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iOS 9: More than meets the eye


In spotlight is anyone else seeing an overlap between the search bar and the batter/provider bar? It seems so glaring I am not sure if it is my phone or an oversight.


Found an issue yesterday:

I had Soundhound open trying to identify a song, and I got a message notification on Facebook Messenger. I tapped on the notification to directly jump into the app. I locked my phone. When I unlocked it (via Touch ID), the home screen started jittering up and down, with the red notification stating that the microphone is in use popping in and out (this is probably causing the issue). It locked up my phone, so I had to do a force restart.

This might only be a one-time thing, since it happened during a very specific way.


Best YouTube client on iOS just got better guys!

I'm really not loving the new app switcher screen, it feels like a pain in the ass to constantly deal with if you have more than 4 apps running at the same time.


Currently using Crystal but wondering whether I should go for Purify or Peace at the moment. Seems to be arguments in favor for either with no clear winner.

Well, Crystal won't let you whitelist GAF, so that's something to keep in mind.

Truth be told ATM, Crystal is the only free option; any official GAF policy/opinion concerning this?


Well, Crystal won't let you whitelist GAF, so that's something to keep in mind.

Truth be told ATM, Crystal is the only free option; any official GAF policy/opinion concerning this?

Crystal isn't free anymore, was only free for 10 hours or so.
Well, Crystal won't let you whitelist GAF, so that's something to keep in mind.

Truth be told ATM, Crystal is the only free option; any official GAF policy/opinion concerning this?

Yeah, WL GAF is one of the reasons I'm interested in one or the other. Just nabbed Crystal since it was free and I wanted to see what the fuss is about.


I've downloaded both peace and purify and from what I can tell so far, purify seems to do a better job "to my eye" of cleaning up websites but I've read a lot of comments that peace does a better job behind the scenes. Is there any reason why I wouldn't want to just have both of them turned on at the same time, as long as I'm adding sites to both whitelists?


Super Sleuth
Well, Crystal won't let you whitelist GAF, so that's something to keep in mind.

Truth be told ATM, Crystal is the only free option; any official GAF policy/opinion concerning this?

As far as I know,it isn't bannable to use ad blocks, it's bannable to flaunt it.


No, the 5 can't use content blockers.

Again, if you're on a 4s or 5, invest in Weblock for adblocking, or a similar alternative.

I used Weblock until yesterday. Worked great.

Word and Excel opened side by side is just as nice as I expected but holy shit is that multi-tasking app selector fucking garbage. Scrolling through your entire list of multi-tasking capable apps is quite possibly the worst way for this to work. There's not even a search bar as far as I can tell.

Seriously. Would be nice if they just showed the iOS home screen in the sidebar. But obviously, that would only work if it's guaranteed that every single app supports slide-over/split view. So, never.

Are there other extensions aside from ad-blockers?

For Safari, you mean? No. They did not add support for browser extensions. They specifically added a way for developers to block content, nothing more.

So put everything behind paywalls?

My problem with paywalls is that they don't discriminate based on income. An ad-supported site is visible to everyone, rich or poor, even though the wealthier eyeballs may be much more valuable. It's not possible to have that openness with a paywalled site.

I have more faith in Marco Arment than I do in someone who released a pay-for adblocker that doesn't even have a whitelist. So I'm sure Peace will sort this out fairly soon.

I feel the same. Crystal is a joke. Literally zero options. And he's charging for it now? Good thing it was free for a while, because I wouldn't pay a penny for that.

For the time being, I'm gonna stick with Peace. If the white space issue isn't fixed in a few weeks, I'll switch to Purify.

This is what I see on that page:

But I'm not sure what ad space I'm looking for. Seems pretty cohesive, but I'm not sure.

I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that I was visiting the site on my iPad:


On my phone, it looks just like in your screenshot.

Thank you!

Is this a one time thing?

Yes it is. The app doesn't seem to have any block lists bundled, so it downloads them when you open it for the first time.

Does the actual Crystal app have to be running for it to be effective? I just loaded the trackers and then cleared the app out of the background and it seems fine.

No. When a content blocker is enabled in your device's System Settings, it provides a block list to Safari. Safari saves that list, so the blocker app doesn't have to be running at all.
However, Crystal in particular might update its block list from time to time. It can't do that if it isn't running in the background.

The iOS 9 extensions are specifically for Safari.

You'd think they'd open it up to apps that have in-app browsers too.

If the app uses the new Safari web view it will work too. Otherwise I'm pretty sure the developers can integrate those themselves.

iOS 9 content blockers work in Safari and Safari View Controller. SVC is nothing else but an in-app browser developers can add to their apps (or replace their self-developed in-app browsers with). Twitterrific, for instance, does already support SVC.

I wonder if the mods are making a list of everyone who's installed Crystal...

