Reading statements from the lawyer of the 2012 bus gang rape and murder, the things they would say as their DEFENSE was all just victim blaming bullshit. And that's the legal defense attempt.
good thing it didn't work, then
Reading statements from the lawyer of the 2012 bus gang rape and murder, the things they would say as their DEFENSE was all just victim blaming bullshit. And that's the legal defense attempt.
"A decent girl won't roam around at nine o'clock at night. A girl is far more responsible for rape than a boy," he said.
People "had a right to teach them a lesson" he suggested - and he said the woman should have put up with it.
"When being raped, she shouldn't fight back. She should just be silent and allow the rape. Then they'd have dropped her off after 'doing her', and only hit the boy," he said.
When I asked him how he could cross the line from imagining what he wanted to do, to actually doing it - given her height, her eyes, her screams - he looked at me as though I was crazy for even asking the question and said: "She was beggar girl. Her life was of no value."
What a dumb fucking statement about a country that educates the vast majority of IT workforce to the western part of the world. I guess IIT means nothing these days.
Uh, not dumb at all. Wrap your head around this concept. India is a country of almost 1.35+ billion people. Just because you're stereotyping a bunch of immigrant IT workers in the West as smart doesn't take away from the fact that a large portion of the country is illiterate. Some of the poorer states don't even average 50% literacy or more. Women are even more disadvantaged. What this means is, even if hundreds of millions of kids are being educated everyday, and are providing millions of graduate students and researchers, there are hundreds of millions of people born into poverty and won't get much education beyond basic elementary level. Maybe next time do some fact checking before saying someone else has a dumb statement.
Read this earlier today. There are no words for me to say. The way of thinking isn't just wrong, it's beyond absurd. The men who think this, I mean........ I just can't. This is too much. I've never read something that made me so angry and shook me so much that I can't put words to it. Literally the worst thing I've ever read.
........ I just don't understand. I feel so sad, angry and upset with the justification going on here, it has left me with nothing to say. I can only hope that the penalties are harsh, quick and usher in a change.
India is a place full of contrasts, it's an... experience to go there I'll tell you that. They still have a lot of leftovers from British colonialism, the classism is very, very strong in there.
The capacity people have for evil will never cease to amaze me.
Absolutely sickening.
I see some overlap with beliefs in western cultures too about rape victim blaming.
He doesn't see her as an equal; more like an object that he can do whatever he wants to.
how do you erase such an evil way of thinking?
Did you miss the bit about the dude wanting to burn his daughter alive, in the event that were to be raped?I wonder how would he feel is same rape happen to his mother or wife?
It's not much about dealing with the individuals, as much as it is about dealing with the culture at large, forging said individuals.Damn, What can you do with people like that , rotten to the core ?
I don't even know what to write. This is so shocking, and very sad to read that this is how the normal mindset is in India. Like, how do you even fix this? It'll take generations and huge amounts of money, considering how ingrained this mentality is to some/most of them and how it's partly caused by the lack of education due their extremely poor lifestyle. 100 years won't be enough, even if we start now. It would be nothing short of a miracle to stamp out this sickening way of thinking for a proper one within this century.
The horrifying details of the rape had led me to expect deranged monsters. Psychopaths. The truth was far more chilling. These were ordinary, apparently normal and certainly unremarkable men.
India is the fucking shithole of the world.
They shit on the street in their fucking capital.
They're uneducated apes, animals, and should be recognized as sand people or goat fuckers.
The quotes followed completely contradicts this. These men are the definition of deranged monsters.
India is the fucking shithole of the world.
They shit on the street in their fucking capital.
They're uneducated apes, animals, and should be recognized as sand people or goat fuckers.
how do you erase such an evil way of thinking?
Err... wow, tell us how you really feel. </s>
India certainly has some cultural problems, most stemming from their caste system, but your line of thinking is fucking backwards.
India is the fucking shithole of the world.
They shit on the street in their fucking capital.
They're uneducated apes, animals, and should be recognized as sand people or goat fuckers.
Says the neofag retard with a pokemon avatar.
Grow up, cocksucker
Any reason you chose this thread to go out?
When in an environment that doesn't necessarily care people will eventually lower their morals. There's not much in Indian society that promotes equality so being looked down on is natural.
The problem that's being highlighted here isn't necessarily that these people would be considered ordinary if they weren't rapists. It's that rape is so ingrained into this culture that it has become a social norm, just like going to work and hanging out with friends.
I call bullshit on that. These are sociopaths and people like that will not admit remorse and will make excuse for their behavior. Ted Bundy, who was the most famous serial rapist and murderer for the West for the last century proclaimed innocence almost until the end when he realize he wasn't getting off death row. Interviewing these men barely shows anything about their culture.
I'm not going to say their isn't cultural issues that could have contributed to these awful events, but I'm not going brand a whole society to think or believe a certain way because a few quotes from gang rapists.
Seems it will not be aired in India yet.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the British didn't introduce the caste system.
Correct me if I'm wrong though.
Well they sure didn't make it better.The messed up caste system has been around a lot longer than that. Its tied up in indian culture and religion so tightly I wonder how you could cut it out.
This is a good article, it's good to identify issues but we shouldn't just be pointing fingers as if casting away our own messed up problems.Some concerns about this documentary, taking umbrage with the title as being patriarchial, feeling like "white saviour", and localising this issue as if it's just for India. Found this interesting food for thought.
Daily O - Nirbhaya film: Solidarity is what we want, not a civilising mission (Kavita Krishnan)
So when does this film get released and is it open to the public?
On one hand, stupid. On the other hand we Indians lived it, not like the Docu is telling us something different. Nobody is condoning the actions of the rapists
I am deeply saddened by today's attempts to silence the film ' India's Daughter' and to derail an impassioned plea for gender equality.
This is a documentary I left my young children and the comfort of my home for, to spend 2 years dedicated to a crucial cause in the public interest of women, not just in India but worldwide.
India is a democracy with civilised laws, but sadly this flouting of a basic right to freedom of speech by whomsoever has lodged the FIR, and equally depressingly, the irresponsible and sensationalist 'journalism' of the Times Group, is flying in the face of civilised values.
I am hugely indebted to NDTV which has stood by this film so firmly and with such commitment - because its values are civilised and admirable.
I urge Mr Modi to deal with this unceremonious silencing of the film.
I came here out of love for India, and because India had led the world by example in the unprecedented protests of its courageous men and women who came out on the streets to fight for my rights as a woman.
India should be embracing this film - not blocking it with a knee jerk hysteria without even seeing it. This was an opportunity for India to continue to show the world how much has changed since this heinous crime; sadly, the FIR and the banning of the film will see India isolated in the eyes of the world. It's a counter productive move. Whoever is behind this - please see the film and then come to a conclusion.
Pakistan's Hidden Shame was soul crushing to watch.
Not sure I can watch this upcoming documentary, it sounds so much worse.