A lot of good games there. Duck Tales is temptingA ton of games have gone on sale in what is probably going to be an Apple sponsored event. All of the following are $.99:
I Am Bread
Duck Tales Remastered
Tetrabot and Co.
Ski Safari 2
Alto's Adventure
Knightmare Tower
Tiny Guardians
Danmaku Unlimited 1 & 2
Hitman GO
Leo's Fortune
Goat Simulator
Rogue Star
Agent A (already had mentioned this but figured it was worth mentioning again)
Broken Sword 5
The Shadow Sun
Planet Driver
Trick Shot
There are others but those are some of the more notable ones. Also of note is Door Kickers for $1.99.
Tetrobot is a really easy recommendation. It's easy to play, but the puzzles definitely aren't easy
Trick Shot is a fun physics puzzler. The dev also did art for Monument Valley
Knightmare Tower is like one of the gold standards for quick, replayable, arcade-y games on mobile.