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Indiana Jones 5 for July 19th, 2019 with Spielberg and Harrison Ford

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It's the most middling film in the trilogy. Like Raiders greatest hits or some shit.

Temple of Doom is better and Raiders is the actual masterpiece of the 3

Recast marion too for all I care. There's plenty of good old actresses who can't get much roles

You're seriously trying to argue Temple of Doom is better?

Melon Husk

I'm warming up to the idea of a haunted scottish castle... Since Indiana Jones is now owned by Disney Spielberg can shamelessly steal the best ideas from the donald duck stories (Son of the Sun God, Manco Cápac comes to mind, etc...).

I want all the money.


He needs that beard though, but otherwise still looking good 20 years older.

I like Crystal Skull, but that wrung about the last bits of "action star" from Harrison Ford. And it already did the whole "make Indy the father role from Last Crusade" thing. If they're dead set on making this, then I demand they finally give us the glory that is Indiana Jones and the Saucermen from Mars, a real, honest-to-god attempt at Indy 4.

That Frank Darabont bit makes me weep.
This third draft apparently got the approval of both Spielberg and Harrison Ford, but Lucas vetoed it, thus sending the project back into limbo.


George Lucas is no longer involved.

Yeah and that's basically the only positive/inspiring thing you could say about this project....

Still doesn't take away the fact that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was awful and mismanaged by Spielberg at the helm. If Spielberg and Ford couldn't make it right in 2008, I'm having a hard time seeing how they can do any better in 2019.
Right but that new character won't be called Indiana Jones will he? Or... will he


Indianna Jones. It's close enough.

Well no, I mean show old Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and young Indiana Jones (new actor) in the same movie, easing the transition. Ans not replacing the character, just the actor in a more natural way.

But hey, Daisy Ridley for Indiana Jones?

Actually this is the one way I can probably see this working, sort of a nod to the Indy tv show. Have Harrison play old Indy retelling one of his adventures while the other half is a flashback to young Indy played by a new actor. It is one way to give whoever has to fill those enormous shoes a little more credibility if Harrison is essentially in the same movie giving him the rub. Still, the role is so iconically tied to Ford I still don't see how you recast it. They have to nail this casting maybe moreso than any in any movie I can remember.

Agreed.. they're gonna have to absolutely nail the casting, but if they do, this will be the way to hand it over and explain his new appearance.
I guess the difference between Bond and Indy is that Bond is based on a book. All actors playing Bond are interpretations of an established character, while Indiana Jones is Harrison Ford.
The other distinction is that Bond is THE basis of a major film archetype. Being the basal form of an archetype lends a lot to alternative takes on the character. Jones is a very specific beast, a love letter to classic serial stars, with a dash of Bond, that is born of Ford's performance, Lucas's writing, and Spielberg's direction. It's not a character open to interpretation and whatnot, because the character already effectively IS an interpretation, and a very specific one at that.
Wow, really? So is this likely a story they planned out a while ago then, meant to close out a 5 movie arc, or was 5 a sort of arbitrary number?
That I don't know, but if I had to guess, 5 was probably more arbitrary than anything. Considering it took them like two decades to all agree on a plot for 4, I doubt they had any specific stories arced out for all 5. They might have pieces of something laying around that will form the basis of this though, who knows.


Wow, really? So is this likely a story they planned out a while ago then, meant to close out a 5 movie arc, or was 5 a sort of arbitrary number?

I'm not sure where he got that from. I've never seen any mention of 5 films. There's little indication that the principles ever thought beyond the movie they were in the process of making. Temple of Doom is just everything cut from Raiders, and everyone had such a bad time making it that Indy 3 didn't get going for awhile. The original pitch for Indy 3 was a Indy in a haunted Scottish castle, then Indy in the Far East. None of Lucas, Ford, or Spielberg had any plans for a fourth film until Harrison's cameo on Young Indiana Jones.

I'm warming up to the idea of a haunted scottish castle.


He needs that beard though, but otherwise still looking good 20 years older.

That Frank Darabont bit makes me weep.

