Another one because why not.
PS4 is current gen though
Another one because why not.
PS4 is current gen though
I like this shot, just curious but is this one of the realtime cutscenes? iirc there are only 4 that are done offline in-engine, but this screenshot (besides the usual compression) doesn't show those blocky video compression artifacts.
Edit: Also a final question, since most of the cutscenes are realtime, does fetch's model for example match her gameplay model? Like when you zoom in.
Are you serious? I spoiler tagged it but it's pretty ridiculous to consider that a spoiler.
Dat 720 + No aa
Are you serious? I spoiler tagged it but it's pretty ridiculous to consider that a spoiler.
IIRC, the models used in in-engine cinematics and realtime gamplay are the same, right?
And, in spite of it, for an open world game, it still looked great.
I only took two share shots during that scene, but yeah; it looks as amazing as all the "bullshots" that have been floating around before release. My two highly compressed shots:
Wow some of those inFAMOUS 2 screenshots look bad! I swear I platinumed that game and I never noticed any of those AA issues...I thought it looked very good for an open world game and was a huge improvement over inFAMOUS 1.
I guess I was having too much fun to notice ^^
Should I play inFamous 2 before I get this? I only played the original. I went back and played it a little a few days ago and it isn't as good as I remember.
Should I play inFamous 2 before I get this? I only played the original. I went back and played it a little a few days ago and it isn't as good as I remember.
For those who are already playing - can you have two separate saves going at once? I'd really like to bounce back and forth between a good playthrough and an evil playthrough.
You never noticed the AA issues? It was incredibly noticeable imo, was easily one of the jaggiest games I've played on the PS3.Wow some of those inFAMOUS 2 screenshots look bad! I swear I platinumed that game and I never noticed any of those AA issues...I thought it looked very good for an open world game and was a huge improvement over inFAMOUS 1.
I guess I was having too much fun to notice ^^
Pre-ordered on PSN. Not seeing the $10 credit in my wallet. Is it because it's... One penny shy of 60?
Never played an infamous before (as this is my first play station since ps1) but I've been following this closely, and the positive impressions have won the day. Psyched!
You don't need to play it. As Infamous SS has no relation with the previous one.
You don't need to, but I highly recommend it! The combat and powers are a huge improvement over inFAMOUS 1. Also in inFAMOUS 2 there are many more destructible environments.
Really the only thing inFAMOUS 1 does better than 2 is the story, but overall I would say 2 is the better game.
You never noticed the AA issues? It was incredibly noticeable imo, was easily one of the jaggiest games I've played on the PS3.
It still looked like a decent game though. It's weird, I've seen people that have called it incredibly ugly and others that have called it one of the best looking open world games on the system. I think the reason for that is that it has a weird level of polish - some things looked great but others not so much. But yeah, it was still a much better looking game than the original.
I really need to pre-order this. I'm just begrudging paying £45 for a game
Graphically looks phenom!
You don't get the $10 immediately.
FAQ says on the 24th of this month or shortly before.
Wasn't it cheaper than that for a short while? I'm sure the price went up. Maybe it'll come back down again in time for launch, a bit like GTA V.£47 on Amazon![]()
This GIF is amazing, since the other thread was closed I'm posting it here
Credit to Psycho_Mantis
guy on ustream playing now if you want to look http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ps3-gamging
Ahhh saw the new powerI knew I shouldn't have kept looking!
Phew! And in time for Fez.
Love my PS4.
Aaand he's gone.guy on ustream playing now if you want to look http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ps3-gamging
Ahhh saw the new powerI knew I shouldn't have kept looking!
But how do you resist taking out the sign spinning hippies non violently?! Laughed when that popped up.I haven't found it hard or anything to be good. It's pretty easy to subdue enemies. I've only killed a couple civilians so far.
The dude playing is kinda annoying though.
Aaand he's gone.
He talked too much, anyway. And with such an annoying voice, he shouldn't have talked at all.
I'm talking about Delsin's model, what is the draw distance has to do with anything? He doesn't look much better than the second game.
No, but it's not far behind in terms of production. I'd even say Cole's body texture looks slightly better done.
How about here:![]()
next-gen right here
here's another one http://www.twitch.tv/clarkejets
The speculation has been an update with the day-one patch or DLC, but the former seems much more likely.Spoilers below:
Early in the game I came across a paper conduit that was in Fitch's sniper spot. I chased her around for a while, and the quest ended. That was 'part 1' of the quest, but the game seemed to have a problem trying to connect online or something after I beat part one. I didn't try part two afterwards because of that, but now I don't see it on my map. I'm guessing that this may have to do with the day one patch, or something that won't be available until Friday. Anyone have any insight into this without being too spoilery? Thanks.
The speculation has been an update with the day-one patch or DLC, but the former seems much more likely.
I haven't found anyone who was able to successfully complete part two.
This game is pretty great.![]()
You need to use ".jpg" or ".png" at the end of the URL to imbed the picture.