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iOS 7 | Flatness Is a Good Thing

Had a weird moment happen yesterday afternoon. Phone spontaneously reset after I was bringing up Control Center. Waited for it to turn back on and it seems fine now though.

...This might be my phone telling me to upgrade to a 5s now despite my 4s doing it's job just fine.
i've read that 4s performance is pretty good. i have a 4 and it has been working fine for me as a daily driver. the only thing i noticed performance wise is that apps seem to take longer to launch for the first time and same for one you wake up from a locked phone that was sleeping. battery life was about the same as ios 6.

Thanks. My main concern is I don't want it to "stutter" when I type. My main thing is responsiveness and the keyboard stutter used to happen on my iPhone 3g and it drove me nuts. I went back to blackberry until the 3gs came out. No issues with that if you have a 4s and are running ios7?


I had that but in the last beta but it went away when I restarted my phone. Control center remembers song quite well i say.


Why is it that I'm able to copy and paste an image source into everything but the GAF mobile thread reply area?

I've experienced this myself. I don't know what causes it, but the only work around I've found is pasting the image source into a new tab and then recopying it. Only then can I past it into the text field.

Thanks. My main concern is I don't want it to "stutter" when I type. My main thing is responsiveness and the keyboard stutter used to happen on my iPhone 3g and it drove me nuts. I went back to blackberry until the 3gs came out. No issues with that if you have a 4s and are running ios7?

Haven't tried iOS 7 on a 4S, but as someone who had to suffer through iOS 4 on a 3G, I know exactly what you mean, and it's nothing like that on my 4, and I can only imagine that iOS7 runs much better on the 4S than on the 4 since the hardware is almost 2x faster.
Yeah, for anyone who uses Downcast here's their current list of issues that they are aware of.:


This just reminded me to finally see what Instacast was doing for iOS7, as they hadnt updated y app yet, and, fucking gross, they are using iOS7 as an excuse to do the next release of Instacast as a separate app, and apparently not updating the old app to work right with iOS7 "for people who do not want to upgrade to iOS7"

Welp, guess I am now a Downcast user.

edit: Oh, I guess there was a separate paid Instacast 3 I never heard about? And that gets an upgrade to iOS7, but not the version I am still on. Weird as shit. I already double dipped because of how they handled Instacast 1 to 2's upgrade.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Turn off bluetooth, turn off parallax effects, turn off dynamic backgrounds, turn off background app refresh.

I have background refresh on for a few apps and my battery has been pretty much the same. I think as long as you don't go crazy and limit which apps can have background refresh you should be fine.

How much is background app refresh really eating and what is it really do. The others seems obvious.

Edit: oh god damn, that's why my location has been on non-stop.

Actually, that is likely due to the Frequent Locations service that is supposed to be like Google Now. I find it pointless so I turned it off. I think that is what most people may be having issues with. Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services (at the bottom) > Frequent Locations.


With background app refresh, you still get some multitasking background activity right? This just refers to the specific API of refreshing stuff on schedules or certain times?

I mean, find my friends would still work, right?

In other news, my iWork documents aren't uploading to icloud since iOS 7.

Man, it's not critical for me, but it is for some. What a crap service. It has to be more stable than this.


formerly "chigiri"
With background app refresh, you still get some multitasking background activity right? This just refers to the specific API of refreshing stuff on schedules or certain times?

I mean, find my friends would still work, right?
With it off you mean? Yes regular multitasking stuff would still work as normal.
App refresh is the OS learning when you use certain apps that need to pull data/how often you use them and then pulls data for those apps shortly before the times when you'd normally be using said apps so they're up to date when you open them.

One of the easiest apps to see it in action in is Twitter, with it having refreshed the newsfeed automatically when you open the app once it's learned your routine.

It takes a little while for the API to learn complete but once it has I don't see it having much of an impact on battery life. I have it on for all apps and I have just as good if not better battery life than on iOS 6. Avg. 60% after a full days worth of usage (music, apps, surfing, 7 exchange email accounts.. Incl my work email on push).


