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Insomniac's Narrative Director Discusses Lack Of LGBTQ Content in Video Games

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So, I'm bisexual, and this is not going to be a "pick me" comment, so anyone that is expecting that, I'm not gonna give it to you.
And also, I don't speak for LGBTQ people. Just one guy.

For once, I would like to go back to days of Mortal Kombat X, when Kung Jin was introduced, and the fact that he was gay wasn't like this huge deal? There weren't a billion articles written about how progressive Mortal Kombat/Warner/Netherrealm are (Like Baldur's Gate 3), there weren't a bunch of obnoxious "Horny = personality/funny" shit everywhere (Hades 2).

It was REALLY well made, well included, and everyone treated like it was normal.

Which is exactly what I want more of.

The next Dragon Quest game could have a trans-man and a trans-woman as party members, and not only will I be okay with it, I want other people to see it as such as well. I want it to be seen as normal.

That includes the writers and activists that obnoxiously grand stand and make a huge deal about these things being super huper mega important.

Please. Include LGBTQ people in your games. And PLEASE, shut the fuck up. Let your actions and your art speak louder then you.

Normalize these things. Don't put a bright-as-the-sun spotlight on it, and pat yourselves on the fucking back. And MAYBE, you will get somewhere.

Being obnoxious will get you nowhere.

Make a trans woman, put her in your game, and treat her like any other character in the game.

Done and done.
Have you seen the Paper Mario thread? There are people boycotting it because of lines of dialogue of some supposedly trans character that appears for seconds.

There’s no solution here for some GAFers except total erasure. The brain rot is deep. My solution to them is Afghanistan.


The sad thing is, that the queer et al people who are brought under the unspeakable, mocking LGBTQ+ umbrella term, are just used. At the end of the day, if you are somehow tricked by nature with non standard chromosomes or other changes in your "code", then you will be used for other's fucked up purposes.
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How about making a Eurovision Song Contest game and do your unhinged Pride thing there and then leave the rest of the industry alone? I bet it would sell millions.

These interviews just makes me want to skip your future games. I just see shoehorned political agendas being pushed for no reason than a tiny group of people not feeling like they’re heard in their real life. But being too upfront and forcing something upon people not interested is never ever a good strategy, ask how things are going for Jehova’s Witnesses.

I’d love to see a menu option choice though. Like how you can turn Gore on or off. Woke and LBTQ on/off. That would be good.
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Insomniac is probably going to make Wolverine gay :(
The only thing that could me make play another one their bloated pieces of AAA shit. But it would be so poorly and “globally” written that I wouldn’t touch it anyway. Marvel crap will always be soulless be Marvel crap.
It’s easier than ever to get a game that people want to play made. It’s called crowdsourcing. Hell just look how much Star Citizen has raked in. Why don't they do that with their LGBT games instead of force it almost exclusively on the big publishers? Oh that's right the wouldn't have the safe stable jobs they enjoy, and they wouldn't get enough backers or money to actually make the games and they know it.
See Goodbye Volcano High and other similar indie that you still troll into infinity for shit and giggles.
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they pulled the lever and almost every npc i rescued in spiderman 2 was a gay dude. what are the chances?
well you gave them your money so ofc they will keep doing it

also in their wolverine game
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But goddammit, why are these people seeing everything through sexuality ??? Don't they have better things to focus on ?
This is so fucking on point. Its insane that these people only allow themselves to relate along the lines of sexuality. Like nothing else matters. Personal experience, values, beliefs, none of that matters to them. All they care about is who you fuck, and how you fuck them. I could say more, but I'll leave it at that.

Boss Mog

The most disgusting statement she makes is: "We're important". No person working in gaming is "important" regardless of their sexual identity. These people are so delusional and narcissistic, truly disgusting.

You think covid would have taught these people who was actually "important", you know the farmers who grow our food, the truckers who ship it to our stores, but no, with them it's all "me, me, me".


The alphabet character ratio in games is 10 fold the % of its customers and the public at large
Yep, the whole spectrum only makes up about 7% of the population with homosexuals only making up 3%. Most people would prefer to see heterosexual relationships because it’s more relatable/preferable to 97% of the populace. But of course it’s hate/discrimination if you mention this.


The most disgusting statement she makes is: "We're important". No person working in gaming is "important" regardless of their sexual identity. These people are so delusional and narcissistic, truly disgusting.

You think covid would have taught these people who was actually "important", you know the farmers who grow our food, the truckers who ship it to our stores, but no, with them it's all "me, me, me".
You should read about G.A.Y. Alan Touring who shaped our technological modern society (and was also critical to defeat the Nazis) and who ended up chemically castrated, killing himself shortly after.

We’re not only important. We’re better than you. That’s why you’re so angry.

