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Impressions of Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door (Or: the official thread)


works for Gamestop (lol)
And what's with the warning screen upon bootup? Was that the result of that lawsuit a while ago? First time I've seen it


Spike said:
It first appeared in Pikmin 2. :mad

It first appeared on the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Demo Disc, I believe...unless something predates it.

Waiting till Christmas for PM...using my minimal disposable income to get Mario Power Tennis.


That warning screen is gonna pop up with all games from now on.

I didn't even know PM2 was out.

Didn't play PM, loved Mario and Luigi, is PM2 in the same vein? All signs point to yes sorry Nocturne.


Is there any truth to the complaint that PM2 is just a high-res version of PM?

I never played the original, but IGN was pretty hung up on that.


Best Seller BOO FAIL -1 sale.

So ugly!

I'm gonna buy one that doesn't have it then sell the Best Ugly one.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I'm very impressed thus far.

This game fixes a lot of my personal complaints with PM1(which I finally polished off after a 3 year hiatus earlier in April). For one, combat takes the initiative to offer more than mere button timing exchanges by adding alternate defensive risks with 'super-guarding' and the total wild-card that is the audience(very cool addition).

Enemies also often enter the fray equipped with some dangerous items(which you can see) that can really shred down your HP or heal themselves in later rounds if you don't dispatch them early in the fight.

Plus a lot of weird random shit tends to happen, I killed off a set of koopas and as I sat waiting for the xp to get credited, the background scenery suddenly fell over and did a bit of damage to my party post-battle. Dunno how that occurred(audience?)

Beyond that, the whole presentation, while still suitably "MARIO!" themed, is FAR less fisher-price than in 2001. This is easilly punctuated by the music which is livelier and far more festive than the lullaby-esque themes generated in the N64 game. The settings, conversations, and presentation as a whole is much zanier than its forebear. You aren't bogged down too much with dialogue talking about stars, sprites, and pastel-colored hooey as in part 1 either, a very effective change in my book.

The dungeons and battle maps (which I tend to have liked in PM1) are even more wild and creative in this game thanks to a slew of new concepts for traipsing around. There has been a continuous assault of weird stuff to see and do within them, some I would hate to directly spoil.

Better pacing, faster action, more creative, the game is giving off a good vibe.

Edit: Oh and no 'Best Seller' stamp gracing my cover either...


Finally, some impressions. This game is brilliant.

I'm at the dragon, but I don't have the cricket. Where is it?


Hint: It said that the dragon was weak against cricket NOISES, not the crickets themselves.

If you still can't figure it out, read on.

Use the Sound FX Badge.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
catfish said:
November 12th - Paper Mario
November 5th - Pikmin 2

Why does nintendo do this to themselves? with the Market penetration (or lack of) Nintendo has down under, why release these 2 games so close to Halo 2?

I'll tell you why, nintendo of Australia sucks.

don't get me started on nintendo australia - half the time they dont even update their site, (which sucks by the way - was just given a facelift, but still contains all the same old info. for about 12 months there they still only had luigis mansion as one of the featured titles ; after prime, kart, etc had all come out)

next gen, i'm importing all my consoles.


Hero said:
Hint: It said that the dragon was weak against cricket NOISES, not the crickets themselves.

If you still can't figure it out, read on.

Use the Sound FX Badge.

I feel like a friggin' idiot. Thanks.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Hehe, I had that badge equipped by accident when I fought the dragon.
Just completed the first chapter, seems like a nice game so far. Kinda wished I played PM1 first before jumping onto this game though.


Junior Ace
Saint Cornelius said:
It's actually more like your bad for trying to kiss mod ass. It's cool though, we can't all have friends IRL

You're obviously new here if you think I kiss mod ass.
Bog said:
You're obviously new here if you think I kiss mod ass.

I'm actually old school, and I know you're a dick on the regular. Maybe you don't do shit like this to impress moderators, fine, but you're obviously trying to make up for something


Junior Ace
Saint Cornelius said:
I'm actually old school, and I know you're a dick on the regular. Maybe you don't do shit like this to impress moderators, fine, but you're obviously trying to make up for something

Old school, huh? That just shows how much of an impression you've made.


explodet said:
Talk about Paper Mario more, guys.

I'm on the fence about this game.

It's the best RPG that has been released this year? (the only RPG I've played, anyway)

Seriously though, it's very good. I'm still in awe of the game's art. It's like someone took all of Nintendo's best art and put it into one game.
Speevy said:
He's old school.

That was necessary? I guess Bog's contributions to your thread have greatly outweighed mine *sigh* *slits wrists*

explodet said:
I'm on the fence about this game.

My friend rented it the other day, I went over to his house tonite and watched him play it longingly as he didn't bother to pass the controller. That's a recommendation - my broke ass would own this game if I wasn't so, you know, broke assed.

But what I want to know is: multiplayer? Really?
I dunno what whacked out shit people are on, but Paper Mario RPG (Paper Mario 2) is a one player game. Says so right on my box.

