I cannot believe there are people who actually believe the PS3 is dead in the water right now. :lolEteric Rice said:If you don't get momentum early on, third parties will move on and forget you. It happened to the Gamecube, and it could happen to the PS3.
I don't care about Blu-Ray, HDDs, or STDs, if you don't get the momentum, you don't get the games. They can still turn this around, but it seems unlikely.
RavenFox said:Excellent read and it was your right to say your piece. Sony will eventually come out on top over time. People will always be people but technology never lies. Keep up the good work Insomniac.
I cannot believe there are people who actually believe the PS3 is dead in the water right now.
You are predicting doom for a console that has been out for 6 months, and is not lacking a single feature necessary to compete in the next gen war of the next 5 years.
People who think the PS3 is dead in the water right now are kidding themselves.
theBishop said:(Totally Hitler Image)
Not entirely. The storage capacity advantage of Blu-Ray can be used to speed up load times by duplicating data on multiple parts of the disc. Bethesda used this technique with PS3 Oblivion. And I can definitely see it being used for something like GTA4.Bulla564 said:I agree with every point made.
The main troubling part is that the Blu-ray advantage will go wasted on many multi-platform releases that could use ample space (like GTA4).
as soon as you stop saying WOW in every topicWario64 said:Can we ban external smilies?
open_mouth_ said:as an Xbot, I'll agree that he makes some good points even though there's alot of exaggeration going on.
However, like others said, the Xbox had alot of these advantages over the PS2 but it ultimately got its ass handed to it for, among other reasons, being late to the market and being made at a severe cost disadvantage.
theBishop said:But you gotta admit, besides Halo, Xbox never really brought the goods.
I was Xbox/PC exclusive between 2002 and 2006, and the only Xbox games I owned were Halo 1+2, every Splinter Cell, Kotor, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Jade Empire and PGR2.
rs7k said:You said WWII, making it seem like it CoD clone or something.
Regardless, I've had enough of this thread and GAF in general. The forum's turned into such a shitstorm since the DMC4 for 360 announcement.
besada said:"One of my jobs at Insomniac is to try to come up with the next big thing. This is something everyone at Insomniac does, but as Chief Creative Officer its also part of my job description."
Maybe you should try reading the article we're discussing instead of digging through business plans. It was his petard.
ZingWasabiKing said:as soon as you stop saying WOW in every topic
Eteric Rice said:I didn't know the Playstation 2, Gamecube, X-Box, and X-Box 360 used Blu-Ray.
News to me!
Eteric Rice said:They seem to be on the ball this time. Halo 3, Gears of War, Blue Dragon, Lost Oddesy. I'm all hyped up for those. The industry needs some new blood.
theBishop said:But you gotta admit, besides Halo, Xbox never really brought the goods.
I was Xbox/PC exclusive between 2002 and 2006, and the only Xbox games I owned were Halo 1+2, every Splinter Cell, Kotor, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Jade Empire and PGR2.
sonic4ever said:don;t forget that the Wii and PC use DVD also. Sony PS3 is the only one with blu-Ray everyone else use DVD. The only thing that going to help the PS3 right now is if the price come down. Insomniac sound like a PR man.
Emowii said:I cannot believe there are people who actually believe the PS3 is dead in the water right now. :lol
Oblivion said:No one is saying that. But it isn't doing too hot right now.
theBishop said:But you gotta admit, besides Halo, Xbox never really brought the goods.
I was Xbox/PC exclusive between 2002 and 2006, and the only Xbox games I owned were Halo 1+2, every Splinter Cell, Kotor, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Jade Empire and PGR2.
while i'm a home skeptic, i don't put negative spin on the thing. it aint my cup of tea, but it's free and it's not being forced on me so i don't care, but the situation you described has played out numerous times with me and my friends on xbox live, and it was arguably more convenient, as we just went straight from one game to the next without going back into a home style lobby in between.M3Freak said:Yeah, it's gotten pretty bad. There is a lot of Sony hating, even when you have games like R:Fom or Motorstorm punching you in the gut with their awesomeness.
As for the blog, I agree with what he's said.
The "Wii is a fad statement": if it walks like duck, and talks like a duck, it's a duck. That's not to say the Wii won't be popular after the fad is over - it still will be. But, it won't be at insanity level like it is now.
HDMI is important. I'd be super ass pissed if I bought a $6000 HDTV and the PS3 didn't support the best video connection technology avaialble. Hell, If I bought a $2000 HDTV and didn't have HDMI I would be pissed.
BD for games is necessary because it gives the dev room. Just like you can never have enough RAM, you can never have enough storage. Not having to worry about filling the disk will affect how games are developed for the PS3.
