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IGN Tease: Tomorrow's PS2 Top Story = Shocking

epmode said:
so no more xbox version? now i can't play it on my monitor..

(unless it's prog-scan. highly unlikely)
I still think it's coming out for Xbox. There's no mention of any cancellations in the article I just skimmed over on IGN.


If it were now a PS2 exclusive, I'm sure the article would have said so. It wouldn't make much sense, though, given how long the game's been in development.


epmode said:
so no more xbox version? now i can't play it on my monitor..

(unless it's prog-scan. highly unlikely)

Well, they have new screenshots up in the Xbox section of IGN, so it sounds like it's coming to Xbox,PS2,and PC.
At the end of all of this, the only thing I care about is: THE GAME BETTER NOT GET DELAYED FOR THE LACKING PS2 PORT! Release the damnXbox version when it's done, Mejesco/Double Fine.


Mr_Furious said:
I still think it's coming out for Xbox.
oh.. then jeremy sucks.

i wish ign would drop its console-specific structure. it's really irritating (& super-juvenile) when its editors whip the readers into a frenzy over some cryptic post, then plead innocence when it turns out badly. after all, it's only a forum. megarolleyes.

Agent X

This is definitely very interesting news.

I'm going to throw some more wood on the fire here, and explain why this announcement might not be as big of a deal as some have made it out to be.

1. Psychonauts isn't a high profile title compared to some of the other names that were being tossed around (Doom III, Unreal Championship 2, Half-Life 2). IGN kind of set the tone by hyping it up to be a "shocking" announcement, so expectations were raised. If IGN just wanted to call attention to a game being ported to PS2 that they (personally) think is great or has a lot of potential, then they should've called it an "exciting" announcement rather than a "shocking" one.

2. Microsoft allegedly dropped Psychonauts from its first-party publishing list because they felt it wasn't up to snuff. I mean, it's not like Microsoft's lineup is exactly brimming with great platform games. If you look at some of the platform games Microsoft actually approved for publishing...yeesh! This, of course, brings me to my next point...

3. The fact that it's a platform adventure game being ported to the PlayStation 2, which is already rich in high-quality games of this type. The Jak, Ratchet, and Sly games are the de facto genre-defining games of this generation, and there's some strong third-party entries with Klonoa 2 and the Maximo series, too. The bar for this genre on PS2 has already been raised sky-high, and it's going to take a tremendous effort to surpass it.

See, maybe this might pass muster on the X-Box or GameCube, which are starving for quality platformers...but it takes a lot more to impress the discriminating PS2 gamer. :) I'll keep an eye on this game, as I generally like games of this type, but its shaky development history still leaves me with some doubt. Besides, early 2005 is already becoming stacked with promising games like TimeSplitters: Future Perfect and Rise of the Kasai.

They'll really need to pull off a total A-class effort here to hang with the PS2's top platformers. Let's hope they can do it!


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yeah, now the game sucks

But it's probably for the better, PS2 can handle better graphical effects, as seen in Burnout 3


Agent X said:
See, maybe this might pass muster on the X-Box or GameCube, which are starving for quality platformers...but it takes a lot more to impress the discriminating PS2 gamer. :)

Great. The discriminating anything owner doesn't constitute a large enough number of gamers to port any game.


Blimblim said:
IIRC Oxy only said that the game had great storytelling and humour, but that the actual gameplay needed a lot of work to be considered good.
ding ding ding. we have a winner.


ign has a trackrecord with these sort of things....i cant believe some of you got caught up in this crap AGAIN.
i'm excited about psychonauts and have been anticipating it for like 3 years, but still... lol, talk about overhyping an announcement... someone deserves some kind of prize for this one... and not the good kind either...
Incredibly lame announcement, though not surprising considering this comes from IGN which just last week had Halo 2 as the top story for the PS2 channel.


Crap for a moment there my mind was thinking POLICENAUTS. I had visions of that and Snatcher dancing in my head. :(

Edit: I must be sleepy/tired.


Joe said:
ign has a trackrecord with these sort of things....i cant believe some of you got caught up in this crap AGAIN.

People always get caught up in this stupid shit. Remember some Japanese magazine a while ago said there would be some kind of "megaton" announcement for Nintendo? That got people whipped up into a frenzy for months and nothing ever happened with that. It's because of people like this that IGN can pull this kind of crap and people will still make a big deal about nothing. They put out the bait and apparently people will take it each and every time.


