Best next-gen game so far.
+ Best console visuals so far (need to see Ground Zeroes though)
+ Game is super fun. Traversal is great with all powers.
+ All the powers are amazing
+ Great setting
+ Great audio
- One quirk I had is that you can't move the camera while meleeing. Not that big of a deal but it would be nice to be able to plan your next movement, especially since the game can be fast paced depending on how you play
- I had a couple frame rate dips (maybe 2-3 times where I noticed it) but really this is a minor inconvenience. Most of the time it's really smooth. Feels like it's above 30 a lot of the time. I'm not sure though.
- Other than the story, there aren't really that many side missions? At least that I've seen, they're mostly just healing people, detecting things (you'll see), etc. Not really that varied outside of the main story (which wasn't that long, I felt, beat it in under 10 hours).
Great game. I'd probably give it 8.75/10. And I'd highly recommend it to any PS4 owner.