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Indiana Jones 5 for July 19th, 2019 with Spielberg and Harrison Ford

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Maybe they legitimately think it is great, or will be. You're fine to disagree but it swings both ways; some will argue with the same amount of fervor that it sucks regardless of how it turns out.
There's nothing with that, but people seem to really take it personally when you disagree on a movie or show they like and have a tendency to want to make you see otherwise. It's been happening a lot in threads.


My problem with this isn't the money grab element, or the "Hollywood reliving past glories" part of it. My issue is that Harrison Ford is too damn old to play Indiana Jones anymore.

He can still play Han Solo and did so quite well last year. But that was also a role that didn't require much physicality from him and instead relied more on his charm.

Indiana Jones is a different bird altog6ether. For starter's, Ford is the title character in an action film. At 76 years old. He got in great shape for a 65 year old in Indy IV, but he still obviously looked and moved like an old guy. Adding 11 more years isn't going to help in the slightest. Does anyone really want to see Indy in this state?
Wonder if they'll end up renaming the series. If this is a pass the torch movie, it will go to a new character as Ford is Indy.

Nah, that would be repeating the mistake of Crystal Skull by implying the character of Indiana Jones can be replaced.

It will probably be a film with Harrison Ford as old Indiana Jones metaphorically passing the torch to a younger actor to play a younger Indiana Jones.

this is still better than a Chris Pratt reboot.

Don't role that out yet. Whether or not it'll be Pratt, I do believe this film will introduce a new actor to play Indiana Jones as well.


You kidding? By the time 2019 rolls around, the only tomb Harrison Ford will be raiding is his own.

I haven't seen The Last Crusade in years, but didn't drinking from the Holy Grail grant him eternal life?

Eternal life so long as he/they stayed within the confines and guarded it.
I think.
There's nothing with that, but people seem to really take it personally when you disagree on a movie or show they like and have a tendency to want to make you see otherwise. It's been happening a lot in threads.

Well no one should take it that seriously or personally. It's just entertainment really.
Good. Ford showed with Indy 4 that he could still do the role, it was just a shit script. As long as Lucas is not involved I know Spielberg will end this franchise properly. Like they did with Star Wars, Disney will know how to clean up George's mess.

Indy 4 was almost 10 years ago. I think you underestimate how much older and getiatric Ford is now. This is just going to be sad. Either they are going to trot and old ass man out there to pull off the kind of swashbuckling action the series is known for, or they are going to have to heavily neuter it.
Nah, that would be repeating the mistake of Crystal Skull by implying the character of Indiana Jones can be replaced.

It will probably be a film with Harrison Ford as old Indiana Jones metaphorically passing the torch to a younger actor to play a younger Indiana Jones.

Right but that new character won't be called Indiana Jones will he? Or... will he


Indianna Jones. It's close enough.
I'm excited. I loved Crystal Skull.

I think Indiana Jones deserves the sort of torch-passing that Star Wars is getting, so I'm really excited that Ford is getting at least one more go at this.


Spielbergs getting on a bit too right? :(
Spielberg turns 70 this December which isn't that old for a director. Ridley Scott for instace is nearing 80.

Besides he just showed with Bridge of Spies that he still got it (imo of course).


Also, part of me wants to think "well, there's no way they'd come back after all this time and make this if they didn't have a great idea for the film", but then part of me realizes they said the same thing about IV.
Nah, that would be repeating the mistake of Crystal Skull by implying the character of Indiana Jones can be replaced.

It will probably be a film with Harrison Ford as old Indiana Jones metaphorically passing the torch to a younger actor to play a younger Indiana Jones.

Don't role that out yet. Whether or not it'll be Pratt, I do believe this film will introduce a new actor to play Indiana Jones as well.

Actually this is the one way I can probably see this working, sort of a nod to the Indy tv show. Have Harrison play old Indy retelling one of his adventures while the other half is a flashback to young Indy played by a new actor. It is one way to give whoever has to fill those enormous shoes a little more credibility if Harrison is essentially in the same movie giving him the rub. Still, the role is so iconically tied to Ford I still don't see how you recast it. They have to nail this casting maybe moreso than any in any movie I can remember.
Also, part of me wants to think "well, there's no way they'd come back after all this time and make this if they didn't have a great idea for the film", but then part of me realizes they said the same thing about IV.

I thought that was a fine idea, honestly with all the problems Indy IV had I didn't find the actual story or macguffin or whatever to be the issue.


Also, part of me wants to think "well, there's no way they'd come back after all this time and make this if they didn't have a great idea for the film", but then part of me realizes they said the same thing about IV.

I think they thought aliens was a cool idea and it potentially was

but that's about it


Also, lest we forget Spielberg and Co talking about how the film was going to be old school, high on practical effects and low on CGI......and then followed that up with the first shot in the film being a CGI groundhog.


This is going to be a performance capture movie right? As much as I like Ford I kinda don't want to see him as ultra old Indy unless it's a duel timeline sort of thing.


Indy 4 was a good movie ruined by some terrible creative decisions. Mutt wasn't the problem and Shia was good in it.

Mutt, like Jar Jar Binks, is used as a scapegoat.
Also, lest we forget Spielberg and Co talking about how the film was going to be old school, high on practical effects and low on CGI......and then followed that up with the first shot in the film being a CGI groundhog.

Lucas. Spielberg wanted to do all that to begin with.


Plot twist: this new Indiana Jones movie is titled "Tomb Raider" and stars Daisy Ridley, and Ford isn't even in the movie until the last 30 seconds, when Ridley's character finally finds Indiana Jones after spending the movie searching for him, and silently raises her hand, extending the iconic whip towards him before the credits roll.
I'm shocked that this isn't a reboot with a younger actor in the title role. Unless they plan to introduce another son (no way Mutt returns) and have him 'inherit' the Indiana moniker? If they intend to move forward with the franchise still called "Indiana Jones" they need a new character called Indiana Jones.


Plot twist: this new Indiana Jones movie is titled "Tomb Raider" and stars Daisy Ridley, and Ford isn't even in the movie until the last 30 seconds, when Ridley's character finally finds Indiana Jones after spending the movie searching for him, and silently raises her hand, extending the iconic whip towards him before the credits roll.

And then Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake swings into frame with a 'Hey everyone.'
I'm shocked that this isn't a reboot with a younger actor in the title role. Unless they plan to introduce another son (no way Mutt returns) and have him 'inherit' the Indiana moniker? If they intend to move forward with the franchise still called "Indiana Jones" they need a new character called Indiana Jones.

to be fair Indiana was the name of the dog. They could totally plug the name onto a relative and keep the series' title.
It had not only one, but two Jar Jar prototypes. So great is one of the last things I'd call ToD.

It also had the best setpieces in the series, the most epic shot (when the camera zooms in on Indy when he is about the free all the kids), and also gets bonus points from not being a remake of the first film unlike TLC.
Terrible idea.

They should've james bond this thing. The character itself is already as james bondesque as it gets, so I don't understand the need to keep bringing back Ford. Or spielberg for that matter.
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