Home is going to be awesome. People deriding it haven't considered everything. Hell, it would be usefull for the GAF Resistance clan RIGHT NOW. For example, a bunch of us were playing Motorstorm one day. We started talking about wanting to play Resistance, and so some said we'd meet up online and get some games in. But, some of us were confused or weren't sure if people were really going to play, so it never happened. If we could have met in Home, discussed what to do, and then launched Resistance, we all could have seamlessly gone from playing one game to another - THAT'S FOOKING CONVENIENT AS HELL. Home is going to rock.
Anyway, I'm loving my PS3. Give me more games like Resistance, and it's going to stomp all over the competition, including the PS2.
Jirotrom said:How is the Wii a fad when its content is continually changing...he compared the Wii to things that don't change in what they give you...thats just silly.
theBishop said:It didn't just break records in Europe?
You better tell the press.
beermonkey@tehbias said:How can they help it if you have poor taste and skipped Panzer Dragoon, Top Spin, JSRF, Stranger's Wrath, Rallisport 2, and Crimson Skies? And if you liked playing Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts on your PC, that's your prerogative, but most people would rather play such games on consoles.
Personally I'm glad I wasn't limited to any one console last gen, but if you are going to limit yourself to one, at least buy the best games, man.![]()
Jirotrom said:How is the Wii a fad when its content is continually changing...he compared the Wii to things that don't change in what they give you...thats just silly. A tickle-me-Elmo Doll will always be a Tickle-me-Elmo Doll. If the wii delivers new games it won't matter. I guess the ipod is a fad, I'm not an apple fan but I can see that as being false as year after year apple delivers something new to their machine even if it is inferior to other out there.
No one is coming right out and saying those words, but they're certainly saying things very close to it. Some Xbots seem nearly drunken with confidence right now, to the point where they're tiptoeing right up to that line of saying such things with a straight face. I think everyone needs to just cool down a bit right now, and realize this is still so early in this console war that it's ridiculous for anyone to act sure about the long term prognosis for either system.Oblivion said:No one is saying that. But it isn't doing too hot right now.
that wouldn't make it a fad either though.frankthurk said:I'm not trying to defend here, I don't necessarily share the view, but I think the wiimote and how it is used is the bit that is being considered a fad and that doesn't change. It's a cool new way to control things, and I'm sure new games will slightly modify how it is used but the initial wow is just using the wiimote for the first time.
the blog post is no better than the posts here though, nor does it come from a better opinion. he isn't a market analyst. he doesn't decide which system his company makes games for. he's just someone shooting from the hip on these things like the rest of us.Emowii said:No one is coming right out and saying those words, but they're certainly saying things very close to it. Some Xbots seem nearly drunken with confidence right now, to the point where they're tiptoeing right up to that line of saying such things with a straight face. I think everyone needs to just cool down a bit right now, and realize this is still so early in this console war that it's ridiculous for anyone to act sure about the long term prognosis for either system.
Also, this entire thread was started about an article written about the PS3, and it's long term plan for success. So yes, we all know the PS3 didn't have great first 6 months at market, but that doesn't mean anything argued in the original Insomniac blog post is any less true.
He's writing it for the same reason fanboys post their manifestos on internet message boards: To make himself feel better about his lot in life. Which at this point involves having committed his company to a platform holder with a fairly inept management team that can't seem to stop tripping over itself, and a console that looks going to be locked into a minority position indefinitely.a Master Ninja said:I don't get who Brian Hastings is writing this "for". What is his motivation?
Is this to reassure his company/employees/investors that going PS3 exclusive is a sound business decision? Is this to reassure Insomniac fans that they won't regret buying a PS3? Is this just another developer mad at game journalism?
frankthurk said:I'm not trying to defend here, I don't necessarily share the view, but I think the wiimote and how it is used is the bit that is being considered a fad and that doesn't change. It's a cool new way to control things, and I'm sure new games will slightly modify how it is used but the initial wow is just using the wiimote for the first time.
plagiarize said:that wouldn't make it a fad either though.
if people still like something after the initial wow has faded, it isn't a fad. if it was, you could argue that, say, analogue sticks are a fad.
Oblivion said:Oh, well it seems I have egg on my face. The UK will singlehandedly make up the slack for Japan, NA, and every other country in Europe. 130 million units, here we come!
Who are you? It wasnt a joke post so I would like some feedback. Are you typing from your drool chair in daycare?Eteric Rice said:... :lol
I didn't say it was dead. I just said that if they don't get their shit together, it won't do so well.
Emowii said:I think everyone needs to just cool down a bit right now, and realize this is still so early in this console war that it's ridiculous for anyone to act sure about the long term prognosis for either system.
