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iOS 7 | Flatness Is a Good Thing


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I wish I wasn't addicted to jailbreak features... I want this.


And there's no way to just see the photos so I can delete them, is there? Additionally, they won't be deleted if I sync my photos in iPhoto, will they? GRR.

Only way of seeing the photos is by scrolling up your iMessage chat logs. They are separate from your stored camera roll photos so they I don't think they'll be deleted. I regularly move all the contents of my camera roll to my computer but the iMessage images remain in iMessage.

The thing is that with iOS 7 it's the 1st time the phone actually reports that the messages are taking up X amount of space; before that the phone wouldn't report it and it would be lumped in with "other".

After 2 years of iMessage, I've sent and recieved probably thousands of photos and GIFs and it just adds up. I was pretty shocked to see that iMessage was taking up over 2GB in my device.

The new twitter still has a feather in its tweet icon. Unacceptable. Tear it down.

WHAT? Something that resembles an object in the real world? That's tacky and execrable.


iPad 2 seems to work just fine, but I'm waiting for opinions on iPhone 4 performance before upgrading. The look certainly requires a bit of getting used to and some parts of the interface are kind of messy, but it's not bad and the notification/control center/multitasking improvements look nice.
I completely forgot that this was coming out today. I hope the jailbreak won't take too long. I refuse to lose f.lux and Dolphin as default browser.


Maybe my memory is betraying me but.... This is not something new to iOS7.

Heh, as soon as I made that post, I thought the same thing. Only had an iPhone for a week, so I can't remember. If anything, I guess it just sticks out a bit more.


I remember hearing rumors of a "dark" theme. Is that in this release?

there is no systemwide dark theme. But the keyboard will sometimes be dark instead of light depending on the situation. (it’s dark for spotlight searches, for example)
there is no systemwide dark theme. But the keyboard will sometimes be dark instead of light depending on the situation. (it’s dark for spotlight searches, for example)

the boot screen also changes depending on your device's color (or did in the betas), so black apple on white bg if white iphone etc.

so ios7er's, favorite default wallpaper? I like the very last dark one and the grass one.


I don't see the problem? delete the photos via photos app. you can see the photos there. Also if you sync it with iphoto you can choose to delete from your phone/ipad. You can always put the photos back if you want.
Pretty sure that's not the case. I have 898 MB of photos in my Photo Stream, and only 35 MB in my camera roll. Yet I still have 3.2 gigs of messages? That doesn't make sense. I'm assuming videos are somehow taking up that space, and I can't find those.


I've actually noticed some nice speed gains since updating to iOS7. And I'm running a 4S, too, so it's a nice surprise.


Anybody still rocking an iPad 2 and updated to iOS7 ? How is the performance?
Immediately playing around with it after the install was kind of slow, apps and settings were slow to access and move through. After a while it seems to be smoother. No problems so far.

Never mind, something that seems kind of bad is the touch gestures. Like when I pinch to home from safari, the background wallpaper load badly. Like there is a noticeable moment where nothing is in the background before it loads.


Pretty sure that's not the case. I have 898 MB of photos in my Photo Stream, and only 35 MB in my camera roll. Yet I still have 3.2 gigs of messages? That doesn't make sense. I'm assuming videos are somehow taking up that space, and I can't find those.

Like I mentioned, those photos / videos (assuming you sent / received videos via iMessage) only exist in the Messages app. They are separate from your PhotoStream / Camera Roll.


Immediately playing around with it after the install was kind of slow, apps and settings were slow to access and move through. After a while it seems to be smoother. No problems so far.

After an install it is running a lot of stuff in the background to organize your photos into collections. It took around 30 minutes for me, then the phone sped up considerably.
I have my first issue.

I was trying to update an app in the App store, and now it's just stuck on a screen saying Download Now.

It says 'OK' in blue, but won't allow me to press it. Now whenever I open the App Store, Download Now pops up and I can't do anything on the screen.

