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Insomniac's Narrative Director Discusses Lack Of LGBTQ Content in Video Games

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Gold Member
In most games sexuality is not a thing, so hetero or gay doesn't matter. This concern for everything being sexual or racial is a mental condition. Such a shame that a great studio like Insomniac might go down the drain only because their focus isn't on being profitable, the only thing that matters.
Not only that, but loud political people who make up LBGQT are idiots who dont even make sense.

On one hand, they'll all say "Hey, why are you singling us out? We can be anyone like your next door neighbour. You'd never know"

Ok fine. Then the movie or game wont state anyone's sexual preference. It doesn't even have anything to do with the plot anyway so who cares and think what you want.

"But, but, but, where's the LBQGT person? I dont see it. Can you make sure the plot clearly shows it on screen or a bio?"

Makes zero sense.

And also the old belief that workers shouldnt or dont feel like mixing work and personal life and politics. Dont bring work home with you. And dont bring home life issues to work. Throw that out the window. You get a lot of techies always intermixing their work and personal issues into one 24/7 life style. Weird people.
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In most games sexuality is not a thing, so hetero or gay doesn't matter. This concern for everything being sexual or racial is a mental condition. Such a shame that a great studio like Insomniac might go down the drain only because their focus isn't on being profitable, the only thing that matters.
We are in validation age.

If you gonna put something, at least make it part of the world.


Gold Member
Yup. All this talk about inclusion yet they have no problem removing them in certain regions of the world.

It goes to show they dont truly believe what they say.

Anything for a buck. Amazing how brave they are talking this in USA or UK. When it comes to countries with very conservative or religious overtones that clamp down on this, notice how they suddenly all shut their mouths over there. They dont even have the balls t change their company logo to rainbow colour during pride month. I think (I might be wrong) Bethesda or someone else was called out about it. In the west they changed the logo rainbow but their mid east Twitter account left the logo the same colour as usual.
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Its easier than ever to get a game that people want to play made. Its called crowdsourcing. Hell just look how much Star Citizen has raked in. Why don't they do that with their LGBT games instead of force it almost exclusively on the big publishers? Oh that's right the wouldn't have the safe stable jobs they enjoy, and they wouldn't get enough backers or money to actually make the games and they know it.


Lack of LGHDTV content? There's already too much, and in almost every example it's inserted in a way that detracts from the game or adds nothing of value. Quit the virtue signaling and fund begging.

Maybe if your developers focused more on their skills and less on their identity we'd get better games.


These days you have more LGBTQ stuff in games than ever before, I don't think the problem is the lack of it, but the quality of the writing when it comes to the said content.
If your character's main trait is that they are gay or trans and they almost solely exists to pander towards those demographics, then you have badly written, shitty character.
I really liked Judy and Kerry in CP2077, I still remember Dorian from Dragon Age Inquisition after all these years, because they were first and foremost well written, interesting characters. Their sexuality was a secondary thing, not their main trait that is highlighted to the point it turns comical.


Gold Member
Lack of LGHDTV content? There's already too much, and in almost every example it's inserted in a way that detracts from the game or adds nothing of value. Quit the virtue signaling and fund begging.

Maybe if your developers focused more on their skills and less on their identity we'd get better games.
Aw c'mon, it adds to the plot lines so much.

Police chief: Ok, we got a murder to solve. Where should we start Detective Dan?

Detective Dan: Let's get a warrant for their spouse's house and search for clues. Oh, by the way chief, I'm also gay! Just want to make sure everyone in the room knows!
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Not only that, but loud political who make up LBGQT are idiots who dont even make sense.

On one hand, they'll all say "Hey, why are you singling us out? We can be anyone like your next door neighbour. You'd never know"

Ok fine. Then the movie or game wont state anyone's sexual preference. It doesn't even have anything to do with the plot anyway so who cares and think what you want.

"But, but, but, where's the LBQGT person? I dont see it. Can you make sure the plot clearly shows it on screen or a bio?"

Makes zero sense.

It's infuriating that this bullshit is spouted by a narrative director. As a writer, I feel vandalized by these pretenders. The creative process has nothing to do with quotas and box-ticking. No wonder these fuckers also support AI, as they can't write anything worth reading. Creating a varied cast of characters is more fun and adds great value as long as it's done for the story's sake.


This approach worked really well for the CW, they saw massiave profits with forcing things into shows. The CW is so healthy right now, so why not.

Oh wait ..
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Gold Member
'we're here, we're important, and we belong... oh, yeah - & we're inserting 'gender ideology' into everything we touch. because, obviously, we're completely obsessed with it, all the time, everywhere...'
Weird politically obsessed people actually think the world all hates them. They think the rest of the world spends 24/7 thinking about them. They crave attention, pats of the back, and if they dont get the spotlight they think everyone is planning and itching to persecute them. Thats why so many bring that to work. They cant help it as they are thinking about issues like this 24/7.

