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Indonesia executed 6 drug convicts in death row (5 foreigner)

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I'm less shocked by the fact Indonesia still has the death penalty for drug trafficking and more shocked people are still trafficking drugs through Indonesia.

Australians are in the news for this shit all the time and I cant get my head around it. Indonesia is a popular place for Australians to go on holiday so its pretty well known that drugs + Indonesia = death penalty. Yet somehow, it still happens year after year. Schapelle Corby and the Bali Nine were probably the biggest cases in recent years but it still happens and the Aus government has to go on damage control and start demanding they not execute our citizens. It 'usually' works and they get life imprisonment instead.

I dont believe anyone should be executed for drug possession but its not exactly like its a big secret that drugs will land you in the worst kind of shit possible in the area either so I cant fathom what goes through someones head to go along with it.

So much for the argument that the death penalty is deterrent.


hmmm, just like Singapore and other Asian countries, they don't mess with drug traffickers. They had their laws in place, the drug traffickers knew this and yet went ahead, got caught and now will face the law.

I don't see what the problem is?

Okay so just because the traffickers were "aware" of the law..that makes it any less ridiculous?

Give me a break. By that logic, any country could create any draconian law and hide behind the excuse of "the people knew the risks".

If the same thing happened in the US, there would be an uproar.


Because you're defending murder.
I'm not commenting on the death penalty here, but I don't think it's murder, it's the law. Don't commit a crime if you can't deal with the consequences. Again, this has nothing to do with my view on the death penalty.


hmmm, just like Singapore and other Asian countries, they don't mess with drug traffickers. They had their laws in place, the drug traffickers knew this and yet went ahead, got caught and now will face the law.

I don't see what the problem is?
Just because it's a 'rule', you're okay with murder? It's kind of weird to me, I assume that you're not okay with people in general murdering one another? How come you're suddenly okay with it when they're doing it because it's prescribed? Personally, I don't adhere any sort of mythical value to any ruleset. For me, it's no different than if a random serial killer had a rule that all of the victims broke. Don't give a shit, unless unavoidable, murder is wrong.


shrooms and prostitution are so prevalent in Indonesia and the authorities turn a blind eye to it...

but death penalty for trafficking weed?

fkn backwards country.

They just closed up the biggest prostitution ring in Asia although god knows how effective is that.


I'm not commenting on the death penalty here, but I don't think it's murder, it's the law. Don't commit a crime if you can't deal with the consequences. Again, this has nothing to do with my view on the death penalty.
Semantics, killing is absolutely wrong in my opinion. People who defend killings that are completely avoidable and unnecessary are not okay in my book. Invoking the law doesn't change the morality of the situation. Killing because of the law of the country, killing because of your personal reasons, not much difference.


What a bizarre black and white world some of you guys must live in to defend the death penalty.

Justice shouldn't be about revenge, nor should any man have the right to deprive another man of his life.

Also Amnesty International stated 'As long as human justice remains fallible, the risk of executing the innocent can never be eliminated'.

And its damn true.


So much for the argument that the death penalty is deterrent.

When my family lived in Brunei, one of our family friends who was also working there liked bit of a smoke here and there but obviously while in Brunei you wouldnt dare go round looking for it etc. Anyway, his girlfriend came over from Aus for a holiday and to see him. When she arrived she had baked him some weed cookies which she basically just carried in her luggage for the whole trip over; which meant stop overs in Singapore as well (they also have a love affair with drug offences).

My parents were like wtf are you seriously crazy? You do know what the penalty is? She was like yeh but it was all good.

Even now I cannot het my head around the fact she was so callous about the whole thing.
So they gambled their lives (and lost) for only 15k? What a terrible mistake.
Australian government welfare should also stop them from saying something like they had to smuggle the drugs, or they'd starve on the street etc. I suspect they were just greedy, overconfident and wanted to make some quick money.
Even though drug smuggling is a very serious crime, I dont think these guys deserve the death penalty for it. Its hard to imagine the stress and fear they would be experiencing right now.
I think capital punishment should be reserved only for terrorists and serial killers.

Yeah, basically they chose poorly. Don't think they should get the death penalty either but I find it hard to believe they didn't know the risks. Sometimes it just boils down to people do dumb things.
Every time I think of Indonesia, I just think back to how Deep Purple Mk4 not only had their manager murdered there, but also got swindled out of money and forced to play another show at gunpoint.

