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My 4S was having a difficult time with Safari in 8, but 8.0.2 seems to have helped a lot.
Apple should let you put some of those Health Kit charts in the notification area now that you can have widgets up there. Would be cool to see my steps chart there.
Won't hurt to upgrade.Is it time to update my iPad Air to iOS 8?
Are the wifi and other misc issues fixed now?
Anyone else do the 8.0.1 upgrade download it to their phone but not hit install now the phone is stuck saying it wont do it but i cant move on to .2 - any ideas aside from iTunes?
Is it time to update my iPad Air to iOS 8?
Are the wifi and other misc issues fixed now?
Can anyone help?
My AppStore updatesnin my iphone show 10 apps needing to be updated and I updated them in iTunes and synced.
But the badge still shows 10, and when I open the AppStore, it flashed the list of ten apps, but they change from update to "open" indicating they are up to date but they stay in the updates available list this retaining the badge.
restart the device
Reset network settingsDone that. Tried signing in and out.
So I just got the 6 plus, and the usage stats are all wonky. Is that something anyone else is experiencing with ios8? It's not a huge deal, but it's definitely annoying. Here's what I'm talking about.
Can't see the pic, but 'Usage' time ticks down even when the screen is off if an app is active.
I'll try to fix the picture, not having any luck on my phone, but basically it's showing my call usage as 12+ hours and data usage at 44+ gb. At the time I noticed it I hadn't owned the phone for 12 hours much less talked that much on it.
Man iOS 8 really messed my battery life up. I updated from iOS6 and it's so much worse. I have a 5. Does 8.0.2 remedy it at all?
Try this:
You were linking to a page containing a picture, not the image itself.
Man iOS 8 really messed my battery life up. I updated from iOS6 and it's so much worse. I have a 5. Does 8.0.2 remedy it at all?
Why would this had anything to do with AppStore uodates!Reset network settings
I still see iOS 6 on phones on the bus all the time. It's way more common than it should be. It looks so awful and bulky, especially now.Wait.
You skipped iOS 7 altogether??
That's incredible.
Can anyone help?
My AppStore updatesnin my iphone show 10 apps needing to be updated and I updated them in iTunes and synced.
But the badge still shows 10, and when I open the AppStore, it flashed the list of ten apps, but they change from update to "open" indicating they are up to date but they stay in the updates available list this retaining the badge.
Can anyone help?
My AppStore updatesnin my iphone show 10 apps needing to be updated and I updated them in iTunes and synced.
But the badge still shows 10, and when I open the AppStore, it flashed the list of ten apps, but they change from update to "open" indicating they are up to date but they stay in the updates available list this retaining the badge.
restart the device
Done that. Tried signing in and out.
Reset network settings
I had the same issue earlier today. I wasn't able to fix it, but strangely it's fine now.
I had the same issue earlier today. I wasn't able to fix it, but strangely it's fine now.
My wife was on iOS 6 until she got her iPhone 6 on launch day.
My dad's on iOS 5 because he "doesn't want to lose his maps"
My brother in law's still on iOS 6 because he knows people who upgraded to iOS 7 who "lost all their stuff"
The google maps app is pretty damned good, probably way more feature rich than the old basic built-in maps. The only thing that sucks is there's no way to launch addresses directly into google maps, so I have to hold, copy, paste into google maps.
As far as speed question for iOS 8. My devices:
iPhone 5
iPad Mini Retina
Any issues with slower speed when upgrading these devices to iOS 8? I don't want another situation where my iPhone 3G became unusable.
I still have the notification badge on my settings icon even after updating. anyone else have this issue? a fix? tried resetting, powered off, "task killer". nothing worked. the new update might have borked something with the badges seeing as it gets stuck with the other icons as well.
Camera+ has been updated to support editing from within the Photos app directly. This works amazingly well, and makes a huge difference to dealing with images! I just hope other apps get updated in time.
I'm over the moon at the improvements to the Photos stuff in IOS 8.
So what's the verdict on non-6 phones? Yes or no?
Install it fresh. Dont do a backup from the cloud. I had that issue and that helped a ton. Just setup as a new phone
You skipped iOS 7 altogether??
That's incredible.
A bit bigger than that actually. But as long as people put them in quotes like they should, there's no problem.The worst thinga bout the iPhone 6+ is that we willl be getting 1080P screen grabs being posted.
I jumped from iOS6 to 8, so stop me if this has already been discussed when iOS7 came out, but I really dislike how crowded the left side of the status bar looks now. The signal circles take up so much space and I don't see how they are better than bars. Hoping for a jailbreak soon so I can make them smaller and remove the carrier name.
I jumped from iOS6 to 8, so stop me if this has already been discussed when iOS7 came out, but I really dislike how crowded the left side of the status bar looks now. The signal circles take up so much space and I don't see how they are better than bars. Hoping for a jailbreak soon so I can make them smaller and remove the carrier name.