iPhone 5 owners: Have you noticed any performance hits with iOS7? Any difference in battery life?
Speed is great. Keep in mind, while the 5S was no doubt in development, iOS7 development, especially for app developers was targeted with the iPhone 5 and lower in mind. Especially so with the 5C being released, I'm sure iOS7 really is focussed on the iPhone 5.
As for battery, I've taken a pretty big hit, but it's hard to know what from - some say it hits iPhone 5 harder, and thus would suggest a bug, but who knows. There are a lot of new features that would drain battery.
I'm using it much more, I have it on higher brightness now, and the GPS is paging much more often - the weather app pages in the background, both for itself and for notification centre. Also, it's paging pretty frequently for frequent locations.
I will consider turning it off, but I want to see what it does for me first.
for record, I got ~ 10 hours wifiw when my iPhone new, 5 hours 3G.
After nearly a year, I THINK I have ~ 8hours wifi now. With iOS7, I think I'm closer to 5-6 on wifi.
Standby is still pretty good. IT pages when you do stuff like pick it up and open the lock screen.
All anecdotal, obviously.