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Impressions of Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door (Or: the official thread)


funcojoe said:
I think VJ looks alot better so far, I'm only an hour in though.


I got a Best Seller version. Ohh I feel so special! All you non Best Seller version buyers just bought the crappy non Best Seller version. Sell your GCs it's over.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
viewtiful joe looks better, but that really isn't a diss when IMHO viewtiful joe had some of the best art direction ever in console games. Zelda in that respect also looks better, but it's like comparing gold, silver, and bronze in the olympics. they still WTFown every other competitor.


ThirstyFly said:
Okay guys, sell me on this game.

I'm not a big RPG guy, the only pure RPGs I can think of that I've finished are Final Fantasy 7 and Mario & Luigi (if you can count that). I never played Paper Mario 1 either.

I don't play games a whole lot anymore, so I tend to like arcade style games more, or something like GTA that I can pop in for an hour every once in a while, but when I get into something I try to play it once every few days.

Would this game be a good choice for me if I really enjoyed M&L even though I don't normally get into RPGs?

The whole Game Informer mess has me a little worried. Not because of their score, I couldn't care less about that, but the fact that they say it's "target audience is clearly young gamers". I may not be a huge RPG player, but that doesn't mean I want something dummed down and incredibly simple or childish. Is more slanted towards young games than M&L or about the same?

pm2's "target audience" is clearly people who enjoyed M&L.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
ThirstyFly said:
Okay guys, sell me on this game.

Buy it. Mario & Luigi was probably my least favorite Mario RPG, and this game is shaping up to be my favorite.

It's beautiful, charming, hilarious, and has plenty of depth (and length it seems like so far).

Nothing about the game is childish. Nothing. As I said about, the word I would first use to describe it is "charming" or even "artistic". Not childish.

Unless you're an immature moron who sees Mario or a talking turtle and refuses to play the game because it's "kiddy!11!' Ugh. Fucking Game Informer.


Alright. I watched my friend play, on and off, for a couple hours (while I studied).

The presentation is so attractive and engaging. It goes a long way to make the game more enjoyable. From what I saw of the combat, there's a lot more to keep things interesting, on top of the simple structure that most of us love. The game just FEELS right in every way. The humour can be silly, but isn't hackneyed and childish like M&L. The environments, due to the art and design, are leagues better than in M&L, imo.

I came away impressed, but reserved on if the game would continue to get better or might become stale. I haven't read reviews in that respect.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Just beat the woods... wow.. between the art design being awesome (think megative exposure) and the pikmin like aspect of the level.. really not what I was expecting...

thoroughly enjoying this game... may skip work again tomorrow to get some more time in... woot..
This game just stole my attention away from life. At least with Pikmin 2 I could manage my daily tasks, but this...is no good. I just want to sit on the couch, playing this beautiful game to the end. Not even to stop for a pee or other activities. Of course the scenes where Princess takes a shower do tempt me.
Buy it. Mario & Luigi was probably my least favorite Mario RPG, and this game is shaping up to be my favorite.
Unless you're an immature moron who sees Mario or a talking turtle and refuses to play the game because it's "kiddy!11!' Ugh. Fucking Game Informer.

Well, it's pretty easy to tell the game is fantastic looking from the screenshots and videos. And if I was worried about playing a game with a few colours other than brown, gray and blue I wouldn't have a GC.

How's the difficulty level? M&L was great fun, but it hardly had any challenge until the very last boss. I guess this question is best suited for those that have finished the Japanese version since everyone else is still probably very early on in the game.
To be honest, the game can be as easy or as difficult as you like. I've always played without items (buying them anyway) and unless you have perfect reflexes (and counter every single hit, which is nigh impossible) you're going to find a decent challenge.

Bosses get harder through the game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
My stance:

PM > M&L >>>>> SMRPG

That's how I've always felt.

As much as I enjoyed M&L (much more for its humor and awesome translation than its gameplay, which felt like a thoroughly unbalanced version of PM1, though with a couple of new ideas), Paper Mario was really want I wanted in a SMRPG.

This new game has completely charmed me. Much more so than the original. I was very gratified to experience that it isn't as easy or as slow to start as PM. I just beat Chapter 1 and am about to start Chapter 2, and I've already cried a few times from gut-busting laughter and delight.