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Hasn't he got the memo DEI is dead and everyone is fedup with the rainbow activists, I don't want faggots in my games thank (says me the faggot who has been out for 30 years now and enjoy my games as they are without politics and agendas in them cheers)


including LGBTQ stuff without making any sense story and character-wise, just to have that "checked off" is, by definition, sexist.

And something else: I have a friend who's gay and he is a normal fucking human being, he doesn't go around telling everyone he's gay. He's just some normal dude who has a lot of interests that don't have to do with being gay. And the way "writers" include LGBTQ characters is that they make them overly "LGBTQ-ish". Where their only character trait is them being gay/lesbian/trans whatever. If your only personality trait is that you are gay/lesbian or whatever, then there's something wrong with you.


Doomslayer could be LGBTQ. We just don't know. We never find out. Know why? Because it's utterly fucking irrelevant to the situation he's in.

If you want him to be gay, pretend he's gay while you're smashing demon brains into walls. There, you are represented.

Unless a game is exploring a character's sexuality why do we need to know that they are whatever sexuality they are? The whole 'well if it's not mentioned, they are straight' argument is bollocks too. It's why we're in this situation in the first place. The label is utterly irrelevant unless the subject matters needs it to be relevant.

I didn't even mind the quest in Spider-Man 2 where you set up that prom date for the student and he was gay. Fine, he's sexuality was relevant. Telling me about your boyfriend just after I've saved you from a burning building though? Every single time? Come on.


Spiderman 1 was my last Insomniac game and I don't think I'll be having any regrets. Pushing representation at all cost and sidelining existing characters for the more diverse ones (like they're doing with Parker and not hiding it anymore) is a sick practice.
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Lack of LGHDTV content? There's already too much, and in almost every example it's inserted in a way that detracts from the game or adds nothing of value. Quit the virtue signaling and fund begging.

Maybe if your developers focused more on their skills and less on their identity we'd get better games.


They really are desperate to make wolverine gay and it ain't going to be easy.

This is freaking Marvel and Insomniac we're talking about.

Wolverine will makeup with Sabre Tooth, like Rogue made up with Captain Marvel..



If that were the case, Hollywood wouldn't be in the shitter right now and video games like Forspoken would be selling like hotcakes but they don't.
Hollywood is in the shitter because Marvel and giant blockbusters killed the industry a decade ago, pushing out the veteran industry in favour of multi-billion dollar franchises. Blame “maximum profit” industry processes for the death of Hollywood and corresponding idiotic audiences.

Forspoken is just a terrible game, independently of whatever is going on in it. You’re looking for the wrong answers to valid questions.
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"There are so many LGBTQ developers, and we want what players want - to design experiences that tell the player we're here, we're important, and we belong."

Not trying to sound like an asshole here, and I don’t have anything against gay and queer people etc, but besides its obviously not what players want, what we can see with all the games made with this crap sell nothing…

How are “they” important? They will never reproduce, they will not keep humanity running. If everyone would be like “them”, humanity would die out in 1 generation.

Now I don’t mind the odd lgbtq+++ character here and there in my media, like it was 10 years ago, but all this forced bullshit where everyone needs to be gay and a person of color is just stupid. If anything it’s so over represented in all kinds of media that people just don’t consume it anymore.

Hollywood is broke, Disney is broke, all DEI invested game studios are going broke, and it’s no wonder why. And for gods sake, if you speak out as a customer that you don’t like said content, you’re the bigot, racist, fascist and all the other crap, trying to tell the customer what they themselves actually are.
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"There are so many LGBTQ developers, and we want what players want - to design experiences that tell the player we're here, we're important, and we belong."

Not trying to sound like an asshole here, and I don’t have anything against gay and queer people etc, but besides its obviously not what players want, what we can see with all the games made with this crap sell nothing…

How are “they” important? They will never reproduce, they will not keep humanity running. If everyone would be like “them”, humanity would die out in 1 generation.

Now I don’t mind the odd lgbtq+++ character here and there in my media, like it was 10 years ago, but all this forced bullshit where everyone needs to be gay and a person of color is just stupid. If anything it’s so over represented in all kinds of media that people just don’t consume it anymore.

Hollywood is broke, Disney is broke, all DEI invested game studios are going broke, and it’s no wonder why. And for gods sake, if you speak out as a customer that you don’t like said content, you’re the bigot, racist, fascist and all the other crap, trying to tell the customer who they themselves actually are.
Wait, we’re either an extreme 1% minority or we’re going to kill the entire human civilisation. You can’t have both, young man.
including LGBTQ stuff without making any sense story and character-wise, just to have that "checked off" is, by definition, sexist.

