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Impressions of Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door (Or: the official thread)


MrCheez said:
Are you not planning on picking up the english version at all Dragona? The vast majority of the English dialogue is brilliant and hilarious. :)
She'd be a fool! The names are slightly worse! *rabble, rabble rabble*
MrCheez said:
Are you not planning on picking up the english version at all Dragona? The vast majority of the English dialogue is brilliant and hilarious. :)

If you've read my various PM2 related posts, you'll know that getting the English version was always my intent. I'm just a little disappointed in the names.

Oh, I wanted to ask... Only highlight if you have finished Chapter 3:

What color Yoshi did everyone get? :D Mine was red, and I named him Rarrr!

I got a green one in the JPN version and his name was a particularly uninspired "Yoshit".

What a great chapter overall. I love how different it was from the usual chapter-format. The fact that Mario is referred to as The Great Gonzales for the entire chapter is hilarious as well.

I must say though... I was so freaking stumped on what to do about those two invincible spikey-rock guys at first. @_@

Yeah that chapter was my favourite until I played the later ones. And yes, the name Mario is called in that level is absolutely fantastic. Glad to see it wasn't changed.


works for Gamestop (lol)
That dude in the 1st town (forgot what it's called, something port) was selling Wario's clothes for like 360 coins, but I didn't have enough coints to purchase it. Dammit, I want to have Mario dressed in Wario's clothes :wariocry


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Wario64 said:
That dude in the 1st town (forgot what it's called, something port) was selling Wario's clothes for like 360 coins, but I didn't have enough coints to purchase it. Dammit, I want to have Mario dressed in Wario's clothes :wariocry

Whaaaaa? You mean the travelling merchant guy with the huge mustache? Hmmm, what he sells must be random, I never saw Wario clothes :( Did the description say you could actually wear them?

That'd be way cool :eek:


works for Gamestop (lol)
I think it said you can wear them. Yeah, the stuff he sells is random. I hope he sells it again...300+ coins for a costume change is pretty expensive


Dragona Akehi said:
GODDAMNIT. "Flurrie"? That name sucks! Her name was "Clouda" in the JPN version, and I like it much more. :|

God, I wonder what they did to poor Nokotarou and Barel... :(

Someone please tell me that Vivian keeps her name.

And yeah, when Mario uses Clouda's wind blowing move, it is fairly disturbing. I like to think (ie block out the visuals) that he's squeezing her "tail".

It's an homage to Pikmin 2. The Punis rock! (Please tell me that Obaba [the old Puni] not only keeps his name but he also bitchslaps everyone around like before.)

So far, it sounds like the names have suffered through the translation. I mean I can understand why they did it, but the names they've picked aren't nearly as good as the JPN ones, in my opinion...

vivian keeps her name. iirc, obaba has a new name that I do not currently recall. but he does bitchslap.


rollin' in the gutter
Just got it today, and played for about an hour and a half. Needless to say, I had a smile on my face for most of the time. This game is fucking awesome.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I love this game! I'm starting Chapter 4 tomorow. Worth Every Penny!


Just wanted to chime in with my love of this game. I just finished chapter 2, and I must say, this sequel is so much better than the already awesome PM1. The battle system never gets boring. The music is great, especially that opening storybook song, and the presentation is super polished. Not only one of the best games this year, but of all time IMO. Here's hoping for part 3 on revolution.


Man, this game is definately long, I spent a good hour in the time between the end of chapter one
where you controlled Peach and Bowser
and the begining of chapter two just searching all over the areas I could. It's neat how many new areas open up to you when you get Mario's paper abilities.

Definately still Nintendo's best game this year.


This game is amazing. I just started chapter 2, and it's already one of the best games I've played this year. Awesome stuff.


Everyone see if you can vote this one up a few points on Gamerankings. It's at 86% thanks mostly to that stupid Game Informer score.


explodet said:
It's $50 at Futureshop.
Damn it, now I have to get it.