I've read that Darabont script. Lucas made the right call. It's not very good.
I'm not sure where he got that from. I've never seen any mention of 5 films. There's little indication that the principles ever thought beyond the movie they were in the process of making. Temple of Doom is just everything cut from Raiders. The original pitch for Indy 3 was a Indy in a haunted Scottish castle, then Indy in the Far East. None of Lucas, Ford, or Spielberg had any plans for a fourth film until Harrison's cameo on Young Indiana Jones.

The original deal with Paramount was for 5 films, and Lucas had planned on honoring that deal. I believe I first heard it one of the official making-of pieces for Jones or possibly even Star Wars down the line, but I checked and it's on the Wiki page for the franchise complete with citation (it's a book, so I can't link it obviously). Like I said in my other post, as far as I can tell, no, there wasn't ever any stories arced out for a full series, and yeah, it was done one film at a time. 4 took ages to happen because Spielberg, Lucas, and Ford couldn't agree on a story for it. Lucas ended up coming up with the idea while doing Young Indie, but it took Ford and Spielberg quite a while to warm up to doing a 50's sci-fi (IIRC Spielberg was begging not to do aliens, er, interdimensional beings, pretty late into pre-pro).


Man, that first Kingdom of Skulls trailer was so freaking hype. The way it lists Indy's accolades and then goes into that shot where he's picking up his hat by the car.

And then the movie came out and there was monkey's. :(


I'm interested as long as they write a bloody good script and Spielberg knows the difference between good and shit.

No problem with Ford, amazing for his age but I'm guessing this won't quite be Indy of old. Whatever side kick. please don't be god awful.

I do wonder if this will be passing the torch towards a Bond like Indy franchise.
Fuck it, I'm in.

I enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, for better or worse.

Me too, I got your back. Come at us!

It is what I'd have expected of a 50s Indiana Jones -- Soviets, aliens, etc. Just hated the vine swinging and double-no-triple-no-wait-quadruple backstabbing "plot".
Well no, I mean show old Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and young Indiana Jones (new actor) in the same movie, easing the transition. Ans not replacing the character, just the actor in a more natural way.

I mean they could do that, and I know what you're saying, but I'm talking about the actual title of the series. The new character would literally need to be called Indiana Jones if the sixth movie is about that new character and they still need to call it Indiana Jones so that people will know what it is and continuing.


Unconfirmed Member
Harrison Ford is going to kill off every one of his iconic characters.
Han was first next will be Deckard and then it's off to have Indy murdered.


What about Indiana Jones and his side kick played by Daisy Ridley?


That would be great. Forget the male lead replacing Ford who probably can't be replaced easily for Indie.
So whats the general consensus of the best Indiana Jones movie?

For me it's really hard to choose between Last Crusade and Raiders of the Last Arc.


Fuck it, I'm in.

I enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, for better or worse.

Agreed. Outside of a few completely horrible scenes (Nuke explosion, Ants/Swordfight/Monkeys/Tree-Into-River), I actually found the movie quite enjoyable. As he ages, I feel these films need to slow things down and not try to go overboard with CGI and set pieces.
So whats the general consensus of the best Indiana Jones movie?

For me it's really hard to choose between Last Crusade and Raiders of the Last Arc.

I love Last Crusade, but Raiders is just... you know it's not just the best Indiana Jones movie, it's one of the best movies ever made. Last Crusade is a great movie in general if you ask me, but Raiders felt original, such a tight and flawless script, impeccable direction, iconic from head to toe.
I'm telling you guys, Spielberg just has to go the Tintin route with this and use the Tintin/Avatar performance capture tech to give us a young Harrison Ford.

Tintin was the real Inidiana Jones 4.


Okay, so they won't go near Aliens again. Maybe they even want to distance themselves from the last movie so far, that soviets are out of the picture too. Not to talk about Mutt...

When they try the Star Wars formula, they'll go back to what worked best in the past. So a biblical McGuffin and Nazis. And to make it work, maybe they'll set it in South America?
I mean they could do that, and I know what you're saying, but I'm talking about the actual title of the series. The new character would literally need to be called Indiana Jones if the sixth movie is about that new character and they still need to call it Indiana Jones so that people will know what it is and continuing.

No no, not a new character. A new actor playing the same character. Just in the same film as Harrison Ford, where you metaphorically have him pass the torch to his younger self (only played by someone else).

