have anything to do with this???Sho_Nuff82 said:Anyone want to make a bet that Guitar Hero 2 will outsell every E-T rated game on PS3 in North America in the April NPD?
Do you mean to say that the 360 version will outsell every other game on the 360 because that would make sense in dispelling the supposed nonsense of which you speak?Sho_Nuff82 said:Thus nullifying the "360 fans only buy M-rated games" nonsense that has already been proven wrong by Call of Duty, Fight Night, Madden, DOA4, Need for Speed, etc? I'd even go so far as to say Forza 2 will outsell MotorStorm and F1's LTD combined when it releases in May.
quest said:Last time I looked the PS3 did well in NA and Japan for the first month. Once the hardcore gamers got them sales went way down. If the PS3 is still selling at a record pace in 2 months then we can talk.
squatingyeti said:Is it our fault you couldn't do texture streaming? Oh yeah, the great BD streaming was the problem. The high-definition mpegs were a total waste. You took still shots and used more space to make them into mpegs.
squatingyeti said:Will we? Let's talk about the available RAM. You can only do what the available RAM can handle. Since when did the PS3 have the advantage of available RAM? He wants to talk about how the GPU for 360 is "slightly" better, but doesn't expand on how the GPU hasn't been fully taken advantage of with unified architecture and eDRAM. On the other hand, he graciously points out how the Cell hasn't been taken advantage of yet which will lead to big differences. Slanted view to say the least by ignoring one component in your competitors system that hasn't really been taken advantage of and talking about a component in your system (and I say your because the PS3 IS Insomniac's system).
ROFL said:It broke records in Europe.
< More than a million consoles were shipped across Europe on launch day last week with 600,000 sold. >
< http://gameover.sapo.pt/article.html?id=32258
Belgium sold 80% of their PS3 54.000 units
Portugal sold 90% of their PS3 >
My point was simply that no one should be making statements about either systems demise, and the Insomniac guy never tried to claim the 360 was on it's way out either. He simply made his case for why the PS3 can compete for the long haul. It's only Xbots who are making the outlandish claims right now. This blogpost is just a refutiation of those claims.plagiarize said:the blog post is no better than the posts here though, nor does it come from a better opinion. he isn't a market analyst. he doesn't decide which system his company makes games for. he's just someone shooting from the hip on these things like the rest of us.
he's making long term prognosises longer than most anyone here is... and there are things in his post that are factually wrong, and other things which are highly debatable.
even then, those things don't guarantee Sony success. they are just factors that might contribute to it. heck, we'll probably never be able to pin it down to a list of factors like this, should the PS3 come out on top.
PhatSaqs said:Moral must be low in the office...
Ignatz Mouse said:I don't think the PS3 will be a big success, and may yet be a huge failure. However, I agree with mosr of the points made.
The market may not agree, but generally, they are true. The "Wii fad" is one I don't agree with-- nobody knows how that will go. And "Something for everyone" has been true for past Sony consoles, but far from certain right now.
And I am amazed that people dismiss the XBL argument out of hand. At the least, it costs $50 more than the advertised price to play XBL. That makes the price difference between the two systems that much smaller. Do any of the HD-DVD add-on, XBL-subscribed GAFfers think they paid less for a 360 than a PS3 costs?
theBishop said:But since you brought it up, I could point out that the system bus between the Cell and XDR is 3x faster than the GDDR3 that feeds the Xenon.
D.Cowboys said:So is the believing that the 360 and ps3 GPU's are slighty equal.
I believe, cell is more powerful than Xenon. Xenos is also much more powerful than RSX.
What?!?!? Tell me what you know then that proves the 360's GPU is so far superior.D.Cowboys said:So is the believing that the 360 and ps3 GPU's are slighty equal.
I believe, cell is more powerful than Xenon. Xenos is also much more powerful than RSX.
Can someone tell me how to +rep, since I'm new hereM3Freak said:Yeah, it's gotten pretty bad. There is a lot of Sony hating, even when you have games like R:Fom or Motorstorm punching you in the gut with their awesomeness.
As for the blog, I agree with what he's said.
The "Wii is a fad statement": if it walks like duck, and talks like a duck, it's a duck. That's not to say the Wii won't be popular after the fad is over - it still will be. But, it won't be at insanity level like it is now.
HDMI is important. I'd be super ass pissed if I bought a $6000 HDTV and the PS3 didn't support the best video connection technology avaialble. Hell, If I bought a $2000 HDTV and didn't have HDMI I would be pissed.
BD for games is necessary because it gives the dev room. Just like you can never have enough RAM, you can never have enough storage. Not having to worry about filling the disk will affect how games are developed for the PS3.