Why do they always do these sales the day after I buy it? :lol

(pikmin 2 also) Maybe I'll look there first for Nintendo games from now on.


Man, this game keeps getting better and better, I beat chapter two and that psychopath
Lord Crump and his Giant Paper Robot thingy
, and then the
Bowser "Mario nostalgia level"
was pretty amusing. Again, I spent a good hour or more in between chapters doing some help side quests and other exploration.

This game is so awesome, I wonder why more people aren't praising it?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Combine said:
Man, this game keeps getting better and better, I beat chapter two and that psycopath
Lord Crump and his Giant Paper Robot thingy
, and then the bowser level was pretty amusing. Again, I spent a good hour or more in between chapters doing some help side quests and other exploration.

This game is so awesome, I wonder why more people aren't praising it?

Cause we are too busy playing it


Good grief this game has some content! I've already put 13 hours into it and am just at Chapter 3.

Of course, that's also a product of the fact that I've never met a save point or side quest I didn't like.


Fifty said:
Why do they always do these sales the day after I buy it? :lol

(pikmin 2 also) Maybe I'll look there first for Nintendo games from now on.

Remember, Best Buy and Future Shops in Canada usually put the big games on sale the very first weekend they are available. Unfortunately, you have to wait until the Friday of the week instead of Tuesdays at EB, but it's about $10 savings. So you have to ask yourself if waiting a couple of more days is worth $10?

I waited on Pikmin 2, and now, Paper Mario 2, and I will wait on Mario Power Tennis, but I don't think I can hold out for Metroid Prime 2.


GaimeGuy said:
The Bowser level at the end of Chapter 2 > all of you. :D

I just finished chapter one, but I've seen screens where it looks like Bowser is plowing through an area reminiscent of Super Mario Brothers. Looks like it plays like that too. Can't wait to try it out! This game is so much fun. I'm trying to figure out teh kiddie?
Is it when Hook Tail decides to eat half the crowd in the battle at the end of Chapter one? DAmn!


This game already > Paper Mario (my favorite in the SMRPG series). It's one of the few RPGs I find myself purposely getting into battles because I love battle system. Not caring about the story so much, but the dialogue and humor is great.

I'm at the beginning of Chapter 2 and have heard the first part of Luigi's story of rescuing Princess Eclair. :lol

Also, Boggly Woods (I think that's the name) is fucking gorgeous.

Mrbob said:
Is it when Hook Tail decides to eat half the crowd in the battle at the end of Chapter one? DAmn!

I was thinking the same thing.


Jeezus you people are slow! I'm already near the end of the game and you people are on chapter 2/3? Eh, I guess I've had a lot of free time, but still....

I'm a little over the 33 hour mark at the last dungeon in the game. Thankfully, its actually somewhat lengthy compared to a couple of the others. I wish they were all this big!

I supposed a couple more hours could be tacked on when all is said and done. I did most of the trouble quests, but not all of them (they get a little tedious, actually, but at least you're not forced to do them...the game really maximizes its small world by making you go over the same territory a lot, but still, its fun overall) and I got to level 70 in the 100 Trials. And I didn't get *all* the badges.

A few spoilers I guess, interesting things I found, or things people may not know:

-Level 50 in the 100 Trials, I think - a Strange Bag that lets you carry 20 items. It should make a fair impact for when I try for the whole 100.

-There are 2 more Bowser levels. They don't really play similar to SMB, I mean, other than the sidescrolling, but still a fun diversion.

-Get those tattles when you can! Unless some of the creatures are near the bottom of the 100 Trials, I think I might've missed a couple, even though I tried to get every single one. I don't know if getting them all does anything, probably not, but its still cool.

-Get the L Emblem (Luigi Clothes) and wear them with Wario clothes at the same time. :)

-One of the trouble quests will net you a 7th partner, Mrs. Mowz. Its the one marked with ????


