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InfoWars is behind Trump’s idea that the media is covering up terrorist attacks

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We're fucked.
President Trump made a whopper of a claim on Monday, suggesting that the media is deliberately ignoring terrorist attacks.

"It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported," he said to military leaders at U.S. Central Command. "And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that."

The comments would seem to be a response to the hubbub over Kellyanne Conway having repeatedly cited a non-existent terror attack in Bowling Green, Ky., in recent days. But Trump doesn't appear to have totally invented this theory on the fly.

Instead, the kernel of the idea appears to have come from -- or at least been propagated by -- one of his favorite news sources: the conspiracy theory website InfoWars.

As @UrbanAchievr noted after Trump's comments, InfoWars has been barking up this tree for a while now. A sampling of its headlines:

"FAKE NEWS: MAINSTREAM MEDIA WHITEWASHES ISLAMIC TERROR IN BERLIN: Propagandists desperate to hide the obvious" -- Dec. 20




"VIDEO: TERROR IN GERMANY – THE TRUTH THEY HIDE: Mass media deception to conceal what's really happening" -- July 25

Former congressman Allen West (R-Fla.) has also pushed this idea, posting a video from InfoWars back in August under the headline, "TERROR ATTACK: Massive media cover-up." And it's a theme that has cropped up on other conspiracy theory and right-wing websites from time to time.

The idea of the media covering up or not fully covering terrorist attacks was around before InfoWars picked it up, though. Conservatives have long accused the media of obscuring the details and motivations of radical Islamic terrorists in an effort to downplay the role of religion. After Benghazi, the media were often accused of not sufficiently covering the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic outpost -- or refusing to label it terrorism.





Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
Jesus Christ.. This is so troubling. Fuck this administration and his supporters. Seriously.
I always expected that a president would have to show some sources for his outrageous claims at some point and that would be the point where the bullshit falls apart.

Why can Trump continue without anyone holding him accountable?


Very apt.

Well done GOP you've gone full crazy

Gingrich saying (with a smug look) that people's perception of increased crime was as significant as actual crime statistics was a sign that the party had lost any reason or grasp of reality. It seems like collectively many on the right took the lessons of cultural relativism and applied them in a way which shows they don't really understand them at all.

Instead or arguing that we should respect different cultural values or perspectives they argue that a pineapple is a tree and that we should respect that as someone believes it. It's like a child going out of his/her way to misinterpret something in order to score points in an argument.

Also, did InforWars ever imagine a cover up that they didn't believe in? That's their MO.


The history books in 100 years are going to look pretty fucking insane when they start charting this period of time.

That's if history books would even exist then...
We all know the only real conspiracies are that the Clinton foundation is receiving money from Saudi Arabia to strip away gay rights, john podesta is a pedo, and Barack "hussein" Obama is a Kenyan Muslim who wants sharia law.

Everything else = fake news.
What did the Koreans just do to their president for taking advice from a shadowy un-elected fortune teller ? Starting to sound really familiar. Info wars or Steve bannon it's all the same. Black magic and madness.
Remember when conspiracy theories were fun?

Not really. You'd have to go back more than 15 years for that. That whole conspiracy nonsense started to get really annoying after 9/11 and all that "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" shit. What is surprising and deeply concerning is how quickly all that nonsense turned from a fringe phenomenon into something that carries a lot more political clout. The last time that happened ... well, let's not go down that route yet... :-(
Yeah, I had no idea Alex Jones had such a following on gaf until that thread popped up

Maybe not a following but I did not know that side of him until that podcast(?) with Joe Rogan, I thought he was all right wing drivel.

This must be a stage in our collective conciousness where we either ascend this bullshit or burn with it.
Yeah, I had no idea Alex Jones had such a following on gaf until that thread popped up
Yup. I mean all of these posts from the front page of that thread alone:
This podcast was a really fun and ridiculous one. Don't take any of this stuff too seriously, and just sit back and be entertained by the insanity of Alex Jones as he is egged on by Joe and try not to be too afraid that Eddie & Alex (and maybe Joe to an extent) believe all this shit

Listened live and man this podcast made me rethink Trump for sure. Not sure if it is all right but Jones has been right on a few things years before they actually came out in public.

Fun listen but I take all this shit with a grain of salt since it is so nutty. Fun if it is true. First 20 min is psychic vampires!


Always someone who has to be a prick.

Every thread.

Listen to the podcast and maybe you will actually be entertained.

Lol how do you really feel?

Im gonna get high and watch this later

Two things:

1) This was planned for a while because it's podcast #911 (9/11), so the joke was to have on the most well-known craziest conspiracy theorists in the podcast/radio business.

2) Joe wasn't having Alex on to debate, he's just encouraging him to be as loony as possible for entertainment, even though Joe had to stop him repeatedly because it just got too fucking ridiculous.

Nah dude keep going, it's hilarious the shit these dudes say.

So many people hate Joe and his podcast, why even come in and post in a thread about an episode? :)

Joe is not the smartest guy in the world, but he often has interesting guests on and it's a nice long-form podcast that can actually be pretty informative and inspiring. You just gotta make sure you check facts out if it's Joe spouting them, because he's usually partially or completely wrong. His podcasts got me motivated to lose a lot of weight years back when I was depressed and not taking care of myself. I enjoy the podcasts for what they are, you just gotta know when Joe is out of his element about certain subjects, which is most of the time.

This podcast episode in particular was not an interview or anything, it was just what fans wanted; to get Alex on there and let him go batshit crazy for hours, which is exactly what happened and it's a wild ride full of laugh out loud moments because of how ridiculous it is.

