's score, why should I trust them on Jak III's? This isn't the first time I've seen IGN overrate a game only to acknowledge that later.

But it's actually your threads in the OT forum that reinforces that image. You usually post something stupid and fake-sounding to make yourself sound cool or whatever, but it backfires and you get 3 or 4 people making fun of you.

I've heard some people who've met you say that you're a cool guy in real life, and that might be true, but on these forums you usually sound fake as hell, and usually set yourself for others to make fun of you. Come to think of it, I remember having more respect for you a year or two ago.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Miburou said:
Your first reply in this thread would be a prime example. What's with the unnecessary use of "logically handicapped", "shit", "fuck" and "fucking moronic"? Your fake tough-guy persona usually backfires. I think we all know that IGN isn't one person. And it has been already pointed out in this thread that the reviewer acknowledges that Jak II was overrated by IGN. But so what? If I can't trust them on Jak 2's score, why should I trust them on Jak III's? This isn't the first time I've seen IGN overrate a game only to acknowledge that later.

But it's actually your threads in the OT forum that reinforces that image. You usually post something stupid and fake-sounding to make yourself sound cool or whatever, but it backfires and you get 3 or 4 people making fun of you.

I've heard some people who've met you say that you're a cool guy in real life, and that might be true, but on these forums you usually sound fake as hell, and usually set yourself for others to make fun of you. Come to think of it, I remember having more respect for you a year or two ago.

Hahaha. Oh for fuck's sake. (Hey! There goes the swearing again!). I like to swear. I especially like to swear when I'm pissed off. And I don't get the fake as hell comments. Hahaha, I don't pretend to like something that everyone else does. Do I like GTA? Not really. Do I still like Nintendo? Absolutely not. Do I listen to a barrage of indie and J-pop music like everyone else here? Nope. Am I ashamed to admit that I love listening to rap played on the radio? No.

So, how does that make me fake again? Hey, maybe you're refering to my guitar talk and car talk...I happen to know a thing or two in those fields, so I chime in on the discussion whenever I can. If you somehow think I'm full of shit, well that's your problem and you need to work on that, pally. And as far as the making fun of thing...most of it is always in good spirits -- though I know some of it isn't and I could care less.
AlphaSnake said:
Hahaha. Oh for fuck's sake. (Hey! There goes the swearing again!). I like to swear. I especially like to swear when I'm pissed off. And I don't get the fake as hell comments.

Fuck yeah, alpha!

Hahaha, I don't pretend to like something that everyone else does. Do I like GTA? Not really.

Well at least your honest!

Do I still like Nintendo? Absolutely not.

You tell'em alpha!

Do I listen to a barrage of indie and J-pop music like everyone else here? Nope.

Thats what im fucking talkin about!

Am I ashamed to admit that I love listening to rap played on the radio? No.

Lets not get crazy.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
pilonv1 said:

How about no? You missed the entire point of my post. I could care less about the score. What I care about is how some of you are making sweeping generalizations.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
pilonv1 said:
You just made your own sweeping generalisation about a bunch of posters in this thread.

Yes, that is true. But in a way, my generalization holds ground. These people fail to realize that Jak II and III were reviewed by two different people. They're calling IGN as a whole idiots for something 2 different people said; it makes no sense to do so. Jak III reviewer is saying that he believes Doug Perry overrated Jak II beyond belief and people are spinning it around into something it's not -- an apologetic statement on behalf of IGN.
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