Hournda said:
Remember some Japanese magazine a while ago said there would be some kind of "megaton" announcement for Nintendo?
Trust me -- I don't think anybody here needs to be reminded of that. Ugh.


Well, when the Xbox version was virtually cancelled, several people popped out of the woodworks and started claiming how much it stunk. oxygen and DopeyFish, among others. Now, more than ever, I hope it's a great game.

Though, realistically, that probably won't happen. But let's not dash PS2 fanboys' hopes. The release itself can do that, and then some. ;)


Haha, figures. Seeing as how it came from IGN, it had to be stupid as shit. This gets more of an "oh" than a "SHOCKING!"

If Spong is the leader of fake news, IGN is the leader in news with overly sensationalist slants.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
well it stunk at the time... considering how long ago that was... it can certainly be a better game by now :p


FoneBone said:
Trust me -- I don't think anybody here needs to be reminded of that. Ugh.

That is exactly the thing that needs to be remembered here. Ever heard the saying "Those who forget history are bound to repeat its mistakes" (or some form of it)? Case in point: This thread, and now we have people who one minute are saying "OMFG what could this shocking announcement be?" and the next they're saying "WTF damn you what was all the hype about?"


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Hehe, lamer than I even expected. At least with LOTR:TTA, I could trick myself into being interested. IGN should have kept their mouth shut about this, I don't think anybody cares, it isn't the type of story that is worth mentioning a day ahead of time...wake me up when they have some more Kingdom Hearts 2 info. Or if Digital Devil Saga is reviewed.

I like these IGN hype threads. We all know it is going to be lame, but I enjoy speculating on HOW lame it will be. Plus I can take out all my bitter feelings against the world on IGN.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
I repeat...

Some of you may not care...

Mejilan said:
Fucking Psychonauts after all this shit?


...and some of you will be quite pleasantly surprised.

etiolate said:
I was interested in Psychonaughts. Bring it to gamecube!
Agent X said:
This is definitely very interesting news.

It might make Xbox fans angry.

AniHawk said:
As an Xbox owner, I must say, this sucks . . . we needed it to be exclusive.

Prophecy fulfilled.


MarkRyan-IGN said:
It might make Xbox fans angry.

Originally Posted by AniHawk:
As an Xbox owner, I must say, this sucks . . . we needed it to be exclusive.

Prophecy fulfilled.
Well, it would be, if Anihawk wasn't being profoundly sarcastic.


Sam Houser fucked my wife
Rhindle said:
Well, it would be, if Anihawk wasn't being profoundly sarcastic.
Doesn't matter if he's being sarcastic. The only reason sarcasm like that would be humorous is because of its foundation in sad reality.


Most of PS2 users don't care about it.
Most of XBOX users don't care about losing the exclusivity.
Most of GC users don't give a fucking shit about it.

Now seriously, how can anybody like a game that:
1. Looks generic.
2. Has a confusing name that induces you to think in Konami masterpieces and serial killers.
3. Is an over-hyped XBOX exclusive that will end like 90% of XBOX overhyped exclusives.


Next time just say you have some news that may surprise PS2 owners. This shocking stuff should be reserved for something on the scale of 'Killzone is better than Halo 2' or 'Sony buys Sega'. You know something actually.. Shocking.
MarkRyan-IGN said:
I repeat...

Some of you may not care...

...and some of you will be quite pleasantly surprised.

It might make Xbox fans angry.

Prophecy fulfilled.

That's a piss poor excuse for pointless hype.

Sho Nuff




This would have been shocking 2 years ago. Now it's just a pleasant surprise, because I can finally give up on ever buying an Xbox.


I don't see how the majority of the people in here were owned, most expected it to be some ridiculously lame new story simply due to IGN's M.O., and unsurprisingly that's what it turned out to be. Most of the "guessing" was half-hearted or ridiculous sarcasm at best.
teiresias said:
I don't see how the majority of the people in here were owned, most expected it to be some ridiculously lame new story simply due to IGN's M.O., and unsurprisingly that's what it turned out to be. Most of the "guessing" was half-hearted or ridiculous sarcasm at best.

Well, in this new forums short life, this is now the second most visited thread, behind only the Ciruit City $4.99 one. And it's the 7th most posted in. All for what was essentially a small story. It's gotta say something.
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