Rock! I didn't think it would top Pikmin 2 for me, but I think I'm having even more fun. I've got the game for a weekend, so I fired it up [which I'll continue when I get the game in another month]. I've gotten to Chapter 2 already. It's one of the more addictive games that I've played in a long time. Often I get a moment where it would make sense to quit, but I always want to continue for the sheer fun of the game, and to see what comes next. So, so much to love about this game.

End of Chapter 1:
Bowser's castle. I was surprised that I found so much of it genuinely funny.

Mrbob said:
I'm trying to figure out teh kiddie?
Is it when Hook Tail decides to eat half the crowd in the battle at the end of Chapter one? DAmn!
In fact, yes. Miraculously none of them died or were even injured!


Socreges said:
End of Chapter 1:
Bowser's castle. I was surprised that I found so much of it genuinely funny.

I love the part when you sneak up on one of the koopas talking about Bowser's infatuation with Peach and Bowser catches him. :lol

I also enjoyed the background scene as you were talking to Toadsworth

I'd say this game has to go a bit further to beat Pikmin 2 for GotY so far. But hey, I just started. :\


AniHawk said:
I love the part when you sneak up on one of the koopas talking about Bowser's infatuation with Peach and Bowser catches him. :lol
Yeah, that was great. Did you check all three Bowser statues, too?

I also enjoyed the background scene as you were talking to Toadsworth
And then Toadsworth waddles off: "Huff, I say..... Huff, I say...." :lol

I think I lower my threshold for humour with videogames, but that's still funny stuff.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
funniest stuff so far (up to beginning of chapter 4):

The entire Great Gonzalez thing was priceless, and the fact that your Yoshi still thinks your name is Gonzalez.

I named my Yoshi Vince because he looked kindda rough. Well, when he actually turned out to be kindda rough, imagine how well that turned out.

The Yoshi (Vince) may be the single greatest party member ever in a console RPG. There have actually been times where story events have happened and I realized I had one of those other pussies out and they were talking so I go back and reload the game and take Vince out just so I can here what he has to say. I swear I laugh every time he calls someone a punk or some other name.

Anything having to do with Bowser is hilarious. The Bowser Bros. game, him ambushing the Great Gonzalez in the ring, mistaking the poster for the real peach, etc.

Most things having to do with the X-Nauts are funny as well. Those guys crack me up.

Of course the Chicago style beating in the background at the beginning.

but possibly the funniest thing is luigi... talk to luigi.. hear his stories. ALWAYS talk to him first. and then immediately after talking to him talk to his party member to get the real story. my god... Intelliogent System ROCKS!

Oh, speaking of RAWKS, most of the wrestling stuff was awesome as well. "When the world rocks you, YOU RAWK BACK!"

Seriously, all great stuff...

lots of really cool stuff also, but that's just the funniest stuff off the top of my head.


This may not be game of the year, but it could easily be the RPG of the year, unless of course Shadow Hearts, FInal Fantasy XI, or Fable is your pick.


Just beat the Pit of 100 Trials. MY FAWKING GOD!

What a complete bitch! Levels 80-90 are pretty rough, but it took A LOT to get through 90-99. The Elite Wizzerds are nearly unbeatable without using one of your specials (Supernova usually). Then after all that on Level 100 they throw Bonetail at you, and since Goombella was already dead I couldn't check hitpoints on the guy. I must've used Sweet Feast 3 or 4 times and just kept rotating members to serve as shield for Mario more or less. Bonetail's attacks all do like 8 dmg per hit and most of my guys were dead by the end. The item he drops isn't *that* awesome, well, at least not considering I've already beaten the game. Maybe if I'd finished it earlier, but I don't know anyone who could. o_o Might be able to do it before last dungeon, but I'm pretty sure not before you get Supernova. Anyway, I was pretty on edge at the end as not beating it would mean about 2 1/2 hours, a few neat items, and 4 levels down the drain. Oi...

Ah Beng

Buy it. Mario & Luigi was probably my least favorite Mario RPG, and this game is shaping up to be my favorite.

It's beautiful, charming, hilarious, and has plenty of depth (and length it seems like so far).

