Another Diamond box Multiverse up for the next 3hrs
Always hated fighting AI wonder woman where all she ever does is spam the lasso to pull you in and hit you.
Now I've set up my AI wonder woman to do the same and it's quite amusing to watch on this side of it.
She's not. She isIn Cyborg's endingtrapped in the Phantom Zone with Robin, Superboy and Wonder Girl.he frees them.
What Cyborg's ending? Which game are you talking about? This game has multiple endings?
That's what I did. Got Harley Quinn to level 20 so I could do the level 15+ and level 20 multiverse events for epics for the other characters, to make levelling them easier.what's the ideal leveling scenario?
get 1 hero up to 20 first?
That's what I did. Got Harley Quinn to level 20 so I could do the level 15+ and level 20 multiverse events for epics for the other characters, to make levelling them easier.
I've got over 30 epics for some characters at this point, I'm well on my way to having every character with an epic on every slot.
My swampy
Better start leveling him, swimming in epics.
what do i do with all this gear?
can i bring up low level epics to 20 for my black canary?
should i be keeping visually appealing gear so i can have my good gear transformed to look like that?
You can use those regen tokens to bring low level gear up to your current level.
Guild 3 has 3 spots open.
ID is 1TPS1 and include your Gaf name in your request.
My bad yo lolCurse you.
He's the only character I don't have a single epic for, but he's level 20 and my 3rd most used.
The more i play the more i dislike the characters in this game. At first they're fun and hype but now i dont want to pick anyone at all. Maybe it'll just take sometime to find my character but right now i look at the character select screen and think "I shouldn't have paid 100 bucks for this." I dunno. It's weird, kinda like Persona 5. Not a bad game but after putting in some hours the first feeling of loving a game is just disappearing. At least I2 still has a chance to get me back.
No one actually dies in a comic or NRS game.
The more i play the more i dislike the characters in this game. At first they're fun and hype but now i dont want to pick anyone at all. Maybe it'll just take sometime to find my character but right now i look at the character select screen and think "I shouldn't have paid 100 bucks for this." I dunno. It's weird, kinda like Persona 5. Not a bad game but after putting in some hours the first feeling of loving a game is just disappearing. At least I2 still has a chance to get me back.
You can use those regen tokens to bring low level gear up to your current level.
Brother Eye Vault (where you open the boxes) and press R1.How do you use Regen Tokens?
Just play Green Lantern. It's the only thing to do.
I love this game but no way was I paying $100 upfront
EDIT: On a different note, am I the only one who wants Zatanna back? I didn't even play her, but she was so unique. Not a fan of how NRS DLCs are always one and dones.
Done that already :s.
Done that already :s
It's the sequel to that amazing fighting game i played everyday for like 2 years and really got me into playing 'em online and putting in training and so on, so it's was a no brainer for me to go all in.
But hey, maybe it's just a phase or something. Maybe i'll fall in love with Captain Cold all of a sudden.
I guess I'm still in the fun phase because I'm still in the process of leveling up all the characters and making sure they all have at least one set of epics from a multiverse.
I've only played about 60 matches online so far.
The more i play the more i dislike the characters in this game. At first they're fun and hype but now i dont want to pick anyone at all. Maybe it'll just take sometime to find my character but right now i look at the character select screen and think "I shouldn't have paid 100 bucks for this." I dunno. It's weird, kinda like Persona 5. Not a bad game but after putting in some hours the first feeling of loving a game is just disappearing. At least I2 still has a chance to get me back.
Is this spot still open? Checking, so that I don't leave this random Guild in vain.There's a spot open in guild 6 if anyone wants in. ID: 8BZHG
Have you tried Bane, Poison Ivy, Swamp Thing, or Scarecrow? I was kinda feeling like you but I tried them out and am loving it. I dont really feel like any of them are particularly good tier-wise but they've got great animations and design that makes them fun to mess around with.
So are we mostly believing the "leak" that says pack 2 is Terra, Black Manta and Black Lightning?
So are we mostly believing the "leak" that says pack 2 is Terra, Black Manta and Black Lightning?
Damn, so we are just gonna get 2 MK characters and only 2 female characters. Dunno why I expected NRS to surprise me.