Is it our fault you couldn't do texture streaming? Oh yeah, the great BD streaming was the problem. The high-definition mpegs were a total waste. You took still shots and used more space to make them into mpegs.Sometimes people ask us, If Resistance takes 14 gigabytes, why doesnt it look better than Gears? Well, for one, Resistance didnt support texture streaming, so we had to make choices about where we spent our high-res textures. Resistance also had 30 single-player chapters, six multiplayer maps, uncompressed audio streaming, and high-definition mpegs. That all added up to a lot of space on the disc. Starting with Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction we are supporting texture streaming, which will make the worlds look even better, and will also consume even more space on disc.
Will we? Let's talk about the available RAM. You can only do what the available RAM can handle. Since when did the PS3 have the advantage of available RAM? He wants to talk about how the GPU for 360 is "slightly" better, but doesn't expand on how the GPU hasn't been fully taken advantage of with unified architecture and eDRAM. On the other hand, he graciously points out how the Cell hasn't been taken advantage of yet which will lead to big differences. Slanted view to say the least by ignoring one component in your competitors system that hasn't really been taken advantage of and talking about a component in your system (and I say your because the PS3 IS Insomniac's system).8. PS3 Has a Major CPU Advantage
Games developed from the ground up on PS3 are the ones that will really show off the PS3s CPU advantage. The complexity of the distributed processing architecture means that PS3 engines wont fully blossom until a little later in the lifecycle than the PS2. This has put the PS3 at a disadvantage early in its lifecycle, but within two years you will see games that surpass what is possible on the Xbox 360.
ROFL said:It broke records in Europe.
< More than a million consoles were shipped across Europe on launch day last week with 600,000 sold. >
< http://gameover.sapo.pt/article.html?id=32258
Belgium sold 80% of their PS3 54.000 units
Portugal sold 90% of their PS3 >
frankthurk said:I don't remember picking up analog sticks for the first time and going, 'wow this is a cool new way to control things'... actually my first impressions were more along the lines of 'woah this kinda blows for precise or fast control, back to k&m please'.
I don't think a lot of people played games just for the novelty of controlling with the analogue sticks, but I think they have with the wiimote. Like I said though I'm not sure if it's a 'fad' or not.
M3Freak said:The "Wii is a fad statement": if it walks like duck, and talks like a duck, it's a duck. That's not to say the Wii won't be popular after the fad is over - it still will be. But, it won't be at insanity level like it is now.
Rhindle said:He's writing it for the same reason fanboys post their manifestos on internet message boards: To make himself feel better about his lot in life. Which at this point involves having committed his company to a platform holder with a fairly inept management team that can't seem to stop tripping over itself, and a console that looks going to be locked into a minority position indefinitely.
Go ahead and have yourself a nice cry Insomniac, you'll feel much better afterwards.
I agree with you, as i'll pick up a ps3 soon it just seems that its kind of wrong to call it that based on his examples.urk said:See, he's making a bet concerning the outcome of a system that he's heavily invested in. Tends to sway one's opinion and you might not want to put too much stock in his opinion as a result. Are some of his points valid? Sure. But plenty of them are only hopeful speculation. - things they way he thinks (and wants) them to occur.
I'm sure Sony's PS3 is going to do just fine. I'll pick one up when the library has expanded and the price deflated. I'm sure plenty of other people will too.
ROFL said:It broke records in Europe.
< More than a million consoles were shipped across Europe on launch day last week with 600,000 sold. >
< http://gameover.sapo.pt/article.html?id=32258
Belgium sold 80% of their PS3 54.000 units
Portugal sold 90% of their PS3 >
Aisenherz said:You have to be a joke character!
Your anti-SONY propaganda is ridiculous!
I'm glad he KNOWS how much MS spends on viral marketing. Maybe he could also tell us how much Sony spends? How about what amount of what he says MS spends is specifically on games. All I know is I've yet to see an "alliwantforxmasisa360".Whether you love or hate Sony, if youre trying to spin Home as a bad thing I can only conclude that youre part of Microsofts $3.2 billion viral marketing campaign.
I drive a Saab, which means I put Premium grade gas in my car. Costs an extra .20 a gallon, but I get better performance and better average gas mileage than other V6 w/turbos. Pay for what you get is just one of the ideas above. Also, if anyone has paid $70 for a sign up and $50 for renewals to XLive, I must question your intelligence. You also must have spent $50 for a mic to play on the PSN.2. Free Online
Among all the talk about the price of Sonys console, I almost never see anyone mention the significance of Sonys free online service. Xbox Live Gold costs $70 to sign up for 1 year, or $20 for three months. You can renew your membership for $50 a year. So if the Xbox 360 stays around for five years, youll be paying 70 + 50 + 50 + 50 + 50 = $270 to access features that Sony gives you for free.