Bassist/second vocalist Glenn Hughes got tried for the crime, but a stripper came forward with evidence that he couldn't have done it.

crazy place, depressing to think that Glenn Hughes could have died there back in 1975.

Wow, that is crazy.


Possibly not of their own choice. Coercion and desperation do happen.

The fact that they were in contact with people who sell drugs says that they're not that innocent. And even if they were coerced they could have gone to the authorities. Like I said, they chose to do that and were lead to this moment as a consequence of their lifestyle.

You try being poor as fuck with no room for climbing up the ladder and see how long it takes for you to find other means.

That doesn't excuse them. A lot of killers are people with mental disorders, that doesn't mean we forgive them for their crimes.

I'm not saying that they should have been killed, but looking at them like innocent victims is wrong.
You try being poor as fuck with no room for climbing up the ladder and see how long it takes for you to find other means.

You guys rooting for a death penalty for a non-violent, non-lethal crime have problems.

Even the guy with dutch citizenship? Bullshit.
And drug traficking is not non-lethal.
So fix the actual problem?
When druglords or corrupt officals are no longer a problem, perhaps country can lift the death penalty as well.

But that is exactly why they should not execute the dutch guy. His is probably clean money that does not enrich drug cartels.



Fuck drug traffickers.

Yep. Well done by Indonesia.


That doesn't excuse them. A lot of killers are people with mental disorders, that doesn't mean we forgive them for their crimes.
But the law does excuse the executioners (and everyone else upholding it)? If so, what is your reason for making this distinction?


crazy place, depressing to think that Glenn Hughes could have died there back in 1975.
New Order Regime is definitely the worst of Indonesia.
Meanwhile my friends just live in Jakarta and chat on their iPads in Starbucks... it's a weird world.

Islamic countries don't fuck around with drug possession. It's time they abandon the death penalty and decriminalize drugs.
What the fuck

Indonesia do have the largest muslim population in the world but it is NOT an Islamic countries. Not by any mean. You can go the countryside and see people got their head drunk without any punishment. Why? Because the law is fucking secular.

As to people who wondered why this "barbaric" punishment is still hold practice, the reason is that our narcotic law enforcement is heavily tied to numerous context. Historically, Indonesia since 1970 have a lax drug-trafficking law enforcement because the New Order Regime never sees it as a problem (but of course since many of the regime shadow organisation are heavily involved in drug trafficking). It was until the Monetary Crisis of 1997 where suddenly drug-trafficking bomb explode. Drug overdose are everywhere. Many young men, especially high school student and college student which the latter at that hold in high regard for middle class family, died with foam frothing from their mouth. Families become wrecked as many of these drug addict stole and sell everything they can for more drugs. Society panicked as people life destroyed not only from the outside due to economy crisis but also from the inside. The sight of young, educated men, which in our society regarded as the beacon of the future, died from addiction. turn drug addictions into a 'demon' alongside the dying New Order Regime, especially at the late 1990's.

About most drug trafficker being forced into the situation, oh that can;t hold true for the situation that day. Most drug trafficker are filthy rich people who suck blood from people who already in misery and many of them are tied to the New Order Regime. The words "Bandar Narkoba" or drug trafficker is easily become of the vilest occupation that a person can do for a living, even until now. I know, things are different today. Most of these drug traffickers on death rows looks like miserable people who forced to do it and in no way similar to 1990's drug trafficker. But to change the law on death penalty is hard since drug trafficking phenomena is one of the most recent socio-historical event that happened and heavily influenced the society as a whole. The majority still support death penalty for drug traffickers and it doesn't seem to change much for some years to come.


I wonder if they does planning doing more execution and shorten Jail process (the president said as much for drug convict penalty) they would pressed up to change the method, only hang punishment in arab country that sound worse tbh.

Its needed an change in the law itself, and one reason that they couldn't bothered to do so.. because they actually not held execution that often.


I wonder if they does planning doing more execution and shorten Jail process (the president said as much for drug convict penalty) they would pressed up to change the method, only hang punishment in arab country that sound worse tbh.
Execution by firing squad seems cruel, as does hanging. If done properly, they're both cleaner processes than the lethal injection. Lethal injection looks clean because the first injection paralyzes the guy, the others start shutting down organ by organ while the guy is alive in his own body.
That doesn't excuse them. A lot of killers are people with mental disorders, that doesn't mean we forgive them for their crimes.

I'm not saying that they should have been killed, but looking at them like innocent victims is wrong.

I never once said they were innocent.

I'm saying that a draconian punishment for trafficking drugs is bullshit when these people hardly had a choice.