And something else: I have a friend who's gay and he is a normal fucking human being, he doesn't go around telling everyone he's gay. He's just some normal dude who has a lot of interests that don't have to do with being gay. And the way "writers" include LGBTQ characters is that they make them overly "LGBTQ-ish". Where their only character trait is them being gay/lesbian/trans whatever. If your only personality trait is that you are gay/lesbian or whatever, then there's something wrong with you.

I also know someone at work who is gay but doesn't seem like it all all. Then I know another person who is gay but has some feminine qualities to him but otherwise he looks completely normal. Then there's me where I feel most comfortable in my feminine clothes but otherwise I don't try and shove my trans femininity into others faces.

Some are more visible than others due to the way they dress or their personality traits. But no one I know tries to make it their mission to shove that into everyone's faces and into every media.


Are you ok?
Why are you so self absorbed?
Apathy isnt a crime you know?

You actually think most gamers really care about LGBT representstion that much?...really?

If so how many hours a day do you spend staring at yourself in the mirror?
I’m so hot even you would jerk off to my shirtless mirror selfies.



Gold Member
There are so many LGBTQ developers,
This can't be true. Because all we hear is about how oppressed they are, the literal genocide that is happening and how the industry is dominated by straight white men.

...and we want what players want
Players want good games. Not eye roll inducing character design, or narrative that reads like an angsty gay teens fanfic who hasnt come out. If you're starting from a point of who should be gay, then you arent really making a game. And shoehorning these things into established ips that will sell well whatever doesn't mean there is support for them. It just means the willingness to ignore is higher because the game is good.

It would be interesting to see how many players skip the story cut scenes when they can
If what? IF there are fucking gay characters in a fucking videogame? That’s what you think is “reproducing”? You feel impregnated by Ellie lesbian sex? Are you turning gay by all the gay agenda™️ you see around?
“if” all people on the planet were gay… you just choose what you want to read and rip it out of context. Well done, you played yourself.

I understand that you can not handle any kind of valid logic or criticism and the thing is, neither can those people that are being discussed about in this topic.

This is why people turn their backs on any kind of DEI content, because for you and those other activists it’s not just about being normally represented. It needs to be over the top, to the extreme, and then 2 steps further.

And there’s no normal discussion to be had before you get blamed for things you didn’t do or say because you activists take everything out of context to try and make things sound like you think it should sound.

Just like you did in your post I’m replying to. You’re trying to ridicule me, about a topic you just made up yourself.


Hollywood is in the shitter because Marvel and giant blockbusters killed the industry a decade ago, pushing out the veteran industry in favour of multi-billion dollar franchises. Blame “maximum profit” industry processes for the death of Hollywood and corresponding idiotic audiences.

Forspoken is just a terrible game, independently of whatever is going on in it. You’re looking for the wrong answers to valid questions.
Well, you’re not wrong but isn’t either like the industry is lacking representation in the major publishers. I don’t share the “complete erasure” that some gaffers seem to crave but generally speaking triple A development isn’t lacking gay content and that is a valid criticism to the words of this guy from Insomniac. But I’ll give you that Insomniac itself is lacking in that department. What I’ve played of Spiderman doesn’t have any gay characters (and it’s set in New York), but I couldn’t finish it because is repetitive and boring af, so maybe they introduce someone later.


Gold Member
The problem is that they try to turn things gay. They don't just add gay characters.

Leave the established stuff alone.

This has happened with Doctor Who.
Exactly. They can't create anything (for supposed creatives) successful. So they latch onto already successful ips. They make stupid changes but think because the ip does well anyway, that it means their ideas are good. They then try to push harder and people change to say wtf, this is not what the ip is about. I'm watching/playing something else.


Exactly. They can't create anything (for supposed creatives) successful. So they latch onto already successful ips. They make stupid changes but think because the ip does well anyway, that it means their ideas are good. They then try to push harder and people change to say wtf, this is not what the ip is about. I'm watching/playing something else.
They added a gay podcaster that you can disable in Spidy 2 and still some people complained. It wasn’t a change to an established character. So there are valid criticisms in both ways.


Gold Member
But goddammit, why are these people seeing everything through sexuality ??? Don't they have better things to focus on ?
Quite a few highly autistic people are obsessed with sex. It becomes them.

I used to work with highly autistic young adults, quite a few of them would play with their plonker or randomly try and pluck their chicken wherever they were..

I had to give it up. One huge lump of a six foot 'young adult' I got put with loved swimming, and children. On occasion he'd been in the changing rooms in swimming pools playing with himself with kids around. I was tasked once to take him swimming but to 'watch out'

I told them to fuck right off and he shouldn't be in public. It went down well..

But to sum up, that was one end of the spectrum, you get a few high functioning autistics in certain positions with an obsession on sex and 'gender' and here we are 🤷‍♂️

Normal folk just want to play games.

As I've said before on the forums. No ones asking the real questions. Why the fuck are more and more people autistic these days?
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