The Real Abed

Where's our damn FaceBook app update, FaceBook? Twitter looks great. Chrome does too.

iBooks was updated last night but didn't change at all for some odd reason. Have the iWork apps updated yet? I don't own them. (I don't know why they don't just make them free for everyone if they're going to make them free for new users. Wait, no I do know.)
Installing update on my iPad 2! Download took about 25 minutes. I've kept myself mostly in the dark so I can't wait to try all the new hottness.
Verge has a review up


I'm not sure how it ended up with an 8.0 considering the write-up.
My experience with iOS7 is on my 4S, and I actually agree with a lot of their criticisms. A lot of the "obviousness" that made iOS easy on the eyes and simple to use seems to have been thrown out (more of an issue for the general consumer than myself I guess). The animations are pretty but the slower speed compared to iOS6 start to make things take longer to do. (Maybe this isn't an issue with the 5S) Some of the icons really stink as well and changing the icon shape seems unnecessary and developer-unfriendly for those that want to support older devices.

Amusingly enough, I think Google's Holo Light interface is more welcoming, which says a LOT considering how ugly, dark and geeky their previous UXes have been. Of course, this remains to be implemented system wide, so they're not exactly doing it right either.

Its not all doom and gloom though, I expect the iPad's performance issues to be fixed by the time the new models are announced (7.1?) and the visual style will hopefully become more cohesive as time goes on, along with animation tweaks. The design team really did a lot with the limited time they had, I just don't think its quite there yet. I'm sure optimizations will make a huge difference as time goes on.

Does anyone know if apple will stop signing 6.1.4 today incase my parents dont like the update and want to revert?


special needs, sexual needs
After installing iOS 7 when I was going through set up a pop up said my verizon server or something was not a trusted server. I don't know what that means I clicked continue though. Anyone know what that was about?


the boot screen also changes depending on your device's color (or did in the betas), so black apple on white bg if white iphone etc.

so ios7er's, favorite default wallpaper? I like the very last dark one and the grass one.

I'm on the blue dynamic wallpaper. I was always a fan of the live wallpapers on android.


Installing update on my iPad 2! Download took about 25 minutes. I've kept myself mostly in the dark so I can't wait to try all the new hottness.
Once you're done, open safari, and then use the pinch gesture to go back to the home screen. Tell me if you see anything wrong. It's kind of janky when I do it on mine, like it hiccups on loading the wallpaper.


Where's our damn FaceBook app update, FaceBook? Twitter looks great. Chrome does too.

iBooks was updated last night but didn't change at all for some odd reason. Have the iWork apps updated yet? I don't own them. (I don't know why they don't just make them free for everyone if they're going to make them free for new users. Wait, no I do know.)

No Apple apps have been updated yet. iBooks update was just a compatibility update; I'm sure it'll be updated down the line with a completely new look (white on white probably) since it's one of the biggest offenders in the Skeumorphic front.

I'm dissapointed that Whatsapp hasn't been updated. The app works in iOS 7 but it has a large grey gap between the icons at the bottom and the chat window. It's annoying.
Won't get past verifying update for me. Keeps telling me the software update is unavailable after downloading the whole thing on the iPad. *sigh*
So the iPad went from not being able to start up, to working and it taking 5 hours, to dying again and not working for awhile, to 10 minutes and now its installing.

Rollercoaster rides, man.


I downloaded it fine but it's not letting me install it now, getting this message.

Software Update Unavailable
Software Update is not available at this time. Try again later.


so i upgraded and now my ipod touch cant activate, i cant even play a single music file cause i cant get out of the setup menu



I downloaded it fine but it's not letting me install it now, getting this message.

Software Update Unavailable
Software Update is not available at this time. Try again later.

That's Apple's validation server getting hammered. Same thing here.
Won't get past verifying update for me. Keeps telling me the software update is unavailable after downloading the whole thing on the iPad. *sigh*

It did the same on my iPhone before eventually letting me through. My phone is restarting and installing right now, but even that is taking forever. This has definitely been the worst update to iOS yet on my end. I've completely given up on trying to update my iPad. I'll just leave it for later.


Download took forever on my iPad mini, it finally finished a few minutes ago. At first I thought I would hate all the bright colors, but I love the new look.
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