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Dear Sucker Punch, here are the top 5 things I want to see in Ghost of Yotei


My list is different.

1. Lesbian scissoring
2. Xe/xer pronouns
3. Black samurais
4. Optional haircuts including blue hair and the half-head shaved bull dyke cut
5. A button dedicated solely to calling people racists and fascists

Shout at samurai cops from across the field and then de-arrest your fellows.
I want to be able to pet the dog and I want to be able to hug the dog and I want to be able to play fetch with the dog and I want to be able to teach the dog stupid pet tricks and I want to be able to ride the dog.

Has it been confirmed it is a dog not a wolf?

I also do think it is a dog, and not a wolf. But some of the initial reporting was saying wolf!

But the face and the body type and especially gap between its two front legs looks very much like a domesticated dog. If it was supposed to be a wolf I was going to say Sucker Punch need to do some research on what wolves actually look like.


Don't care about multiplayer, so 4 and 5 are whatever to me. Point 3 I don't want that realistic pick up bullshit. You get stuck in a pre-animation to pick it up the "right way". Too slow and tedious, it's a game, take it as such.


Better open world content. First game was incredibly lackluster in that domain. The DLC had some better ones like to bow challenges (though they were too easy with the bullet time thing) and the arena fights but the OG game was just follow the fox, cut the bamboo QTE etc.

Reduce the bloat in the combat system and make it better. There was just so much stuff which you really didn't need to use at all. There was no reason to have three ranged weapons (two bows and the darts), 4 stances which boiled down to "change into X stance for Y enemy type".
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Make it less like ubigames. Less repetitive stuff in the openworld.
This. It became quite annoying to constantly encounter small groups of enemies and here the main character say "who will face me?!" again and again. I'm sure they'll learn from those little things with the new game.


Moderated wildly
All I want is better side quests and maybe adding stuff from red dead 2 like random encounters that feel organic and original.

I m9nda burnt out on doing all the same side stuff. Still did it but some variation would be great.
Dear OP,

Email them

OP is basically making a wishlist thread in the form of a letter.

It is way too late to email the dev with any ideas or requests. They have less than a year to put finishing touches on this and they have to hope that it sells well during a year where everything else is either fighting or completely avoiding GTA 6’s release window.

I’m already predicting GTA 6 will own an entire month of attention and sales at bare minimum, or potentially more if the online mode is launched anywhere near release.


I have one request:

1. I want to be able to eat food in the game. What kind of game set in Japan doesn't have the slightest focus on food?



Here’s an idea: let’s take a break from weighing in on the virtues of manhood and weigh in on our hopes for gameplay!

Dear Sucker Punch, here are my TOP 5 gameplay / design upgrades I wanna see in Ghost of Yotei.

1. Bare minimum believable stealth.

Either shift focus away from stealth or rework entirely. Please no more invisible mode when in small grass or on a rope just above enemies' heads or leave that for casuals story mode. Add prone, new ways to hide and maneuver around the scenery and more use of the environment. Girl needs to move like ninja, enemies need to be more aware, feel like they see and hear, and planting a wakizashi through guard's brainskull gargling with blood shouldn't be the go-to safest strat when there is another standing 2 meters next to it. More use of decoys and diversion. More effective use of nighttime and playing with light sources. More focus on semi-alerted state gameplay, where you need to act fast and smart to get back to stealth.

2. Different economy and back to the drawing board with crafting

Please stop making me pick up all this shit (my pet peeve in open world but still) metal, cloth, fucking bushes etc. Just no. Like 80% less, make stuff harder to find and feel rewarding and meaningful, like silk in GoT. Make me upgrade my stuff at a vendor for rare 5 pieces of junk not common 45. Push environment storytelling as a mean for exploration rather than collecting stuff that really just changes numbers in the inventory.

3. Double down on grounded realism of the campaign.

Trigger alert - realistic, fully animated and detailed interactions with the game world (yes that includes pickups, if in doubt check point 2.) I'd love to see lethal mode that is persistently lethal, not excluding bosses but that requires duel combat system rework much expaning use of block and defense, just a deeper combat system please. Detailed hit reactions, gore and dismemberment. And smarter NPC companions, reading and reacting to your actions, like dodging AOEs instead of facetanking them god mode on and breaking all immersion.

4. Triple down on balls to the wall arcade madness of Legends.

Well integrated and working in parallel to the story, basically making the most of all core mechanics and flipping the script with all kinds of magic and supernatural, snappy animation and much faster-paced action gameplay. Multiple classes but then way more build variety and ways to specialize and synergize with others. Many more types of different Onis with giant health bars, Onis requiring co-op tactics. Multiple wild superpowers for ghosts, like oni transformations, traversal magic skills, you name it, shifting level geometry and co-op challenges. New much expanded RAID like story mode based on mystique of the area and era, sky is the limit.

5. Make Legends GAAS-lite.

Ok just hear me out. Legends of Tsushima was basically a GaaS-like project, updated and expanded upon but then 100% free with no monetization whatsoever. I don't think anyone ever expected how well it will land roadmap-wise and all devs were quickly moved to making Yotei. I'd be more than happy for Yotei Legends MP to be just much bigger with a long-time support plan, keeping that modest vibe of a niche MP game made for the fans rather than a product of a committee tasked with maximizing engagement forever. I'd be shelling out for battle passes, new raids new raids payed updates and cosmetics etc if this is the route they will take. Just leave that stuff out of the campaign, that should be self-contained and complete.

