Hey iGAF,
I was SO CLOSE to buying a shiny green iPhone 5c today....I was at the checkout talking to the lady and everything....but....I just couldn't pull the trigger and dropped out at the last minute. Let me tell you my woes....
I'm an Android user here. Been an avid Android user for about 4 years now. I instantly fell in love with Android and what it offered over iOS at the time I got into it....
Fast forward to today, and I'm burned out on Android, tired of the bloat that manufacturers put on, and don't want to deal with rooting and all that nonsense just to get the stock version of Android on my machine.
With that said, I'm still deeply rooted in Google services and enjoy them still very much. I love what they do and a lot of their stuff I don't want to move away entirely. But I really want to get to know iOS (I've used it extensively enough). Here are some of my concerns:
--Some of the freedom and sharing options I enjoy from Android might make me feel locked-up if I switch to iPhone. Is Apple generally better with this stuff now?
--Customization (I don't use widgets) but....it still boggles my mind that I can't select custom tones for any given app (for example, the iOS Gmail app will only use the default tone alert set at the OS level.....ugh....)
--How free am I to drag and drop media files to and from my phone without the use of iTunes? Is iTunes still forced for media? I use iTunes for music.....but that's about it. I'd like to be able to choose other programs to use/sync/whatever for pictures and videos.
--Default applications......are all the default apps still locked at all the Apple apps? I'd like Chrome to be my default browser. Can this be done yet?
--As an avid Gmail user, I would like to continue using the contacts I've developed over the years from my Gmail (Google) account. Do contacts sync seamlessly with iPhone's contacts app?
--And most importantly....does the iPhone sync with Bluetooth in cars? Contacts, audio, text messages, etc? Specifically a Honda Civic? This might be the deal breaker for me if I can't seamlessly sync it with my car the way I can my current Android phone.