Home is going to be awesome. People deriding it haven't considered everything. Hell, it would be usefull for the GAF Resistance clan RIGHT NOW. For example, a bunch of us were playing Motorstorm one day. We started talking about wanting to play Resistance, and so some said we'd meet up online and get some games in. But, some of us were confused or weren't sure if people were really going to play, so it never happened. If we could have met in Home, discussed what to do, and then launched Resistance, we all could have seamlessly gone from playing one game to another - THAT'S FOOKING CONVENIENT AS HELL. Home is going to rock.
Anyway, I'm loving my PS3. Give me more games like Resistance, and it's going to stomp all over the competition, including the PS2.
PhatSaqs said:Moral must be low in the office...
tanod said:How does this
have anything to do with this???
Do you mean to say that the 360 version will outsell every other game on the 360 because that would make sense in dispelling the supposed nonsense of which you speak?
*resisting urge to argue about PS2 vs. 360 sales of GH 2*
One of Sonys biggest advantages is that it has strong franchises in every genre. Whereas Microsofts successful titles are mostly M-rated, and Nintendos are mostly E-rated, Sony has a big list of hit titles across the spectrum. When a 30-something gamer (like me) goes to buy a game console, its a lot easier to justify the purchase when there are games he can play with his kids as well as more mature stuff.
squatingyeti said:Why did you bring HD-DVD addons in to this? HD-DVD is not involved at all with my GAMING experience. I could care less about either HD-DVD or BD. I only want to know which, if either, format is going to be taking over my DVD collection. At that point 5+years from now, I'll care. By the way, what's the HDTV percentage in Europe? It costs more than the advertised price to watch a movie in HD on the PS3. In fact, if your TV isn't right, you're not watching them in HD anyway. It costs more than free to be able to have voice communication on PSN. Let's start bringing in all kinds of retarded prices in lol.
It doesn't matter, the hardcore will not drive your system to great success. The casuals will. They care about games, and price. BOTH make a difference.
Well the original article brought up legit points, I think people are more standing up for whats right.Eteric Rice said:It's like the fanboys have come out in full force. D:
InterMoniker said:Well the original article brought up legit points, I think people are more standing up for whats right.
Sho_Nuff82 said:I was referring to this:
Because it's utter horse****. He's trying to marginalize the success of the 360 and Wii by claiming that MS only caters to the 17+ demographic, and Nintendo only caters to kids, while Sony manages to cater to everyone.
I'm sorry, maybe you didn't read it. Gears of War uses texture streaming, but it works out just fine. I guess we can all just gloss over the fact that his PS2 game size numbers were utter dogsh!t too. We don't really know the real reasons why one game is bigger than the other. We can only believe whatever we're told. I do know Mass Effect is going on 1 Disc, and if someone wants to argue Resistance will be a "bigger" game than ME, forgive me if I laugh.Did you see what he said? Texture Streaming makes for bigger games. Texture Streaming allows you do use high res textures for everything. If you're using high res textures for everything, you need more storage. The reason Resistance takes more space on disc than Gears (besides the video) is because it has twice as many levels.
Ratchet and Clank will have texture streaming, so if the game is similar size compared to Resistance, it'll need MORE space on the disc.
There people go again claiming it has more room to grow based on the Cell. That is simply using a component of one system that hasn't been taken advantage of, while ignoring another system's component that hasn't been taken advantage of. My idea of bringing up RAM was to point out he ONLY talks about benefits of the PS3. Guess what, the PS3 is lacking available RAM. Even worse, XDR loses any benefit over GDDR3 when it's used for VRAM. RAM is even a bigger issue if (and this is another area that devs have yet to take advantage of on 360 that was ignored) devs start using predicated tiling and take extreme advantage of the eDRAM. The PS3 must use GDDR3 RAM for the framebuffer, thus sucking away more valuable space.Processing time is not related to RAM requirements. You can have a 16KB application that is more taxing on the CPU than one that is 16MB.
But since you brought it up, I could point out that the system bus between the Cell and XDR is 3x faster than the GDDR3 that feeds the Xenon.
Obviously neither system is being pushed to 100% potential (which they never will be), but PS3 inarguably has more room to grow. The difficulty of programming for the system is a function of that.
bishoptl said:Well, Mr Hastings certainly seems to have struck a nerve with the usual suspects.![]()
birdchili said:the ps3 will be in fine shape if what sony says regarding a 10-year cycle this time comes true. it's *extremely* premature to forecast a 360 worldwide sales victory, but sony is going to sell those first few million a lot more slowly than they sold the first few million ps2s. if people are looking at some nifty new systems in five years that are somehow compelling beyond the ps3 then there isn't going to be a ps2 repeat.
wii is only going to be a fad if the only good games that anyone releases are the same quick-play party games. if it can build a good first *and* third party library of diverse titles, it's going to sell like gangbusters for years.
according to wikipedia, insomniac has never put out a game for a non-sony platform...
spwolf said:It is really the truth.... 360 is full of shooters, and Nintendo is full of kids games.