Those are my 5. Now give me yours.

While yes, lovely stuff, this game is being released next year, most if not all systems will be in place.

Now if this is more a wish list of what you'd like to see then yeh, why not. Although I would argue one of the main pulling points (for me) is the simplicity of the games mechanics, no overwhelming crafting that takes a degree to work out, same with the combat, it allows a really nice flow to it. I do agree with the stealth though, that was like easy mode so could do with being a bit more intelligent although I used stealth less and less as the game went on and as I upgraded my sword skills. But (without sounding sexist) because the lead is female this time I could see stealth being used more.
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With one picture of the devs You know how the game is gonna be.
That's a picture of the Devs? You mean it's made by one person, holy shit, game of the millennium then.

But seriously, wtf, we are going to post pictures of Devs to, what, shame them? Gtfo with that shit


Gold Member
wil shamisen replace the bamboo flute? May look weird doing acrobatics with that thing on her back but I do want the ability to rip fire riffs on it


Actually, thinking about it one thing I'd like to see is boats as an alternate means of travel at certain points

And more random encounters in the open world

Other than that, loved the first game so cant complain even if its just more of the same (we know its not just that anyway with the extra weapons, female protag etc.)
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I don’t want to be a pessimist, but since this is a sequel to a very popular and well regarded game - it’s going to behave and play exactly the same. No chances will be taken.


Gold Member
5 entries are not nearly enough to fix all the flaws but i'm gonna try:

Better stealth with better enemy ia, first game was dreadful
No more precanned death animations from ps1 era, stop being lazy and make a dynamic system with ragdoll etc, it's 2025 ffs
More weapons and less parry based combat, parry should be a choice not the focus (but i'm biased because i don't like to parry much)
More deep stance system, do something like nioh, first title stance system was deep as a puddle
Less barren open world with way more dynamic events
Drastically improve digital acting and facial expressions
Better climbing and let me use the grapple hook everywhere like tenchu did on a damn ps1
Ditch the honor bullshit, if i see another general losing a war to save the honor i'm gonna kill myself, this is as stupid as good guys vikings in valhalla.
Way more enemy variety, first one was abysmal
Cut a bit with all the follow the fox or the birds stuff, it get boring after the 10th times you do it, or at least make better rewards for explorations, mostly cosmetic stuff doesn't cut it.
Less shitty main villain that doesn't turn into a scared bitch during the finale
Improve your gore, you have mongols and katanas and your gore is more tame than fucking barbie passion horses
Double down on legendary tales stuff because let's be honest, they were the highlight of the previous game.

I have a couple of more things to say but 5 was the limit.
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Gold Member
the combat was underwhelming both due to attack animations feeling weightless and due to the "switch stances to win" design.

stance switching should not be forced to defeat certain enemies for basically free. it is entirely unintuitive that a random 3x triangle combo in water stance can break the block of shield enemies, especially when that combo is literally just 3 sword swings. meanwhile Wind stance has a charged kick, which is a move that I think intuitively feels way more like a shield block breaker than a sword swing, but said kick will just be deflected away 100% of the time by shiled weilders.

the "boss" fights were also a low point. limiting combat further by locking you into slow movement and locking away some moves and all items.
I see what you mean but I don't think it's a bad system, just a bit crude where it's basically: stance X heavy attack cuts through block of the enemy type Y. I think it could be more subtle where certain stances allow countering certain enemy attacks lethally, and/or are more effective against certain setups like a stance for quick shifting targets and one focused on dealing heavy blows to slow brutes. Shifting them would have to work way snappier, I can imagine a system where you can do it mid-combo and chain them... but it makes sense for a stance to give you an advantage or disadvantage against how an enemy is armed. Indeed in GoT water stance breaking heavy shields made no sense but that's the only one I can think of.


I see what you mean but I don't think it's a bad system, just a bit crude where it's basically: stance X heavy attack cuts through block of the enemy type Y. I think it could be more subtle where certain stances allow countering certain enemy attacks lethally, and/or are more effective against certain setups like a stance for quick shifting targets and one focused on dealing heavy blows to slow brutes. Shifting them would have to work way snappier, I can imagine a system where you can do it mid-combo and chain them... but it makes sense for a stance to give you an advantage or disadvantage against how an enemy is armed. Indeed in GoT water stance breaking heavy shields made no sense but that's the only one I can think of.

It's too much geared towards each enemy type.

the charged kick in Wind stance for example should 100% breack shield blocks, even tho the stance isn't "meant" for shielded enemies. it feels so cheap that they just deflect it.

I don't have an issue with certain stances giving advantages, but as you said, it's way too crude and too limited in the first game.
also as I previously said, I think it also is extremely unintuitive (the charge kick being the one I'm bringing up because it fealt the most "wrong")

mid combo switching absolutely has to be a thing IMO, maybe even with NiOh-like stance switch specific attacks. That would make the combat instantly feel drastically more dynamic
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
1. Cities
2. Large amount of buildings with explorable interior
3. More complex stealth and level design
4. More weapons (they did this)
5. Better boss fights.


Dear random poster at a random site we at sucker punch don't give a shit about what you want.
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