Has anyone tried Dead Man's Draw?
If so, opinions?
It's pretty cool. Starts off pretty basic where you're pulling cards off the deck and if 2 match suits then you bust and lose them all. Pretty quickly you unlock the cards special abilities, so pulling a cannon lets you discard one of your opponents cars, a hook lets you play one of your own cards, getting both a key and chest will let you collect an equal number of cards from the discard pile, etc. You can then come up with cool combos where you pull a hook, so you play your sword to steal a cannon from your opponent thereby taking two cards from him instead of one.
The game is broken up into small tournaments against AI and each one can have special rules like all collected cards (instead of just the highest per suit) counts for your score. That keeps things interesting and there are a TON of tournaments.
The only thing I'm not big on are the traits feature. Traits give you special abilities, but they have limited uses and you need to buy them with gold. I can see getting into a situation where you need to grind out matches to earn enough gold to buy some trait to help you actually win some matches. Though so far even if my opponent has a special trait I have been able to beat them without using one myself.
Long story short, its cool. Card powers give it just enough of a twist to keep things interesting. Perfect game to play when you have a few minutes to kill.