Downloaded update via iTunes since I only had a gig free. No errors; device rebooted and did progress bar. That bar has been at about 95% for like an hour and a half. Time to panic?
Is swiftkey not on iPad? How do i enable it?
So Skype seems broken now. I can't send messages as there is no send button. I'm also disappointed a little with serious. It cost a dollar and is nowhere near as robust as the free Android version.
Fantastic.The swipey function isn't on iPad, apparently. iPhone only.
and why the hell did they decide to hide the bookmark and address bar when scrolling in safari? I don't see any option to disable it either...
It runs fine on my 5 so I can't imagine the 5S would suffer at all.Will iOS8 slow down a 5S? I'm not going to get a new phone for a long time and want to make sure mine stays smooth if I download the update.
Swiftkey is awesome but is there a way to change how it looks?
Awesome! Thank you!It runs fine on my 5 so I can't imagine the 5S would suffer at all.
I just checked my phone and now it's pretty fastios is reindexing things for spotlight. It'll go away shortly.
What was Apple thinking with some of these design decisions? If you want to know what I'm talking about, try using the "Explore" tab in the App store for more than 20 seconds.
The entire horizontal swipe motif has been completely abandoned in the Explore tab. Instead of swiping back horizontally, everything becomes threaded in a vertical tree of categories. This is the only place in iOS where you can't swipe back at all, but have to tap the left hand corner to go "up".
Even worse, occasionally, a category will move the frame of the screen to the right instead of continuing the thread under the category tree. So, to go back, you would have to swipe back, and then go "up" the tree.
It's completely jarring and goes against their entire movement motif within iOS. I'm really not sure what they were thinking here.
Swiftkey Note is a standalone app while Swiftkey Keyboard is a system-wide keyboard.Whats the difference between Swiftkey Note and Swiftkey? Both made by Swiftkey. :/
Swiftkey Note is a standalone app while Swiftkey Keyboard is a system-wide keyboard.
Why can't you click the name of each subcategory or
Main category to go up or all the way up
You can.
The point is that this movement motif isn't found anywhere else in iOS. Consistency is huge, especially with respect to basic movement principles within the OS. The vertical category thread is completely incongruous with other established design principles.
Have you given swift key complete control of the os ?hmm, can't make swiftkey work with iMessage. Whats up with that
I've had it happen. No idea why.Any one else having issues where the iPhone will revert to the default keyboard randomly?
You can get rid of the widget and still use the calendar of you like.I am going to get a third party calendar app just so I can get rid of the stupid built in widget and its wasted space. Any suggestions so far or should I just wait until more apps update?
and I can even turn off the new annoying stuff like the Recent Contacts list on the app switch screen.
Servers are getting hammered. You can try direct download here.Anyone else not able to update? I'm doing it through iTunes because I want to do a clean install. Earlier today I was able to start the download before it timed out, but now it just hangs on "Contacting the iPhone software update server"
If I try to update from my phone, it just keeps showing "Checking for Updates..."
I'm on jailbroken 6.1.2
How did you do that? Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm not in front of my iPad right now.
If anyone cares, my iPad 3 is running like a Ferrari at the moment. So to those out there worried about updating their iPad 3's, do it!
Seems they also removed the Camera Roll entirely and there is no way to view all your photos at once without sorting through all the years, and it's impossible to send an SMS to another iOS user without iMessage enabled. I'm hoping these are mistakes rather than choices.
If you're using a 16gb iPhone you may be using up all the space. ITunes is the best way without deleting a bunch of stuff.
When will we be able to send photos from the photo app to instagram (sharing)?
What's the point of this? Unless you can add description etc. without entering the Instagram app.
It's under mail, contacts in settings.
Yeah, my roommate has a 16GB 5S and he asked me if I could help him make room for ios8 since he's not very tech savvy.
I looked at his phone and he has like 600MB free. I was like fuck this we'll use iTunes.
Now that I think of it I have never upgraded to a full new version of iOS OTA since I always installed the GM via iTunes once it leaked back when I had an iPhone.
The way swiftkey plugs into your Facebook account is pretty nifty. Even pulls data from your friends list so it can accurately predict your friends' names. I'm definitely impressed with how accurate and forgiving the prediction is. Most of the time I can just vaguely swipe in the direction of letters and it picks it up just fine.
Punctuation seems more clumsy though... And I'm still not convinced it's that much faster than the stock tap keyboards.