The gameplay. Is near perfect. Intelligent Systems put together what was arguably the most balanced RPG battle system I've ever played, in Paper Mario. And while it isn't the most fun of them all, it was VERY high up there on fun factor. They've improved it beyond my expectations here. They incorporated a couple of the neater ideas of the M&L battle system, but retained the depth and balance of PM (which M&L completely lacked), and have beefed up the exploration and "paper" element to the nth degree.

I actually laughed out loud in delight when I discovered the "false wooden fence" wall in the very first town of Rogueport. There is ALL kinds of cleverness in this game, and as soon as the debates are over, I'll be putting in at least 3 more hours tonight.

I cannot say how impressed I am with this game. I honestly thought it would feel a bit dated and too similar to its N64 predecessor, but nothing could be further than the truth.

Bowser, Prince & CPU, and Hooktail all had me crying tears. And the X-Nauts are just FANTASTIC so far. It's awesome how their leader seems so cynical and intelligent. And that X-Naut grunt he summoned. Hahahah, that entire final conversation was fucking BRILLIANT. Hahahahaha. Yes dude! Sir! Grodus! Sir, Grodus, Dude! Sir Grodus! Hahahahahahaah. WTF?


Running off of Custom Firmware
Oh, I have the Best Seller version (purchased at the Rockefeller Center EB in NY) and the Nintendo Seal of Quality is on the back.
For anyone still on the fence regarding this wonderful game, take a look at my review at PGC. And no, this isn't a shameless plug, it basically explains in depth at how great the battle system is. Keep in mind that this was based on the JPN version and some names have obviously changed.
Okay, you guys sold me. I'll be picking it up. Thanks for the replies.

Now, the real question is, if I should get it before GTA:SA or after the November blitzkrieg.
I've already ordered Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and I've still got some Resident Evil GC and Gradius V playing to do, so it may have to wait.


Piglet vs. Paper Mario



force push the doodoo rock
The bowser\peach stuff at the end of each chapter makes this worthy of my 45 bucks.

so far this game doesnt disappoint. also Badges>>>>>>>>>>all other upgrades.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
sp0rsk said:
The bowser\peach stuff at the end of each chapter makes this worthy of my 45 bucks.

so far this game doesnt disappoint. also Badges>>>>>>>>>>all other upgrades.

Big ditto on both points.

Is anyone else having Goombella document every single badguy with Tattle? @_@ Thank God for the "Quick Party Member Swap" badge ;)
Goombella? Ughhh. I was hoping they'd keep her name Christine. :| I realise that "Kurisuchinu" is a play on "Kuribo" (Japanese name for Goomba), but Christine was such an awesome name compared to "Goombella". UGHRaskaj.


Dragona Akehi said:
For anyone still on the fence regarding this wonderful game, take a look at my review at PGC. And no, this isn't a shameless plug, it basically explains in depth at how great the battle system is. Keep in mind that this was based on the JPN version and some names have obviously changed.

I have a question. Why is it not acknowledged that despite not having polygons, this is the sharpest and most artistically cohesive Gamecube game to date? I see this 7.5 stuff and I don't think we're playing the same game, but then again I've never beaten it. If Viewtiful Joe can get a high graphics score, so can this.
It isn't the lack of polygons (as in the paper style), but the fact that the polygonal backgrounds look somewhat DCish in terms of polycount. That and some of the textures (mainly floors) are just really really bad, something you wouldn't expect in a Nintendo-made game. That said, it's all in the background and I really had to look for these things.

But when I was looking some of the things I saw were rather cringeworthy, like the port outside Hoodlum Town (the first town, your hub) when you climb the steps. The top part of the walls just look bad, if you are looking at it critically. Which, when reviewing, I felt I had to.

And that's from someone who absolutely adores the look of Paper Mario.


(more a nerd than a geek)
That Piglet game DOES look good.

If I find it for $10 or less, I might buy it. Just for the novelty factor.


Tag of Excellence
I've just entered Chapter 3 and there just one thing I want to know. WHAT THE HELL IS MARIO GRABBING WHEN FLURRIE USES HER POWER? Equip Flurrie, move Mario as close to the screen as possible, and press and hold the X button. It could be due to the angle, it could be that he's grabbing another part of her body or a completely seperate peice (the animation seems to hint that), but it looks so odd from a quick glance!