Thanks. My main concern is I don't want it to "stutter" when I type. My main thing is responsiveness and the keyboard stutter used to happen on my iPhone 3g and it drove me nuts. I went back to blackberry until the 3gs came out. No issues with that if you have a 4s and are running ios7?

I haven't really noticed a difference in performance between iOS 6 and iOS 7 on my 4S


With it off you mean? Yes regular multitasking stuff would still work as normal.
App refresh is the OS learning when you use certain apps that need to pull data/how often you use them and then pulls data for those apps shortly before the times when you'd normally be using said apps so they're up to date when you open them.

One of the easiest apps to see it in action in is Twitter, with it having refreshed the newsfeed automatically when you open the app once it's learned your routine.

It takes a little while for the API to learn complete but once it has I don't see it having much of an impact on battery life. I have it on for all apps and I have just as good if not better battery life than on iOS 6. Avg. 60% after a full days worth of usage (music, apps, surfing, 7 exchange email accounts.. Incl my work email on push).

Yeah, with it off. Thanks that's very interesting. So this isn't speculation, but exactly how the API works?

You mention twitter, but twitter doesn't have a background refresh toggle. Do some apps not give you the option? Or maybe it's in settings in the app?
Except their icon. Seriously considering moving it off my home screen since it sticks out like a sore thumb and they don't seem like they're planning on changing it any time soon.

I have my buried on the second page of my 'Entertainment' folder because of it. I use it a lot but I really dislike the look of the icon now.


Quoting myself, still trying to find a solution.

that’s the universal inbox. I did a quick search to see if there was a way to disable it in iOS and it seems like there isn’t.

was it not there before? universal inbox has been around for a few iOS revisions. maybe you need to remove and re-add your account, if this is something new that you did not have earlier.


So a bunch of my apps are stuck on "Waiting" like they were updating or some shit. Can't do anything to them now. Any clue?


that’s the universal inbox. I did a quick search to see if there was a way to disable it in iOS and it seems like there isn’t.

was it not there before? universal inbox has been around for a few iOS revisions. maybe you need to remove and re-add your account, if this is something new that you did not have earlier.

....that's weird. My mailbox list doesn't look like that.

Mine looks nothing like that.

My universal Inbox is labelled "All inboxes", then I have a number of inboxes under that. Nothing labelled just 'Inbox'.

This is my work phone so I'm a bit limited to what I can do exactly...

I just checked in the settings and I only have 2 accounts.. 1 is the exchange account that I actually use everyday... The other one is an icloud account that I think It set for the Find my iphone thing... The mail setting is turned off right now. So I really only have 1 active account, not reason to have a universal mailbox. That's weird.

If I remember correctly on iOS6, I could go up one level and see the universal inbox but I never did it so I always stayed inside my exchange account and only saw the normal "tree" with the inbox at the top and the sub folders under it.


So a bunch of my apps are stuck on "Waiting" like they were updating or some shit. Can't do anything to them now. Any clue?

Did you just finish restoring or are you in the middle of restoring from iCloud? If so, that's why. Your phone is still syncing.
That blotch in the camera i had on my iPhone 5? Apple replaced it with another phone. Cool.

But since doing the restore on the new phone, now Words With Friends will not boot at all. LAME.


Junior Member
That blotch in the camera i had on my iPhone 5? Apple replaced it with another phone. Cool.

But since doing the restore on the new phone, now Words With Friends will not boot at all. LAME.

I remember this same thing would happen with every app after performing a certain tethered jailbreak. Not sure if the fix would also apply to stock software.
I remember this same thing would happen with every app after performing a certain tethered jailbreak. Not sure if the fix would also apply to stock software.
Was stock until I updated to iOS 7 again and did restore. Maybe uninstalling the app?
Edit: yeah. That did it. Uninstalled then reinstalled. Works fine now.


Interesting, using Bluetooth LE for some of the same type of stuff NFC could be used for I believe.



