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IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time

Coming for the number one spot


Seeing that Ni no Kuni is in the list hurt my heart.T_T

Hope that Infinite Space, Shadow Hearts, Lufia,SMT, Suikoden II and Dragon Dogma will receive more love than that game.T_T

Also Dept. Heaven game better at least had one or two title inside too.


List is off to a bad start. In what universe is Dragon Age: Inquisition a better rpg than Divinity: OS or PoE? I'm not sure if DA: I is better than Fable 2 let alone a game like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: OS. I mean, Inquisition isn't even a top five game for Bioware so how is it a top 100 rpg? Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, the ME trilogy, KOTOR, and Dragon Age: Origins are all far superior games.


Man this list is rough hahah.

There are 99 RPGs better than the first great MMO that spawned like 24 expansions and still has live servers almost 20 years after it came out? I find that placement baffling. How many games can say they essentially spawned an entire genre of gaming. (And yes I know there were MMO games before Everquest, but EQ is what brought the genre into the limelight)

67th place for Ni No Kuni???

These guys must have been high as shit when they made this list.


Purple Drazi
List is off to a bad start. In what universe is Dragon Age: Inquisition a better rpg than Divinity: OS or PoE? I'm not sure if DA: I is better than Fable 2 let alone a game like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: OS. I mean, Inquisition isn't even a top five game for Bioware so how is it a top 100 rpg? Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, the ME trilogy, KOTOR, and Dragon Age: Origins are all far superior games.

Every last one of the BioWare games you just listed, plus Inquisition, deserve to be on the top 100, IMO.
List is off to a bad start. In what universe is Dragon Age: Inquisition a better rpg than Divinity: OS or PoE? I'm not sure if DA: I is better than Fable 2 let alone a game like Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: OS. I mean, Inquisition isn't even a top five game for Bioware so how is it a top 100 rpg? Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, the ME trilogy, KOTOR, and Dragon Age: Origins are all far superior games.

& those other bioware games might also be on the list

DA Inquisition is my second favourite bioware game (second favourite game overall, actually)


Neo Member
I don't think you should bet on that. In mainstream lists like these only VII and X are likely to be in top ten.
I think #1 will probably be FF VII. I don't disagree with it, but I'd argue others that'd be above it.
(assuming they don't consider Souls games JRPGs):

1. Baldur's Gate 2
2. Morrowind
3. FF7

I don't think FFVII will place so high. This IGN we're talking about. Their current staff recently placed it mid-table in their Final Fantasy ranking list and at least two of their editors previously rubbished it.

For what's it's worth I love the game, as I do every entry from IV through to XII but I don't think VII will even crack the top twenty. I expect VI and CT to predicatbly take the top two spots as they did last time but with at least two more (if not all five) of IV, V, IX, XII and Tactics to also rank higher than VII this time.

Chris R

I can't say that this list has a single shred of validity for me with Everquest at 100.

Sure the Model T might not be the fastest or look the best, but it's still a fucking top 25 Car just because of the importance of it simply existing. Without Everquest we wouldn't have WoW or any other modern MMO. It also seemed to legitimize fantasy as something that could be cool to be into, at least to me.


eh? Legend of the Dragoon is on this list? Of all the wonderful RPGs to grace this green earth, I don't see how a game that is so thoroughly mediocre in every single way can possibly be present on a list such as this.

I know the game has its fans, and nostalgia plays a part for a lot of that, but 75th? C'mon...


My top 10:

1. TES lll: Morrowind.
2. Trails in the Sky FC+SC.
3. Space Rangers 1/2.
4. Suikoden 2/3.
5. Diablo 2: LoD.
6. Gothic 1/2.
7. Grandia 2.
8. Witcher trilogy.
9. Dragon Age: Origins.
10. Tales of the Abyss.

Need to replay Torment one of these days to refresh my memory and actually finish it too.
i'll be shocked if 50 these are actually role-playing games instead of just action/tactics games with lots of unit/party customization


Neo Member
Surprised Ni No Kuni and Kingdom Hearts 2 are so low, would put them a fair bit higher myself. Really hope Shadow Hearts gets some love on the list.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Still looking good for xennoblade.

Remember that xenoblade was called the best JRPG of the 7th generation, not just any game can get that title.


I'd like to know if MotB is "bundled" with NWN2 or if it will have an independent entry.

Either way the list is a joke tbh. RPG's mixed with other genres, jRPG's mixed with wRPG's and console focused games mixed with PC centric games... These things are impossible to compare.
Despite all the hate that site gets, RPGCodex's top RPG list seems to be the best guide on this subject.
I'm genuinely curious as to this one, not crapping on it at all... I'm currently playing DA2 for the first time and enjoying it quite a bit. But as a personal #1, what is it that is such a big draw for you?

It's just a joke. Bit funny how everyone is singling out Dragon Age II though while it is arguably the better game from those 3. (but still pretty bad)
Seeing that Ni no Kuni is in the list hurt my heart.T_T

Hope that Infinite Space, Shadow Hearts, Lufia,SMT, Suikoden II and Dragon Dogma will receive more love than that game.T_T

Also Dept. Heaven game better at least had one or two title inside too.

Ni No Kuni's battle system is off, but it's a beautiful world, a grand adventure, a fantastic score, and it's full of heart. Glad it's on the list, though I'd also be happy to see the games you name.


Eve Online at 81 on a top 100 RPG list? Really?

Waiting for them to declare Diablo 3 or Black Ops 2 better RPGs than Baldur's Gate.


Seeing that Ni no Kuni is in the list hurt my heart.T_T.

One of the best games of last gen. Nothing strange about it being in the bottom half of a top 100 list of RPGs. It's a little silly that it bothers you.

Seriously, it's 100 games.


One of the best games of last gen. Nothing strange about it being in the bottom half of a top 100 list of RPGs. It's a little silly that it bothers you.

Seriously, it's 100 games.

Easily one of the worst Jrpg gameplay i had ever played. I throw 20-25 hours into the game and that even could not save the game for me.T_T Even 100 games, there are also much more many games that i believe sadly won't ever be mentioned there.

Ni No Kuni's battle system is off, but it's a beautiful world, a grand adventure, a fantastic score, and it's full of heart. Glad it's on the list, though I'd also be happy to see the games you name.

I guess it is the example of difference in taste i guess.T_T I really can't stand that game. I literally fall asleep on one of the battle there.T_T

I would even rate Tokyo Mirage Session to be higher than NnK here.
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