Could you guys please stop spreading this crap about people getting banned for using ad blockers? Because this doesn't happen.

I'm really not loving the new app switcher screen, it feels like a pain in the ass to constantly deal with if you have more than 4 apps running at the same time.

It's shit. But it looks cool. That's obviously the most important thing. Fuck usability!


I never thought I'd delete Chrome, but content blocker happened. Feel like I'm browsing Safari on 5G.

I wanted to test the free app 1Blocker first, then Peace, but I just saw in Settings I've had both activated :(


So my iPhone 6 was literally crashing every 5 minutes after updating to iOS 9, even while in airplane mode. I tried resetting it, disabling every service, and it still kept crashing. It managed to stay stable long enough for me to get it in the 9.1 beta and now all is well. Could not find evidence of anyone having a similar problem, no idea what was causing it.


I microwave steaks.
It looks like ios 9 has finally fixed what was throttling my lte speeds on my iphone 6 through At&t. Now i can finally stop using 4g lol

Also, this font will take some time getting used to.


When I try to unlock my phone with the passcode it takes a while for it to accept the first number I put in. Is this normal or should I factory reset? It's annoying as fuck.


My iPhone 6 isn't reacting well to the update, there are microstutters in animations particularly for the multitasking screen and the control/notification centre wasn't working and I had to do a reboot to fix it.

The Real Abed

the newsstand app is either missing or i deleted it before. how do i get it back?
NewsStand is dead. They replaced it with just using a normal folder for your magazines. Since magazines are just apps anyway. Now you can put them anywhere.

Fucking hell, folders on the iphone still just show the bullshit 3x3 square of apps per page in that stupid little box. Their phones are now huge, whats the deal?
It's stupid. I'd settle for just one extra row. They were much more useful in iOS 6.


Siri is absolutely amazing now!

Looks great, works really quickly, and is very accurate after setting up the custom voice stuff.

Can't wait to see it on the new phone. So pumped.

- spotlight search in third party apps
- content blockers
- faster siri
- more open app features (like quick reply)

- performance (lol at the pull down search on the 5S. Pure shit)
- proactive is garbage. Just shows the most recent apps. 100% useless
- battery on the 5S
- phone gets hot
has anyone experienced less safari tab refreshes after content blocking

I haven't had a single page refresh and I don't even have any ad blockers installed. iOS 9 is a godsend just for this.

The battery stats are hilariously useless when they show you the last 20 hours or whatever and not from when you were unplugged. What a dumb decision.

You can still see the uage since it was last charged if you scroll down, but yeah, not sure why they changed the old settings.

Why the hate on folders? They can hold dozens of apps each now. Does it matter that you have to page through them?

Yes. There's no reason why it can't have a 2x larger display area.


I'd jump ship to Safari if it has a close all tabs option that is quickly accessible.

Putting it in the system setting that also clears all other browsing data is not an option


I'm really not sure if I should upgrade from 7 to 9 on my 4S.

Is it worth doing or will it just run a lot slower?

Really happy so far (I've upgraded from 8 though).

Much, much smoother than 8, web noticeably better. First impressions it may do me another year...

Real heart in the mouth moment when the install progress bar was stuck 2mm from the end for over 30mins. But it finally rebooted and all is good.

Only 2 bugs so far: rebooted when plugged into my AppRadio cradle (but recovered and worked), and Podcasts edit mode seems to have no function?

Lower case font in the keyboard looks slightly odd, almost like a few letters are slightly off centre (looking at you t, l).

Anyway much better than 8 so far, and (straining to recall 7) similar in speed? No Safari page load errors as yet, which seemed reasonably frequent in 8.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I'd jump ship to Safari if it has a close all tabs option that is quickly accessible.

Putting it in the system setting that also clears all other browsing data is not an option

I mean yeah it would be harmless to add.. but on ipad at least, going to thumbnail mode takes mere seconds (less than 5) to close TONS of tabs.. even iphone isn't the end of the world in rolodex mode.
I found an annoying bug, when i slide right to unlock my screen (when its completely locked and black) pressing on the number 1 quickly and fast will never register within the first second. Its incredibly annoying when trying to unlock my phone.

Most the time i slide and start pressing as soon as the numbers show up and the 1 never registers so my code doesnt work 90% of the time.


Wait. There isn't a built-in adblock? You have to download and pay for an app? I haven't really paid attention but that's shocking to me. How does it even work?
Wait. There isn't a built-in adblock? You have to download and pay for an app? I haven't really paid attention but that's shocking to me. How does it even work?

Download the adblock of your choice (Crystal, Purify, and Peace seem to the be top 3 at the moment), run the app once so you can take a look at the settings, then go into Settings->Safari->Content Blockers and turn on which one you want. You can even have more than one running if you really want

Purify and Peace has whitelists, while for the moment Crystal does not
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