Any updates on the wifi issues on 5s? I had to replace my 5s with 8.1 because wifi was slow and not working sometimes. I got it replaced and been using 7.1.1 ever since and wifi working very good. Should I update and risk my wifi going to shit again?
I just updated my dad's 5S to 8.1.2 from 7.1.2. I've heard all the reports and fear it, but we'll see how it goes. Networking is such a bitch. Because it may nt specifically be an issue with the 5S hardware just a combination of, say, network protocols in conjunction with that hardware and older router software.
I can't stand people that insist something MUST be a problem in a particular area just because "it's not like that on other devices" or "wasn't like that before". I know it seems intuitive and logical, but it's not necessarily the case. For example, someone may complain that an issue that has just raised cannot be due to the liquid damage that occurred 8 months ago, because t was fine then, but that totally disregards slow corrosion that can have started that long ago.
When it comes to networking, many people rule out te router simply because "other devices are fine" but router software Is usually rarer to update to modern protocols and can have issues as newer devices DO get updated.
I'm just saying who knows where networking issues can lie - every update on anything in the chain of networking can bring up issues somewhere
Else in the chain that simply weren't before but t doesn't necessarily mean THAT device is the one with the issue.