I just went through Chapter 2 and [/spoilers] I loved the part about the Punies. It seems so funny that you control so many of them almost like a reference to Pikmin 2. I also noticed that you control 1 more than the alloted max in Pikmin 2, possibly a jab?


PM2 is definately the best Nintendo game of the year for me so far (Metroid Prime 2 will probably top it). Its too bad I'll have to wait till tommorow to play more of it since classes will last me all day today.

And the humor in the game is fabulous, GI is not.

EDIT: You know, a sticky thread for a Nintendo game hasn't happened in a while, and I think this one deserves one, especially considering that there will no doubt be Q&A on the title as it is a long RPG. And it does get challenging in some spots.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I will accept this excuse.

But usually these 'new game threads' see much more activity. T_T


Okay. I just got the game. I hope this crazy plan of yours works, Wario. I also hope I can get $100 for my 30001 PS2 model (but that's another story for another time).


Superbone said:
I'm waiting for the Fry's deal. Will pick it up tomorrow at lunch. Sounds like a lot of fun.

You can pick up PS2 games and Xbox games as well as GC games at the TRU deal.


Superbone said:
I'd do that but I don't think I can wait that much longer.

Neither could I. So I did what Wario64 told me to: Buy Paper Mario 2 anywhere that there's a 30-45 day return policy. Play it, love it. When the TRU deal rolls around, buy Paper Mario 2 again along with your other two games. Return the new sealed PM2 with the receipt you saved from the first PM2, and you're ready to go.


Man, you guys have got all the angles covered. :D

Nah, I'll just pay $5 more and get it at Fry's tomorrow. That will free me up for 3 more games.
TekunoRobby said:
I've just entered Chapter 3 and there just one thing I want to know. WHAT THE HELL IS MARIO GRABBING WHEN FLURRIE USES HER POWER? Equip Flurrie, move Mario as close to the screen as possible, and press and hold the X button. It could be due to the angle, it could be that he's grabbing another part of her body or a completely seperate peice (the animation seems to hint that), but it looks so odd from a quick glance!

GODDAMNIT. "Flurrie"? That name sucks! Her name was "Clouda" in the JPN version, and I like it much more. :|

God, I wonder what they did to poor Nokotarou and Barel... :(

Someone please tell me that Vivian keeps her name.

And yeah, when Mario uses Clouda's wind blowing move, it is fairly disturbing. I like to think (ie block out the visuals) that he's squeezing her "tail".

I just went through Chapter 2 and [/spoilers] I loved the part about the Punies. It seems so funny that you control so many of them almost like a reference to Pikmin 2. I also noticed that you control 1 more than the alloted max in Pikmin 2, possibly a jab?

It's an homage to Pikmin 2. The Punis rock! (Please tell me that Obaba [the old Puni] not only keeps his name but he also bitchslaps everyone around like before.)

So far, it sounds like the names have suffered through the translation. I mean I can understand why they did it, but the names they've picked aren't nearly as good as the JPN ones, in my opinion...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The koopa troopa you get is named Koops, and one of the three Siren Sisters is named Vivian.

The Puni elder is actually female :eek: I don't remember her name though. That whole section with the punis rocked.

But nothing rocks as much as the
Peach and Bowser parts
at the end of every chapter. :D
Koops? Bleh... I wasn't a big fan of "Nokotarou" anyway. And
yay Vivian keeps her name!

Well Obaba always seemed male to me, but I'm not susprised by he turning out to be a she (baba = kind term for grandmother)... so a complete DUR on my part. I guess it's just the graphic of him/her that made me assume male gender.

Oh yeah the Chapter Endings are great and only get more hilarious as time goes by...


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Are you not planning on picking up the english version at all Dragona? The vast majority of the English dialogue is brilliant and hilarious. :)

Oh, I wanted to ask... Only highlight if you have finished Chapter 3:

What color Yoshi did everyone get? :D Mine was red, and I named him Rarrr!

What a great chapter overall. I love how different it was from the usual chapter-format. The fact that Mario is referred to as The Great Gonzales for the entire chapter is hilarious as well.

I must say though... I was so freaking stumped on what to do about those two invincible spikey-rock guys at first. @_@
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