I listened to it live when it was streaming on youtube. Over 50k people watching.

It was amazing and hilarious.
Not so harmless now, eh?

Almost like giving nutjobs a platform is a bad idea.


Instead or arguing that we should respect different cultural values or perspectives they argue that a pineapple is a tree and that we should respect that as someone believes it. It's like a child going out of his/her way to misinterpret something in order to score points in an argument.
That's exactly Trumps modus operandi.
Yesterday I read an interesting anecdote from Trumps school years: He mistook the wrestler Antonino Rocca's name for Rocky Antonino and basically kept insisting that he was named like that. He is a child mentally, a very dumb and infinitely stubborn bully to be precise.



Congratulations, USA, you've elected a conspiracy nutter as President.

Was Apollo 11 fake news?


What did the Koreans just do to their president for taking advice from a shadowy un-elected fortune teller ?
A former french president did the same (probably more than one). It was a woman, and some say he was taking more than advices, too. As far as I know, it hasn't made a big bang ^_^

She wasn't shadowy, though... But clueless, definitively (she predicted a great day for transportation for 9/11)


Good. Then Trump should know what to do next. Get to the monolith on Mars! I want my supercomputers!


Yup. I mean all of these posts from the front page of that thread alone:

Not so harmless now, eh?

Almost like giving nutjobs a platform is a bad idea.

He already has his own platform. Plus he's on YT.

You guys and your platform arguments have been falling asleep or something?

It's 2017. Any idiot can have a platform thanks to twitter, FB, and YT.

I can't stand Alex Jones but these arguments remind me of taking a knife to a gun fight. War has changed.
So what is the goal? To protect religion? While at the same time stating these people are against Christianity?

I think the broad conspiracy theory is that the establishment/illuminati/Bilderberg foundations/whoever want a single market world without borders and nationalities. 'They' need mass immigration to continue without local populations getting restless and resisting, hence cover-ups by mainstream media.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either.


Whatever the next Trump interview is I want him to be grilled on actually believing Infowars bullshit.
I think the broad conspiracy theory is that the establishment/illuminati/Bilderberg foundations/whoever want a single market world without borders and nationalities. 'They' need mass immigration to continue without local populations getting restless and resisting, hence cover-ups by mainstream media.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either.
Don't forget that they are lizards and/or satanic demons. That's an important part of the truth. It all makes sense when you realize that.


So for republicans, real terrorist attacks like Sandy hook don't happen because they are a front to republican beliefs, but fake terrorist attacks happen all the time because they help reinforce republican beliefs. AKA "guns good, non-white people bad"


I wonder what form of twisted logic Alex Jones's fans are using to defend the fact he agrees with the government on something.
Even if the media did somehow collude across all of the countries that europe comprises of (including mine) and didn't report on terrorist attacks...

I'm pretty sure bystanders would have with their phones. People video and share acts of racism and violence on public transport, so of course they would let people know if they witnessed an attack.

He's such an idiot and he's fucking dangerous. Bill Clinton - lied about a blowjob = impeached. Trump - where do I even start? = Republicans let him get away with it because when they're in power the rules are different.


Yup. I mean all of these posts from the front page of that thread alone:

Not so harmless now, eh?

Almost like giving nutjobs a platform is a bad idea.

The two sentiments aren't mutually exclusive, though. The fact that a lot of things can be misapplied or absorbed in a counterproductive way means media has to operate with at least a baseline amount of faith in their viewers as a whole, and the fact that there are reasonable, solid enough people who desire some amount of unique or even insane content means there's an imperative to provide it.

Something like Zeitgeist might not be the healthiest watch in the world for someone of certain inclinations, but crazy and ridiculous things have the capacity to stimulate the mind and conversation in enjoyable ways.

Basically, I don't listen to Joe Rogan, but I just don't see "well, guess what, Trump was influenced by Alex Jones!" as an adequate response to people who apparently enjoyed watching the two get high together.


I wonder what form of twisted logic Alex Jones's fans are using to defend the fact he agrees with the government on something.

Trump is always the victim to them, even though he's President. Every single negative piece of press about him is something concocted by the global elites and when he's inevitably impeached it's a coup by George Soros or some shit. If he somehow doesn't get impeached and isn't re-elected, it's a global conspiracy. Alex Jones even said on that Rogan podcast that he wants to help middle America but the machinations of the globalists get in his way and it's all their fault blah blah blah.

Just fucking abominable.

Basically, I don't listen to Joe Rogan, but I just don't see "well, guess what, Trump was influenced by Alex Jones!" as an adequate response to people who apparently enjoyed watching the two get high together.

That's how it starts. It's all fun and hilarious but every time Joe interjects with something like "Well, CNN is afraid because Alex is right about a lot of shit" it helps InfoWars because there's a lot of people who see Rogan as a reasonable person with level headed political beliefs.


It's a brilliant way to control your population, trouble is, half the population are dumb enough to be happy to be spoonfed this kind of rubbish.


Trump is always the victim to them, even though he's President. Every single negative piece of press about him is something concocted by the global elites and when he's inevitably impeached it's a coup by George Soros or some shit. If he somehow doesn't get impeached and isn't re-elected, it's a global conspiracy. Alex Jones even said on that Rogan podcast that he wants to help middle America but the machinations of the globalists get in his way and it's all their fault blah blah blah.

Just fucking abominable.

That's how it starts. It's all fun and hilarious but every time Joe interjects with something like "Well, CNN is afraid because Alex is right about a lot of shit" it helps InfoWars because there's a lot of people who see Rogan as a reasonable person with level headed political beliefs.

So basically "if it's a person I don't like then they're with the Illuminati"?
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