Even the guy with dutch citizenship? Bullshit.
And drug traficking is not non-lethal.

So someone with a well paying job with no major financial issues decides, out of the blue, to go make a living by moving shipments of hard white. C'mon dude.

And yes, drug trafficking is non-lethal. When you commit that crime, during what time are you actively hurting someone? You don't have to harm or kill to do drug trafficking.

They're not hurting anyone by trafficking drugs?

See above.


Any country imposing the death penalty is barbaric, and unfit to join the civilised world.
Someone raping my daughter should be killed not having 10 years in prison.
Someone killing my mother should be killed not get 15 to 30 years.
How would you feel if you saw the raper of your child walking free next to you?
Death penalty is one of the few things that makes me feel there is still justice in our world.


Someone raping my daughter should be killed not having 10 years in prison.
Someone killing my mother should be killed not get 15 to 30 years.
How would you feel if you saw the raper of your child walking free next to you?
Death penalty is one of the few things that makes me feel there is still justice in our world.

There's a problem here. You should never have a say in how people that have committed a crime against you and your friends/family get punished.
Someone raping my daughter should be killed not having 10 years in prison.
Someone killing my mother should be killed not get 15 to 30 years.
How would you feel if you saw the raper of your child walking free next to you?
Death penalty is one of the few things that makes me feel there is still justice in our world.

The argument for individual blood lust and revenge is just as shitty as whatever the the fuck reasons someone thinks pushing drugs is cause for death too.


Someone raping my daughter should be killed not having 10 years in prison.
Someone killing my mother should be killed not get 15 to 30 years.
How would you feel if you saw the raper of your child walking free next to you?
Death penalty is one of the few things that makes me feel there is still justice in our world.

What you are saying goes against the entire point of why the judicial system is set up as it is. Or more accurately proves why it is as it is, especially here in the UK.

There is no death penalty here, and thank fuck for that.


What you are saying goes against the entire point of why the judicial system is set up as it is. Or more accurately proves why it is as it is, especially here in the UK.

There is no death penalty here, and thank fuck for that.
I'm sorry if I will come cold hearted but knowing the killer of my son is dead is better than knowing that he is going to spend sometime in prison and then be set free to walk next to me, yes a death penalty is not right to everything, but a no death penalty is not right to me either.


I never once said they were innocent.

I'm saying that a draconian punishment for trafficking drugs is bullshit when these people hardly had a choice.

just how did they not have a choice? People keep saying this like they know the people about to be executed.

Ok with death of petty drug trafficking victims who are dying for probably trying to feed their families...

Shouldn't have had children if they couldn't afford to raise them.


I'm sorry if I will come cold hearted but knowing the killer of my son is dead is better than knowing that he is going to spend sometime in prison and then be set free to walk next to me, yes a death penalty is not right to everything, but a no death penalty is not right to me either.

You can feel that way, but thankfully the decision would not be up to you to make.

And that is the way it should stay. We no longer live in medieval times, especially when the majority of the modern world no longer carry out the death penalty at all.
Meh it always seems weird how draconian drug laws are in Asia, especially against foreigners. They seem to revel in it almost if they catch a white person with drugs in their country and get to parade them (the drugs) on tv to show how good a job they are doing to stamp out stuff coming into the country.

That said, if its well known drugs = death penalty in certain countries... why bother bringing them. I know it can be more complicated than that, IE not knowing they were there sometimes, or even being forced to but for all the smaller offenders... kinda have no sympathy.


I think execution is barbaric, but I haven't any sympathy for (hard) drug traffickers. Should they do hard time instead? I think so, but I wouldn't waste time fighting for them.

Note: this is about hard drugs like heroin, not marijuana. Also, these are not simply drug users - these are traffickers and with traffickers comes violence and destruction.
How did they not have a choice?

Shouldn't have had children if they couldn't afford to raise them.

What the fuck? I can't...

I didn't know having kids means that you start off poor and sell drugs just to make a living. Maybe, just maybe they had money, and desperate times called for desperate measures. Maybe someone in the family is sick and they don't have the money to pay. There are so many reasons as to why people sell drugs and they are never because they want to.

This is like the most ignorant post ever.


I'm sorry if I will come cold hearted but knowing the killer of my son is dead is better than knowing that he is going to spend sometime in prison and then be set free to walk next to me, yes a death penalty is not right to everything, but a no death penalty is not right to me either.

That's okay, that's why noone is going to make you judge.
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