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iOS 7 | Flatness Is a Good Thing

hmm. I don't really see why that would change anything much, but I guess maybe there are more specific examples.

If anything, it would seem a little less efficient. Searching 'www.whateverstore.com' i would think would be a little too open ended in results as opposed to 'whateverstore reviews', for example.

As you're typing, Safari literally gives you the option to do a google search instead of going to it.

Angel Gamer

Neo Member
Question about the Wishlist feature in App Store now:

I've been using AppShopper for a while to track the prices of apps I'm interested in. What I really like about that is that it will send a notification when an app I'm wanting drops in price. Any idea of the App Store now does this? I know it will make a list but I haven't had an app drop in price yet to see if it notifies me.
so whats the current excuse for apple not allowing 3rd party to use their java rendering engine used exclusively in safari?

I get there are some security risks... but shit, it's getting a bit pathetic.


nods at old men
Checking to see if a site is legit. Search for what others think about a certain site. A shopping site for example.

I do the same kind of searches but never use "www."
Try it out. (like, "used example.com" or "legit example.com" or "review example.com") I guess you could add the www when you add key words.

EDIT: Oh, safari lets you search instead of loading the site. best of both worlds
It will probably grow on you. I really despised it when I intially had the beta in July, but now almost prefer it over iOS 6. The only thing I dislike Apple for about this redesign is effectively removing the unification iOS was starting to have with OS X.

It actually is growing on me little by little.
Are there any reviews of iTunes Radio around? UK here, so we're not getting it yet, but I'd like to see what it's like. Holding off from Spotify (Google Music is out of the running) until I know more about it.

It's alright. The default genre channels are really rough and nowhere near Spotify or TuneIn radio. I listened to the Downtempo channel and songs started repeating within an hour - I think they're still compiling playlists. There's a lot of placeholder art for each channel so they're obviously still tweaking it. The user-made "artists" channels are alright - nothing that different from Pandora. However, there is an interesting slider for some channels where you can go from "Hits" to "Variety" to "Discover" to tune the randomizing process. Overall I give it a C+ for now. Google, Spotify, Pandora, etc. have nothing to worry about at the moment.


Is there a way to turn these folders a less hideous color? Or to get rid of the giant gray bar at the bottom?

those colours are defined by your wallpaper, aren’t they?

or are you using an iPhone 4 or ipad 2? maybe they just default to grey for the older devices that can’t do the blurred transparency


Weather in Notification Center is driving me crazy. Apple's own weather app shows the current temperature:

while in Notification Center it's still stuck from this morning:



I just realized you can oh back a page in Safari by swiping to the right. Finally!

Go Back Gesture: There's a new system-wide gesture that can be used to go back to the previous window, which is especially useful in Safari. Swipe to the right from the very left edge of the screen to use the gesture.


those colours are defined by your wallpaper, aren’t they?

or are you using an iPhone 4 or ipad 2? maybe they just default to grey for the older devices that can’t do the blurred transparency

So...I can't make them black like they used to be? I have a black and white photo of my kids and the folders are gray and look atrocious.

I despise these new folders. 9 icons visible at a time in a space that would accommodate 15 easily. Have to swipe to see rest. Friendly.


So...I can't make them black like they used to be? I have a black and white photo of my kids and the folders are gray and look atrocious.

they were linen backed before. not quite black

yeah, if it looks like shit and you can’t stand it, maybe change the wallpaper to something with colour. or just add some tint or change contrast for the current pic?


they were linen backed before. not quite black

yeah, if it looks like shit and you can’t stand it, maybe change the wallpaper to something with colour. or just add some tint or change contrast for the current pic?

Like looking at your kids? Fuck you! /apple

Joking but God damn, how hard would it be to let me pick the color of the folder?


butthurt Heat fan
Try tapping the "shared" button and make sure you are not connected to a computer. Here is what I see (don't judge the real housewives, they are my wife's)

Yes to the music, though not instantly. It takes a while to transfer stuff from your computer.
I think you sold me on iTunes Match. :)


It's interesting that the native Clock app actually has the hands moving on the home screen. I noticed that the second hand moves.



Go Back Gesture: There's a new system-wide gesture that can be used to go back to the previous window, which is especially useful in Safari. Swipe to the right from the very left edge of the screen to use the gesture.

Does it work in iPhone 4?


my favourite feature as got to be on the new ios7, is that the iphone/touch apps now look cleaner when used on the ipad (based on my mini at least)

before whilst zooming in on the iphone version of the app looked awful. worth the upgrade for that feature alone, granted it no longer fills the screen and has a black border but still a nice touch

Edit, well not all it would seem just tried resi evil 4 still got jaggies


Contains Sucralose
New safari is too chrome-like.

Other than that the look is great, even though none of the new features are life changing.


corporate swill
Go Back Gesture: There's a new system-wide gesture that can be used to go back to the previous window, which is especially useful in Safari. Swipe to the right from the very left edge of the screen to use the gesture.

Awesome. You could do it in the Reddit app and it would always frustrate me when it didn't work in anything else.


anyone have an issue with iradio where it just stops playing tracks? i can skip but the tracks never start playing. ended up having to reboot my phone to get it working again

Does it work in iPhone 4?

yup. it should. just tried in in imessages

The Chef

Does it work in iPhone 4?

Yes and quite well I may add.

The only thing that still buggs me is the home button. I feel like I should never have to click down on it ever. I especially can't stand double clicking it to bring up my other apps.
Boom. Apple quietly upped the cellular download limit




For the first time in a long time, I feel like Apple is being reactionary. Comes and goes, I suppose.

I'm holding out hope that they're preparing something big for the iPhone 6 in terms of hardware changes, but as far as iOS7 is concerned there's no way to describe it other than reactionary.
I use the 3 at work (the mini is my personal one) but it's just crazy how much better it runs on the mini. It stutters a lot on the 3.

Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. My iPad 3 is borderline unusable now. Every gesture and action is laggy. Maybe things will speed up after a while but it's really unfortunate that I can't revert back to iOS 6 for it.


Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. My iPad 3 is borderline unusable now. Every gesture and action is laggy. Maybe things will speed up after a while but it's really unfortunate that I can't revert back to iOS 6 for it.

I'm going to wait and see if anything is announced when the new ipad hits. If not, I'm going to consider dumping it :/
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