PS is somewhere in between.
Guitar Hero II is an PS2 port, that came to Xbox a lot later than to PS2...
You have an unsatiable hunger!bishoptl said:Well, Mr Hastings certainly seems to have struck a nerve with the usual suspects.![]()
Oh shit ... everybody get out of the water, NOW!bishoptl said:Well, Mr Hastings certainly seems to have struck a nerve with the usual suspects.![]()
Which benefits?squatingyeti said:Even worse, XDR loses any benefit over GDDR3 when it's used for VRAM.
Umh..The PS3 must use GDDR3 RAM for the framebuffer, thus sucking away more valuable space.
Very far from the truth, to fully use edram on Xenos you really don't need to be a rocket scientist, except AA maybe, all the other advantages edram brings to the tables don't need any special 'care' to be fully used. (for example huge fill rate in simple render passes such as shadow maps rendering, z pre passes, particles effects)Cell is no more underutilized than Xenos and the eDRAM.
spwolf said:well, in truth, PS3 sold first millions a lot SOONER than PS2... It will be hard for it to sell first 50 million as fast as PS2 though.
spwolf said:It is really the truth.... 360 is full of shooters, and Nintendo is full of kids games.
PS is somewhere in between.
Guitar Hero II is an PS2 port, that came to Xbox a lot later than to PS2...
bishoptl said:Well, Mr Hastings certainly seems to have struck a nerve with the usual suspects.![]()
:lol :lol :lol :lolD.Cowboys said:So is the believing that the 360 and ps3 GPU's are slighty equal.
I believe, cell is more powerful than Xenon. Xenos is also much more powerful than RSX.
OverHeat said:...oil on the fire?
You mean like this guy?Eteric Rice said:It's like the fanboys have come out in full force. D:
Sho_Nuff82 said:I was referring to this:
Because it's utter horse****. He's trying to marginalize the success of the 360 and Wii by claiming that MS only caters to the 17+ demographic, and Nintendo only caters to kids, while Sony manages to cater to everyone.
Looking at the 360/PS3/Wii right now (yes, that's right, it means ignoring the Xbox/PS2/GCN because they don't have crap to do with how the current consoles are selling), and across announced games for 2007, the 360 has a more diverse software library than either the Wii or the PS3, across every genre sans platformers.
Guitar Hero II will be a hit on 360, just as it was on PS2 (though I doubt it will sell 1:1 given the difference in price and availability over the holiday season for Sony's version), just as the other quality E-T rated software I listed above has been able to sell on MS' box alongside the strong-selling M rated software.
He made a terrible point, and I used an obvious example to tear it down.
I hear she's started hitting the bottle again.PhatSaqs said:Moral must be low in the office...
Sho_Nuff82 said:Guitar Hero 2 is on the 360 in a week. It's not on PS3. Neither is DDR. Or UNO. Or Tomb Raider. Or Viva Pinata. Or Geometry Wars. Or Burnout. Or TMNT. Or Castlevania. If I'm a hypothetical 30 year old looking for mature software and something E-rated for my kid and something T-rated for my 15yearold nephew, why is the PS3 a better choice right now? Looking at the release list on Ebgames, why is the PS3 a better choice in 2007?
Mockingbird said:Having the #1 selling PS3 title shouldn't really cause one to celebrate considering what else is out there and how few systems have sold.
First of all, let me make it clear that Insomniac is a 100% independent development studio. Sony has neither endorsed nor authorized what Im writing here.
Mockingbird said:Having the #1 selling PS3 title shouldn't really cause one to celebrate considering what else is out there and how few systems have sold.
Sho_Nuff82 said:Guitar Hero 2 is on the 360 in a week. It's not on PS3. Neither is DDR. Or UNO. Or Tomb Raider. Or Viva Pinata. Or Geometry Wars. Or Burnout. Or TMNT. Or Castlevania. If I'm a hypothetical 30 year old looking for mature software and something E-rated for my kid and something T-rated for my 15yearold nephew, why is the PS3 a better choice right now? Looking at the release list on Ebgames, why is the PS3 a better choice in 2007?
I will read the rest of this thread, but I think it's important to point out that your statement is completely incorrect. Ted Price is the head of Insomniac and no one here really knows how high this guy is in the company (though he is probably very high becuase his job title alone sounds important and influential).flammie said:The head of an independent studio that only develops PS3 games talking about why the PS3 is the best game system? *SHOCK*
spwolf said:It is really the truth.... 360 is full of shooters, and Nintendo is full of kids games.
PS is somewhere in between.
Guitar Hero II is an PS2 port, that came to Xbox a lot later than to PS2...