Apple Uses Bluetooth LE To Enable Apple TV ‘Touch To Set Up’ Via iOS 7 Devices

Apple is leveraging the Bluetooth LE technology that it has been building into every iPhone since the iPhone 4S to enable automatic setup of an Apple TV 3G. Just touch a device running iOS 7 to a newer Apple set-top box to have it automatically set up Wi-Fi networks, region settings and Apple Store accounts.

This essentially means — as far as we can tell — that Apple is using technology similar to the kind it describes as ‘iBeacon‘, a Bluetooth LE device that broadcasts a data payload to any compatible BT device in the area. This can enable complex interaction without having to be on the same Wi-Fi network or even paired with a target device. But it also may use the iPod Accessory Protocol, also supported by BLE.

The ‘one touch’ setup was discovered by TUAW reader Aaron G and noted in an article earlier today. The Apple help document related to the new setup feature gives us some clues that point to BlueTooth LE being the technology driving the interaction. A technology that Apple uses in its iBeacon protocol.

From what we understand, this is not turning the Apple TV into an iBeacon in Apple’s consumer sense of the word, but it uses similar technology.

To make it work, you enable Bluetooth on your iPhone 4S, iPad 3G, iPad mini or iPod touch 5G and newer. Then, you tap it to an Apple TV 3G that’s sitting on the setup screen. Your devices will enter an out-of-band pairing and you’ll be prompted to enter your Apple ID on your iOS device. You can then choose to have it remember that data for purchases on your Apple TV if you wish.

The Apple TV will then auto-configure itself, bypassing the super awkward process of entering your Apple ID and Wi-Fi information using Apple’s stick of gum remote. The Apple TV has to be on version 6.0 or later and iOS devices on 7.0 or later.

The fact that the help doc tells you that you must turn on Bluetooth is a dead giveaway that this is based on the tech that Apple has been building into its devices for longer than it has needed it. Apple built support for Bluetooth LE into its devices for a while and iBeacon support into the latest iOS and Apple TV software.

We tried out the new setup method and it worked as advertised. We did discover however that physical contact was not required, as the Apple TV paired with our device up to 8 inches out. We were able to tap it and get it to work, but also simply moving it within a foot or so seemed to work. This is consistent with a part of the iBeacon process called ranging. The instruction to ‘tap’ the device to the Apple TV is likely just to ensure proximity.

So, while this isn’t ‘iBeacon’ yet, it’s definitely a process that will feel familiar once those start showing up in the wild.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Anybody having trouble copying/pasting into a text message?

If I copy text or a pic, and then go to messages, and click and hold like I used to, no list of choices (like paste) show up.
So got the 5s which means no more gmail exchange server :(. Anyways setup the gmail account and now whenever i delete messages they just archive instead of moving to the trash. Within the mail setting I have selected move to trash instead of the move to archive, yet trash does still not appear.

Any ideas?


Anybody having trouble copying/pasting into a text message?

If I copy text or a pic, and then go to messages, and click and hold like I used to, no list of choices (like paste) show up.

I've been getting a similar issue from before iOS 7.

I'd always have to tap to get it to pop up if it isn't popping up.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
So got the 5s which means no more gmail exchange server :(. Anyways setup the gmail account and now whenever i delete messages they just archive instead of moving to the trash. Within the mail setting I have selected move to trash instead of the move to archive, yet trash does still not appear.

Any ideas?

I downloaded the Gmail app. It's pretty good. You can have push notifications for email and you can even open links directly with other installed Google apps, like Google Maps.


Am I the only one who cant believe there isnt a visualizer built into the music app? It seems like an obvious inclusion, but it's never brought up.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Am I the only one who cant believe there isnt a visualizer built into the music app? It seems like an obvious inclusion, but it's never brought up.
I agree with this. And I think you should be able to see on your lock screen instead of album art, if you desire.


Something I'm finding annoying about iOS 7 is that now that it's white all over, there's an apparent green edge to my iPhone 5 that is slightly more prominent. It looks like the back light.

It's not intermittent like the issue that plagued some iPhone 5 (appeared for a split second on lock screen).

Basically, I've probably always had it but the dark edges of old iOS masked most of it.
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