It's also an Action-RPG, according to NCL.
Do The Mario said:
Hows the multiplayer?

When is it coming out in Australia anyone know?

We're on the same kind of wacked out shit, evidentally. The kind of whacked out shit that makes one tremble when they can't get hold of the controller!
Well it's worthy of longing, lemme tell you. I can't wait to get my hands on the English version and play it all over again.

Brandon F: Now I just have to convert Drinky Crow and all will be right in the world. This game was MADE for the hardcore, but they made it accessible for casuals. Also, it just gets better with time.
Dragona Akehi said:
This game was MADE for the hardcore, but they made it accessible for casuals. Also, it just gets better with time.

Now that's the kind of praise that makes me want to knock down a few magazine racks - filled with Game Informers! Not to derail your thread any further, Speevy, but any of you undecided folk out there... please, PLEASE don't take GI's review for it - this game is worthy of your hard-earned dollars.
Well there is one caveat: when I said that I mean mainly in the actual battlesystem itself, rather than the puzzle solving and whatnot. The puzzles and everything come together so beautifully, but the complexity in the battle system left me amazed at how much depth IS was capable of cramming in there.

It really makes the original look like a demo disc that way.


Tag of Excellence
I've only spent and hour and a half with this game and I'm absolutely loving this title. The text is always fresh and funny and they improved quite a bit over the original. I'm loving the theater-style presentation for the battles and the random attacks from the audiance. I also enjoy the references to the other Mario RPG games such as Chuckola Cola (M&L) and Professor Frankly being the teacher of Professor Kolorado (PM1) So far it's been pure gold, I haven't a complaint whatsoever.

Dragona I wouldn't bother converting Drinky, that'd take some monumental effort.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Maaan this game RAWKS :D

The Mario-theme/world is so consistently clever and grows so much with every new game that uses it. I love it.

Loved the part with the guy in Rogueport at the beginning who
got beat up by gangsters in the background. :)


Tag of Excellence
I just beat Hooktail the dragon and it was awesome. Now I won't say why or how but there was a part that both suprised and had me laughing pretty hard. I did not expect it in the least bit.

MrCheez I completely agree and that bit had me on the floor. More games should have something similar to that, where interesting stuff happens in the background while your talking to other characters or in a "cinema" of sorts. The best part of the game isn't that it's Mario but the world and gameplay that encompasses it. It's genuinly fun to play and there are some funny moments to be had. I'm very pleased with this game and I'm glad I didn't opt to rent it.

If anyone is curious how this game stacks up compared to the original read Brandon F's post. It sums it up perfectly in regards to gameplay. Naturally this game is on a whole other level when it comes to art/script/personality. The original was definitely one of the best RPGs of the year (I think it was a lacking year too which is why it made such an impact, not sure though). So far I don't think anyone is missing out if they haven't played the first, it's just a decent primer that was genuinly enjoyable then but put to shame by the sequel. Oh and the Fire Emblem fan also remarks how he's a fan of the original Paper Mario and says he's having fun playing Paper Mario 2, crazy meta humor!

And for you perverts out there:
Peach gets naked in this game


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
:lol Yeah, it's great!

TekunoRobby said:
And for you perverts out there:
Peach gets naked in this game

Interesting how the computer says it opened the doors after observing Peach... but this didn't happen until AFTER her shower. ;)

Beginning of Chapter 2 spoilers /\


Tag of Excellence
MrCheez said:
Interesting how the computer says it opened the doors after observing Peach... but this didn't happen until AFTER her shower. ;)

:lol :lol
I love how the computer says he "over-heated" and "ran on impulse" while he was observing her in the shower. Then of course Peach miraculously figures out that the computer is in love with her and the computer demands that she teaches it about love. Oh god those dirty NOA translators.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Good stuff!

Oh MAN just did the
Bowser part!! :lol Actually controlling him was too damn cool.

Beginning of Chapter 2 spoilers /\
Okay guys, sell me on this game.

I'm not a big RPG guy, the only pure RPGs I can think of that I've finished are Final Fantasy 7 and Mario & Luigi (if you can count that). I never played Paper Mario 1 either.

I don't play games a whole lot anymore, so I tend to like arcade style games more, or something like GTA that I can pop in for an hour every once in a while, but when I get into something I try to play it once every few days.

Would this game be a good choice for me if I really enjoyed M&L even though I don't normally get into RPGs?

The whole Game Informer mess has me a little worried. Not because of their score, I couldn't care less about that, but the fact that they say it's "target audience is clearly young gamers". I may not be a huge RPG player, but that doesn't mean I want something dummed down and incredibly simple or childish. Is more slanted towards young games than M&L or about the same?


Fable has bored me now so I'm trading it in towards PM2.

I played through M&L as well. Twice, in fact. Not many games I play through more than once. The game is a riot. What a fantastic game. Sounds like PM2 has the same charm and the battle system has more depth.
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