I mean, thats great info, that doesn't change what Doom is saying though..
This isn't the first AC to feature a character not native to the setting.
Its not suggesting the character should be a native Caribbean, its merely stating it wasn't and you were magically able to make sense of that.
Look at AC Valhalla, literally the best selling AC title, its a game where the character is literally going to England, France, Scotland etc, all places not native to the main character, yet we all understand that. You are only in Norway for the opening
Why is it this wild idea that Shadow's has a character not native to the setting? smh
This should have never fucking even been some crazy debate in a IP with monster and the Pope with powers to really fucking think that was some huge factor in this series, cause I don't recall anyone making some big deal about ACIV or Valhalla, suddenly when they are brought up, we all understand people can go to different places, yet we bring up Shadows and now folks acting like Cuba Gooding Jr from Radio lol
We are talking about folks that spent 70 pages talking about Concord. That isn't a simple dislike, that is what we call an obsession lol
Ok, but you had black pirates though that were simply former slaves....it would be nonsense to act as if 1 demographic could be a pirate despite history showing us many different people where pirates lol
Ok...why would it be a problem if that person was the main character instead?
??? Well...why? He exist in that universe, Black former slaves were pirates in real life....
I don't get where you seeing that this would be "ridiculous" when the demographic exist as pirates during that exact time, but you seem to be determined that they never actually be main characters in a fictional game lol