This is terrible. I was also excited for Homesick. I hope she gets the best of help.
As someone who has had suicidal depression before: What the fuck are you talking about?Suicide is a completely rational choice that usually takes more courage than most people who cry 'suicide is cowardice!' are capable of.
Go about it and be completely rational. If you have nothing of worth to you that you would hold on to and your only choice is to suffer indefinitely with the most unlikely future prospects, then it's probably just not worth it. Pull the switch, it's your life, and if it's not worth it to you, give it away.
Once again, by simple rational logic, the people who choose to live are a) better off, b) have better prospects, c) have less courage. There's no other explanation in my mind. No one who finds it worth living can judge those who choose to die.
I was really under the impression from the last thread about this person that had been exposed as being shady and thats why the entire thing slid into oblivion really fast.
As someone who has had suicidal depression before: What the fuck are you talking about?
I understand the feelings someone has when they think there's nothing left for them, it's awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Yeah... even if that story is true, I really can't judge her. Some (not all) trans people are absolutely terrified of being 'outed', and sadly it's not hard to understand why. :/ If she was that desperate, even though what she (allegedly) did might not have the right thing to do, I really can't look down on her for it. Just a horrible situation either way. (And just saying, in the UK gender reassignment/therapy is covered on the NHS too I believe, so that would've been less of an issue...)I understand why she would feel the need to lie about the surgery -- assuming that's even the case. There is a huge amount of negative pressure and stigma placed on trans people, and gender surgery is basically the focal point unto which all that negativity can be focused on.
She perhaps might have felt that she would not gain much traction with a 'Fund my surgery that 80% of people believe is unnecessary / insane / sick / evil' campaign.
I really hope the authorities were able to get to her in time, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Yeah... even if that story is true, I really can't judge her. Some (not all) trans people are absolutely terrified of being 'outed', and sadly it's not hard to understand why. :/ If she was that desperate, even though what she (allegedly) did might not have the right thing to do, I really can't look down on her for it. Just a horrible situation either way. (And just saying, in the UK gender reassignment/therapy is covered on the NHS too I believe, so that would've been less of an issue...)
Whatever the truth is, I hope everything works out better for her.
Can't respect suiciders, sorry.
I read everything, finding out he was transgender was huge. A lot of the people's comments of scam are valid. A lot of transgenders would do anything for surgery, just read about all the transgender people in prisons. They want to all commit suicide if they don't get thier stuff.
Sad if he really needed surgery for his health.
What, really? I just assumed she was cause it's being mentioned everywhere as if it were gospel.
Are they now giving her the treatment for the heavy metal poisoning she needed after being hospitalized?
This sounds like a terrifically complex situation.
The shrapnel/metal/car crash story sounds really bizarre, as if ripped out of the plot of Iron Man.
If it was a scam, that'd be a shame, for sure.
But what of all the vitriol and hate she received? Was it because of these allegations or were there other reasons for it as well?
Whether affected by metal or not, being transgender or not, or even being a scammer or not... the one thing that seems clear is that she is mentally ill and that she needs help. She doesn't need scorn, she doesn't need to 'suck it up.' She needs help.
I'm glad she isn't dead and hope she will now get that help and the rest of this, whatever the truth is, can be worked out afterwards.
Sad to hear. Hope she'll recover from this all.
I have read the OP briefly and didn't get the cause of this. What was the reason for her issues and depression?
If she lied to get money for what was after all not a life saving surgery, she is a scammer, period. It has nothing to do with her gender identity, I would say the same about anyone else.
There's a post in the previous thread outlining several causes for skepticism.
This is still somewhat tangential to the suicide, a strange and sad situation any way you think about it.
It's not always like that though. For me it's absolute negativity and sadness.
All of this. The strong should stand up for the weak. There is no excuse for cruelty. I'm appalled people could mock someone who has hit rock-bottom. Fucking appalled.I know saying this doesn't 'fix' anything, it just adds to the vicious cycle, but I personally feel this topic highlights so many problems with the Internet and society in general. Hatred and disrespect to those who are depressed, suicidal, somehow saying they're terrible people for being such, they just need to suck it up or selfish standards put on them as, "I never killed myself," or even making fun of them. Hatred and disrespect to those who are homosexual or transgendered, a misunderstanding and mistreatment of people who are different than you or what they often have to go through. Working on assumption that the worst possibility is fact, something with no definitive proof, "must be true," and is widespread like wildfire. And worse yet, people attacking their fellow man. Over something that's not even certain, but worse yet, just the need for people to attack others, and in this case, attacking her for all of the above things.
And because of how 'stigmas' are so commonplace on the Internet, this probably isn't going to go away for her.
This IS depressing.
I don't wish this anguish on anyone, but what I can't figure out is why the hell she freaking live streamed it. Exactly what purpose did that serve?
Is it really a scam though? I very seriously doubt she would have taken the money and bought herself a car or wasted it on junk.If she lied to get money for what was after all not a life saving surgery, she is a scammer, period. It has nothing to do with her gender identity, I would say the same about anyone else.
I'm glad she's alright. Suicide and depression are prevalent in America.
As for some of the posts in here... empathy, how does it work?
Wait did she actually go through with it or is that what we are finding out now? We need the facts before we start declaring the woman dead guys.
What's most disturbing is someone would want to watch someone kill themselves in the first place. A person with any degree of empathy whatsoever would be filled with concern. If everyone had been spamming the comments with pleas for the girl to stop, she probably would've been distracted by people caring, which would've bought time for someone to reach her before she hurt herself.Did someone really comment " watched it live.. Was kind of boring... "? W... T... F?
Were they expecting a gun to the mouth? Slit wrists? I didn't realize Suicide was supposed to be an exciting thing to watch...