Anyone been seeing the shit Allistair Pinsof from Destructoid has been getting over this? He was a friend of Chloe's and confirmed today that the campaign was a scam, but he wasn't saying anything because she threatened suicide if it got out. She attempted it anyway, so he confirmed it.
Maybe a little insensitive to do so soon, but he was being blackmailed and has been lying to people for over a month now. Plus, he referred to her by a male pronoun in a tweet... but, apparently she does present as male in real life and he knows her as a male. Still insensitive, but understandable and out of genuine ignorance.
Needless to say though, it's blown up. People on twitter are at a point where they're literally blaming him for her suicide attempt, "outing" her as trans (though it seems to have been common knowledge?) and of course calling him all sorts of nasty names over a pronoun misuse.
I do think he could have handled this much better, but holy shit... there are some extremely vindictive people out there.
This is my first post in this thread, so just to be clear obviously what happened with Chloe is way worse than some writer getting told to fuck himself, but I hadn't heard about the story until I saw his tweets and I didn't see anything about this specific development in this thread.
Allistair and I were the two people directly involved in a very similar situation a little over a month ago, but in that case the threats were being made privately over Skype. A Polygon editor was also involved, but to a lesser extent. I think one thing should be cleared up though, prior to the Indiegogo campaign neither Allistair nor I knew Chloe on a personal level at all. We both got to know Chloe when we were attempting to fact check essentially before driving our audience to help her campaign. I say this because this is the second time I've seen either he or I be referred to in a way that implies that we have a close relationship to Chloe. We were both extremely close to the situation, but I do not think either of us hit a point where we could have been called close friends of Chloe's.
I personally have struggled with the knowledge that I gained last month, as has Allistair. The cat is out of the bag now though, as he confirmed on Twitter. The Indiegogo campaign was not entirely genuine, it was actually quite deceptive. There was no metal poisoning, Chloe wanted a different kind of surgery that would help Chloe become the gender that she identified most with. We both figured this out, Destructoid was actually just about to publish a story on it. This is when Chloe went into a panic the first time.
Last time around it took many hours to finally determine who Chloe actually is, as it turned out Chloe Sagal is an alias. I live very close to Chloe, and her school, and it wasn't until the police were able to get in touch with a trusted professor that Chloe's real identity was located by police in Illinois. The resolution of the situation last time with authorities was that they would be doing a wellness check, but I got the impression that she told police that there was no threat, and they lacked the evidence to actually force her into a temporary involuntary psych eval.
Following all of this the small number of us that were involved discussed the situation further. Allistair had good intentions with his story, in that those that were donating didn't actually know the truth about what they were donating to and needed to know, but he chose to cancel it given the circumstances - specifically that Indiegogo gave refunds to everyone already, and that a life was potentially on the line. I still had concerns about the ethics of doing so, especially because there were indie developers who promised days of sales for Chloe's operation to address "metal poisoning", which left me to believe that there was still damage done. Despite any concerns, I agreed to keep the situation private, including the truth about the campaign, and the fact that Chloe Sagal is an alias.
This is what I was referring to on Reddit (if you saw my post) when I stated that Chloe was given a free pass. How many journalists would give someone that ran a bogus fundraiser an out like that, especially when consumers (and indie devs) were being deceived? Very few, and in this case, Chloe truly lucked out. Despite that, Chloe chose to not only make threats of suicide again, but this time try to actually do it via a Youtube video, and a stream.
Given that very few people knew that Chloe Sagal was an alias, very few people that wanted to help last night were actually able to. When I personally spoke with the local police last night (again, I'm very local to her, and already had contacts that were aware of the situation last month) they seemed entirely unaware of the events unfolding on Twitch, Youtube, and elsewhere. Police were finally en-route to try to help the person behind the Chloe Sagal alias, but the concern was that it was too late. This is where I immediately regretted keeping the fact that Chloe Sagal is an alias secret, as there were people genuinely trying to help from around the world for at least 2 hours prior to my involvement.
At this point I do understand that Chloe is safe, but the truth needs to be out there. As Allistair finally admitted on Twitter Chloe Sagal's Indiegogo campaign was completely deceptive. Chloe Sagal is not even a real name, it is the name that Chloe identifies with. Beyond that I don't want to get into gender debates or anything like that, nor do I think it's appropriate to attack anyone for referring to Chloe as a she.