No new title needed.


This would go against the overall theme of the series, but when they talked in Crystal Skull about all the stuff Indy did during WW2?

GOD, I would LOVE to see that as a movie.
Ehhh... a bit too much IMO :p

Unless they make a younger Indy via CG/mo-cap, I am almost certain this will be the route they go. Assuming they want sequels.

Perhaps they want tie up the story in a way that doesn't allow for sequels as easily, and if that's the case it'll just be Ford.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
So this will come out 11 years after Crystal Skull. This makes it... The 60s?

I'm thinking its Indiana Jones does LSD in India with The Beatles.
Harrison Ford is going to kill off every one of his iconic characters.
Han was first next will be Deckard and then it's off to have Indy murdered.

That would be a hell of a way to retire, going out with a bang. I'd respect the hell out of him if he pulled that off.

What about Indiana Jones and his side kick played by Daisy Ridley?


That would be great. Forget the male lead replacing Ford who probably can't be replaced easily for Indie.

That would actually be really great. It doesn't have to be Daisy, but a young daughter could be a new dynamic for the womanizer in Indy 5 and be a breath of fresh air for action movies if she replaced him going forward. Not to mention it would probably help avoid some of the obvious criticisms about the replacement not living up to Ford if it's clear they're going in a different direction.

Agreed. Outside of a few completely horrible scenes (Nuke explosion, Ants/Swordfight/Monkeys/Tree-Into-River), I actually found the movie quite enjoyable. As he ages, I feel these films need to slow things down and not try to go overboard with CGI and set pieces.

I really don't get the Fridge hate, even after all these years. It was a play on the idea of the time that lead-lines fridges would keep you safe from nukes. I thought it was cute and funny. It really wasn't that tonally different than past Jones movies.

Jeep scene was a little over the top though. Still not enough to ruin the movie for me.

Okay, so they won't go near Aliens again. Maybe they even want to distance themselves from the last movie so far, that soviets are out of the picture too. Not to talk about Mutt...

When they try the Star Wars formula, they'll go back to what worked best in the past. So a biblical McGuffin and Nazis. And to make it work, maybe they'll set it in South America?

I would be really disappointed if they do that. I though Crystal Skull was cool largely because it brought the series into a new era, with all that entailed. Temple of Doom already showed that Indy is allowed to deviate from the initial formula, so I'm not sure why people are so adamant about sticking to that.

Indy was initially a love letter to a specific type of entertainment from the decade it took place in. As time goes on, it really just makes sense for the franchise to move into new eras and idols. It's sort of defined the potential for this series to continue for me. We don't need an older, slower Lara Croft/ Nathan Drake on screen, and swastikas on the enemy's sleeves doesn't somehow make it unique. It plays to their strength to do something new, IMO.
Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was fucking awful, what makes them think it would be a good idea to make another one 10 years later?

Harrison Ford will be like 75 years old when they film this shit... how... why?

I'm not saying this shouldn't exist. I'm just shocked they're even entertaining the idea of making another one after the horrible fourth flick a decade later.

Oh....well, I'm saying it shouldn't exist. I thought we were on the same page.
That would actually be really great. It doesn't have to be Daisy, but a young daughter could be a new dynamic for the womanizer in Indy 5 and be a breath of fresh air for action movies if she replaced him going forward.

Wasn't there a mockup somewhere of Anna Kendrick as Indiana Jones' kid?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I really don't get the Fridge hate, even after all these years. It was a play on the idea of the time that lead-lines fridges would keep you safe from nukes. I thought it was cute and funny. It really wasn't that tonally different than past Jones movies.

They jump out of an airplane in a frigging life-raft in ToD!

If only the internet had existed back then to complain about it and make it a meme...


That would actually be really great. It doesn't have to be Daisy, but a young daughter could be a new dynamic for the womanizer in Indy 5 and be a breath of fresh air for action movies if she replaced him going forward. Not to mention it would probably help avoid some of the obvious criticisms about the replacement not living up to Ford if it's clear they're going in a different direction.

A daughter could provide an interesting dynamic for Indy 5, but I dunno about replacing him. Let's be honest, Indiana Jones is the quintessential male power fantasy. That's the whole point of the franchise.
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