Guess what numbnuts. Most people dont give a shit about you. The also dont give a shit about me either or anyone else. People have lives and spend time thinking about their lives, their fam, their kids, friends, paying bills, keeping a job etc...

So as much as you crave attention with high egos, most people dont want to give you any of it. They'll focus their attention on other stuff in life.

Recently, my biggest focus is family get togethers lately (I'm hosting Father's Day this year), and closely watching my stock portfolio as I have Nvidia and it's a roller coaster ride. Why the hell would I want to focus on LBQGT people or even going further want that jammed into my games according to Kenney who thinks every gamer is begging for it.
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they pulled the lever and almost every npc i rescued in spiderman 2 was a gay dude. what are the chances?
I stopped playing at the mission where they wanted me to get two dudes together. I was like what the hell is this doing in a Spiderman game?!@!!


And thats why Sony first party sucks this gen. The priorities are all wrong.

The same is valid for other western developers.

Is simple.. your product should not be about representation, it should be about what will sell more to your bigger target audience. And thats it.

If you want to make something targer to lgbt thats fine... just dont complain about low sales and push back.

You have the right to do whatever you want, we as costumers have the right to complain and not buy your product. Hollywood is learning this the worst way.
Weird politically obsessed people actually think the world all hates them. They think the rest of the world spends 24/7 thinking about them. They crave attention, pats of the back, and if they dont get the spotlight they think everyone is planning and itching to persecute them. Thats why so many bring that to work. They cant help it as they are thinking about issues like this 24/7...
see, this's why I hate the whole 'lgbt' thing. gender ideology has nothing to do with gay people. gay people, for the most part, have only ever sought tolerance/equality, & have been satisfied with that & nothing else for decades now. this gender bullshit basically attached itself like a leech to the lgb community, &, from the very beginning, has never seen 'tolerance' as the endgame. these are people obsessed with fabricating 'identities' & they aren't simple looking for you to tolerate those identities. they want you to actually believe in their existence, the existence of something made up completely by them selves out of whole cloth. it's like a scientologist not being satisfied with you simply tolerating his beliefs, but demanding that you believe them, as well...

it's pathetically irrational, & something that only a culture in serious decline could ever advocate on behalf of...

Astral Dog

Developers can't decide anymore huh?, just stick with LGB(and writte actual interesting characters) , im not interested in the other 20 'letters'🤡
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LGBTQA+ represent 7% of the US population, why would they need more representation? they're in a lot of games. I bet they have pretty damn good representation as is.
The way movies, series and now games are made is like lgbt population is 1:1 to the rest... I was watching a good show on netflix.. very good show .. but it was ridiculous... a family of 5 brothers and sisters .. 2 women were gay . 1 man was gay .... the other woman liked to see her husband fuck around and the only real heterosexual was a looser... the show as I said was good.. but this things stands out as not natural because the world is not this gay trans festival dominance of society. And it takes you out of the immersion .... in real-life They are a minority and should be respected but this overcorrection in mainstream media is killing it.


Delving into GLAAD's latest report, Kenney offers up two important insights. While one is a positive and welcoming outlook as often the LGBTQ community wants to seek out safe spaces so they can feel accepted, the other is extremely worrying and disheartening. "The GLAAD report tells us something key - games are a way for LGBTQ people to socialize. But it also tells us something heartbreaking: that LGBTQ gamers don't feel that developers are thinking of them when they design games."

This comes across as weirdly entitled to me. Maybe I'm just coming from a different mindset, but I've never expected developers to create games with me specifically in mind - and I'm not the traditional target demographic and have never been in the 40+ years I've been gaming. I always thought of games as a vision from a developer or team of developers - one which we can experience if it appeals to us, similar to books and movies. As well, the creation of safe spaces is not a bad idea in and of itself, but the problem here is the expectation that others should change what they create (developers) and like (many gamers) in order for a very small number of people to feel "accepted". And I'm not referring to the LGBTQ community as a whole here. I'm referring to the outliers that scream on the internet and frequent places like Reset and Reddit.
Keep pulling all the levers you want and thinking just inside you corporate DEI bubble bullshit. Huge majority of gamers do not think like you, probably never will and will punish you with their wallets.
One of my primary problems with Western entertainment and Western gaming in general is these “creators” care more about identity politics, race, forced diversity, wokeness, etc than making a fun, polished and enjoyable experience. What’s the first and second thing we found out about Assassins Creed Shadow for example? What was the first thing shown in TLOU2 trailer?
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