Nothing about the game is childish. Nothing. As I said about, the word I would first use to describe it is "charming" or even "artistic". Not childish.

Unless you're an immature moron who sees Mario or a talking turtle and refuses to play the game because it's "kiddy!11!' Ugh. Fucking Game Informer.

You have to admit the 1st paper mario was clearly aimed at children though right? I mean seriously the things you had to do in a battle was hold the control stick to the right.. 4 lights light up very slowly then when it reaches the end you release the stick. Or hold A while a bar slowly fills up then release the A button when it gets to the top. It was very difficult to get killed unlike in M&L. It was basically like a Barney RPG aimed at little kids and that was before even looking at the story/artstyle. From the impressions though it sounds like they have really stepped things up with this sequel.
I swear they just made a Regan joke in this game.

"Boy, the mayor has been so forgetful lately. I'm actually worried the old gipper may even forget my face one of these days"


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ah Beng said:
You have to admit the 1st paper mario was clearly aimed at children though right? I mean seriously the things you had to do in a battle was hold the control stick to the right.. 4 lights light up very slowly then when it reaches the end you release the stick. Or hold A while a bar slowly fills up then release the A button when it gets to the top. It was very difficult to get killed unlike in M&L. It was basically like a Barney RPG aimed at little kids and that was before even looking at the story/artstyle. From the impressions though it sounds like they have really stepped things up with this sequel.

I still disagree. *shrug* At the time I was thrilled at how much interactivity the turn-based battles had.

But I think a lot of it has to do with people's attitudes going in. I grew up with Mario and he'll never be kiddy to me. Thank God too, because if I neglected to play some of his games due to a perception like that, I'd be missing out on some good freakin' times. ;)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It's really hard to do the action commands for defense in this game, too, IMO. It's much less "friendly" than the system in Paper Mario, where you could ususally time the commands easily.
rpg of the year dudes! not only is the game fun to play, but the dialog is truly funny. the funniest parts being whoever is in those treasure chests.

"Eat a sandwich, skinny!"


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
"We can't assume anything, cause if we do, it... well, you know the saying." "No, I don't."
Hahahaha. Seriously, we should start writing down some of these quotes. Those ones are solid yukon gold.

The part I've laughed the most about so far was
Those black chests that are always saying "I mean, what kind of freak sits in a chest waiting to curse someone? I mean, really..."


Any reason for me not to play this before finishing Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi? I was wanting to finish these first but I don't think I can hold out. I really want to play this one NOW.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Superbone said:
Any reason for me not to play this before finishing Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi? I was wanting to finish these first but I don't think I can hold out. I really want to play this one NOW.

The only thing you'll be missing out on is understanding a few cameos. The stories don't have anything to do with eachother. :)


AniHawk said:
No I didn't. What happens?
Well, if you plan on playing the game a second time, just check the statues out then. Otherwise:

First: Bowser reflects on how good-looking he is.

Second: Bowser reflects on how good-looking he is from every angle.

Third: Bowser sees something in the statue's eye.


Then: "Just kidding"

It was delightfully stupid. :)


Man, I had thought that Chapter 3
Becoming the Champ
wouldn't take so long, but man, it must have been the longest chapter of the game, considering all the suprises and things that happen.

Just started Chapter 4, and it still is my favorite game of the year so far, the humor is just outstanding.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Haven't been able to play too much yet, but I'll be wrapping up Chapter 2 today, and the game is by far the best RPG I've played this year, imho.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mejilan said:
Haven't been able to play too much yet, but I'll be wrapping up Chapter 2 today, and the game is by far the best RPG I've played this year, imho.

GotY, for me, for now. Just like Pikmin 2 was before and like ToS was before that and like Metroid Prime 2 and/or Prince of Persia 2 and/or Mario Tennis might be. :X


When enemies are carrying items with them, how do I make sure that I get the items? Like, the last enemy will have a badge behind it. I kill the enemy and the badge disappears, never popping up. Am I doing something wrong?
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