Why is there no weather in my notification center?
Enable Weather in Privacy/Location Services. If you did that and it's still not showing, try rebooting your iOS device.
Why is there no weather in my notification center?
So white, I can't see anymore. Sometimes the keyboard is pale, sometimes it is dark.
Sluggish on my iPad 3 too. Switching to numbers on the keyboard is horrible
Oh my god it's utterly fucked on iPad. It freezes when doing pretty much anything. You can't even move and scale photos for the home screen. Why did they release this shit on iPad!
Thanks. I activated it but have to wait until my phone runs out of battery to see if it worked (my on/off button doesn't work heh).Enable Weather in Privacy/Location Services. If you did that and it's still not showing, try rebooting your iOS device.
This is what I dont like.Why is there no weather in my notification center?
Oh my god it's utterly fucked on iPad. It freezes when doing pretty much anything. You can't even move and scale photos for the home screen. Why did they release this shit on iPad!
Ok, can someone please tell me how to search words/text on safari on iOS 7? There was a bar on iOS 6 that was very handy but nowhere to be seen in the new Safari :/
Ok, can someone please tell me how to search words/text on safari on iOS 7? There was a bar on iOS 6 that was very handy but nowhere to be seen in the new Safari :/
Oh my god it's utterly fucked on iPad. It freezes when doing pretty much anything. You can't even move and scale photos for the home screen. Why did they release this shit on iPad!
I asked this yesterday. Type your search terms in the address bar, then scroll down the results list until you find an "on this page" option.
I don't like it.
Which ipad version
It's all in the same bar, type your search query where you would type the url.
I asked this yesterday. Type your search terms in the address bar, then scroll down the results list until you find an "on this page" option.
I don't like it.
Does it goes away if you switch the phone on and off? Iphone 5 seems prone to a strange green glow around the screen if you keep in the pocket of the pants made of material that produces static electricity charge. It's a know problem, but the green glow goes away very quickly.It's distracting. It's only visible on white though, so obviously I haven't really noticed before much. It SEEMS to disappear or lessen if I only use one eye, but it's hard to tell.
Does anyone else get that?
There should be a button to launch the Settings app in the Control Center.
I might be a moron, but I can't find out how to delete the disney/apple shortcuts in safari on the ipad and add my own
Whaaaaa?Does it goes away if you switch the phone on and off? Iphone 5 seems prone to a strange green glow around the screen if you keep in the pocket of the pants made of material that produces static electricity charge. It's a know problem, but the green glow goes away very quickly.
Updated my 3 today and after messing with it a bit that's my experience too. I hope that some of the issues people are having are temporary or may be fixed with a restore, settings reset, etc. The wallpaper changing is indeed lagging and is probably a glitch since it seems to be the case in more models, hopefully it will be fixed in 7.0.1. I thought about waiting a bit before updating the iPad due to some of the reports but after a day with iOS 7 on my 4S I'm already craving some of the features and visuals, and I like keeping both devices in the same page as much as possible. Glad I took the plunge.Gotcha. For me, keyboard popped up promptly, no delay in typing, rotation was fast and I didn't change wallpapers because I like my current one - but i'll play with it tonight.
Probably the only weird hitch was my bt keyboard wasn't letting me type but I think it was due to the keyboard itself.
Yeah. They only used it for some apps as well as NewsStand. (iPad Reminders looks awesome with the wallpaper showing through the sidebar.) It should be used more, but not too much. I think even some third party apps are able to do it too. You don't want to make it too hard to read stuff on the screen though. Messages would have been perfect since the bubbles would keep it readable. It would just add a nice design to the backdrop.I don't get why the background to some apps (especially Messages) is white. Why didn't they continue the transparent layers theme? Would have looked much better to see a hint of the home screen behind the messages.
I updatd my phone last night and have been playing with it today. So far, I don't particularly like any changes, but I don't hate anything either. Except the bottom bar in Safari disappearing and the calendar.
The navigation bar vanishing is just damn annoying and there seems to be no way to bring it up easily. Like you can to scroll to the top or bottom or it otherwise just comes up when it thinks you're calling upon it. It's dumb as hell.
And all I used the calendar for was viewing things in month mode. Tap on a date and it had the multi-colored dots which told me what I had marked that day. I can't do that anymore. You have to drill down into the hourly view to see whats marked. Also annoying and not something I'll get used to. Maybe there are other calendar apps that link into ical events, I hope.
Overall, it's different and kind of refreshing, but I'm not wowed by it or feel like this is amazing.
the lock screen music view is really good. it works perfecty with Spotify too. Not sure where the background is coming from though, it doesnt match my home or lock screen wallpapers
That's a blurred lockscreen wallpaper.
Mine is a blurred and darkened version of the lock screen background.
I don't like how after about a minute of being paused, whatever you're playing disappears off the lock screen. You're kinda forced to pull up CC to start playing it again, which I like less because the controls are tinier.the lock screen music view is really good. it works perfecty with Spotify too. Not sure where the background is coming from though, it doesnt match my home or lock screen wallpapers
When apple goes flat, it goes all the way in huh. Safari is a grey mess now, don't like the colors on the quick settings thing either.
Swipe up to see the running apps and it comes very unwillingly chugging out from the right of the screen? it seems they didn't even consider the ipad for this update. Wallpaper settings crashes like crazy here too. ipad3 retina.
I just saw that this syncs with all other devices too automatically, including Android. Badass, might be the best package because of this.mattiewheels said:Wow, Pocket Casts is really awesome so far. The interface is just tremendous, auto downloading rules as well.
The navigation bar vanishing is just damn annoying and there seems to be no way to bring it up easily. Like you can to scroll to the top or bottom or it otherwise just comes up when it thinks you're calling upon it. It's dumb as hell.
so, is the only way to delete emails is to hit the edit button on top? Shit, I liked just swiping to the right and hitting the delete button. No sir, i dont like this change at all.